How to Use Multiple IF Statements in Excel Data Validation (3 Examples)

What Are Multiple IF Statements in Excel?

In Excel, when a formula contains more than one IF statement nested within another IF statement, it creates what we call “multiple IF statements.” This technique is also known as the Nested IF Function. These multiple IF statements allow you to evaluate multiple conditions simultaneously and return corresponding values based on those conditions.

Dataset Overview

We’ll work with a sample dataset containing country names from three continents: Asia, Africa, and Europe.

Dataset for Multiple IF Statements in Excel Data Validation

Example 1 – Using 2 IF Statements for Data Validation

  • Select the cell range B5:B9 and name it Asia using the Name Box.

Named Range for Using 2 IF Statements

  • Similarly, name the cell ranges C5:C9 and D5:D9 as Africa and Europe, respectively.
  • Create another table where we’ll insert the data validation based on the continent and country names.

Output Table for 2 IF Statements

  • Select cell C11 and choose Data Validation from the Data tab.

Selecting Data Validation from Home tab

  • In the Data Validation window, choose List from the Allow box.
  • Set the source to the cell range B4:D4:
  • Press OK.

Applying Data Validation settings

  • Similarly, for cell C12, insert this formula in the Source box:
  • Press OK.

Using 2 IF Statements in Data Validation

  • You can now choose any continent name from the list in cell C11.

The first output of Data Validation

  • The respective country names will appear in the following list.

The second output of Data Validation

Note: We used named ranges to simplify the formula, but you can provide cell ranges directly, if needed.

Read More: Dynamic Data Validation List in Excel with IF Statement Condition

Example 2 – Data Validation with 3 IF Statements

  • Insert a new column beside the dataset and name it NorthAmerica.

Additional Named Range for Data Validation with 3 IF Statements in Excel

  • Apply data validation for the titles as before (using cell C11).

Data Validation settings for Header cells

  • Enter the following formula in the Source box of the Data Validation window for cell C12:

Data Validation settings for 3 IF Statements in Excel

  • Press OK.
  • You’ll get a data validation list for each continent.

Selecting the first output from Data Validation in Excel

  • Choose the country of the respective continent based on the IF statements.

Selecting the second output from Data Validation in Excel

Read More: How to Check If Cell Contains One of Several Values in Excel

Similar Readings

Example 3 – Applying 4 IF Statements to Excel Data Validation

  • Apply the same settings for cell C11 in the Data Validation window.

Continent category settings for drop-down list in Excel Data Validation

  • Insert this formula in the Source box for cell C12:

Multiple IF Statements in Excel Data Validation

  • You’ll get a drop-down list based on 4 IF statements.

The final output of 4 IF Statements to Excel Data Validation

Read More: How to Prepare IF Statement Contains Multiple Words in Excel

How to Use the INDIRECT Function in Excel Data Validation Instead of Multiple IF Statements

The INDIRECT function is a powerful alternative to the IF function in Data Validation. Even when no specific value needs to be looked up, the combination of these two functions produces excellent results.

  • Scenario:
    • Suppose we have a dataset with country names from the Asia and Africa columns.
    • Additionally, we’ve added a new column named World containing countries not present in the previous dataset.

Dataset for Combining IF & INDIRECT Functions

  • Start by applying the following setting for the Category in cell C11.

Data Validation settings for Category

  • In cell C12, enter the following formula in the Source box of the Data Validation window:

Applying only the INDIRECT function

Here, we’re using the INDIRECT function as a substitute for the IF function. It returns a logical value based on the given cell reference (C11).
  • You’ll get the same output for the data validation as before.

The output of applying only the INDIRECT function

  • If you haven’t selected any name from the Category list, enter this formula in cell C12:

 Combining IF & INDIRECT Functions

The IF function checks if C11 is blank (“”). If so, it returns names from the World list.

  • Despite a blank Category selection, you’ll still get country names based on the INDIRECT function.

Results of Combining IF & INDIRECT Functions

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Sanjida Mehrun Guria
Sanjida Mehrun Guria

Hello! Welcome to my blog. I have completed my Bachelor in Architecture from Ashanullah University of Science & Technology, Dhaka. I am a passionate, goal-oriented person with an immense thirst for knowledge and an attitude to grow continuously. Besides Architectural work, I find it very enthusiastic to work in Excel blogging. Exceldemy is a platform where I have got the opportunity to flourish my skill in Microsoft Excel and therefore, here I will be posting blogs related to... Read Full Bio

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