How to Zoom In or Out in Excel – 6 Examples

This is an overview.

Zooming Slider in Excel

Use Zoom Slider
Apply a Combination of Keyboard and Mouse Wheel
Apply Keyboard Shortcut
Utilize View Tab
Use Workbook Views
Apply VBA Code
Things to Remember
Zooming in Excel: Knowledge Hub

Example 1 – Use the Zoom Slider to Zoom In or Out in Excel

  • Drag the zoom slider to the left to zoom out and to the right to zoom in.
  • Alternatively, click the Minus sign to zoom out and the Plus sign to zoom in.

Zooming Slider to Zoom Out in Excel

  • You can also click the zoom level percentage.
  • Enter a custom value to set a zoom level.

Custom Zooming Slider in Excel

  • The zoom level is set to 88%:

Output of Custom Zooming Slider

Example 2 – Combining Keyboard and Mouse Wheel

  • To zoom in, hold Ctrl and scroll upward.
  • To zoom out, hold Ctrl and scroll downward.
Using Combination of Keyboard and Mouse Wheel for Zooming in Excel

Click the GIF for a detailed view

Example 3 – Apply a Keyboard Shortcut

  • Press Ctrl+Shift+Plus to zoom in.
  • Ctrl+Shift+Minus to zoom out.

Keyboard Shortcut to Change Excel Zooming

Example 4 – Utilize the View Tab to Zoom In or Out

  • Go to the View tab.
  • Select Zoom.
  • Choose 100%.
  • Click Zoom to Selection to zoom in  or out a selection in the sheet.

Zoom Group Under Excel View Tab

Example 5 – Use the Workbook Views

  • There are four views available in Workbook Views.

Workbook Views Under View Tab

  • Select Page Break Preview; it will zoom out the Excel file.

Page Break View

  • The Page Layout view will split the sheet into several pages.

Page Layout View for Excel Zooming

  • Select Normal to zoom out again.

Normal View to Zoom Out

Example 6 – Apply VBA to Excel Zooming In or Out

  • Consider the following image. The current zoom level is 80% for the active window.
  • Go to the Developer tab and click Visual Basic to open the Visual Basic Editor window.

Visual Basic Option in Developer Tab

Note: You can use Alt + F11 to open the Visual Basic Editor window.

  • Click Insert and select Module.

Inserting Module

  • Enter the following code in the module.

There are two subroutines. The ZoomInActiveWindow  zooms in the active Excel window and The ZoomOutActiveWindow zooms out the active Excel window.

  • Click Save.
  • Click Run.

VBA Code to Zoom in or Out Excel Window


Sub ZoomInActiveWindow()
    On Error Resume Next
    increase_zoom = InputBox("Increase zoom level by:")
    If IsNumeric(increase_zoom) = False Then
        MsgBox "Enter a number please!"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    ActiveWindow.Zoom = ActiveWindow.Zoom + increase_zoom
End Sub

Sub ZoomOutActiveWindow()
    On Error Resume Next
    decrease_zoom = InputBox("Decrease zoom level by:")
    If IsNumeric(decrease_zoom) = False Then
        MsgBox "Enter a number please!"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    ActiveWindow.Zoom = ActiveWindow.Zoom - decrease_zoom
End Sub

  • You will see a dialog box with both subroutines. To zoom in, select ZoomInActiveWindow. To zoom out, select ZoomOutActiveWindow. Here, ZoomInActiveWindow was selected.
  • Click Run.

Running VBA Subroutine to Zoom in Excel

  • You will see an input box. Enter a number to increase the zoom level. Here, 7.
  • Click OK.

Entering Zoom Level Increase Value

  • The current zoom level is increased to 87%. You can zoom out by running the ZoomOutActiveWindow subroutine.

Zoom Level Increased

What Are the Things to Remember?

  • If you zoom in or out, only that worksheet will change.
  • You can zoom in or out in multiple worksheets: select the sheet and perform the zoom.
  • You can’t zoom in less than 10% and more than 400%.
  • If you have a Named Range, and zoom below 40%, the name of the range will be displayed.

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Zooming in Excel: Knowledge Hub

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Rafiul Haq
Rafiul Haq

Rafiul Haq worked as an Excel and VBA Content Developer in Exceldemy for over two years and published almost 200 articles for the website. He is passionate about exploring new aspects of Excel and VBA. He received his Bachelor of Science in Mechanical and Production Engineering (MPE) from the Islamic University of Technology. Rafiul furthered his education by obtaining an MBA in Finance from the Institute of Business Administration (IBA) at the University of Dhaka. Apart from creating... Read Full Bio

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