How to Paste in Excel – A Complete Guide

This is an overview.

Overview of How to Paste in Excel

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How to Paste in Excel


1. Use the Paste Command

To move F4:G15 to D4:

  • Select F4:G15 and click Cut in Clipboard.

Cut a Range in Excel

  • Select D4 and click Paste in Clipboard.

How to Use Paste Command from Clipboard Menu in Excel

You can access the Paste command by right-clicking.

How to Use Paste Command from Right-Click Menu in Excel

This is the output.

Output After Using Paste Command

2.  Applying Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Paste a copied or cut range pressing Ctrl + V.

How to Use Keyboard Shortcut to Paste Data in Excel

This is the output.

Output After Using Keyboard Shortcut for Paste

3. Paste as Values

Use the following formula to get the Tax values from salaries.


Formula Used in Dataset

  • Select E5:E15 and click Copy in Clipboard or right-click. You can also press Ctrl + C to copy the range.

Copying Range with Formulas

  • Select E5 >> click the dropdown in Paste >> select Values.

How to Paste Data as Values in Excel

This will replace formulas with values.

Output After Pasting as Values

4. Paste Formulas Only

  • Select the cell or range containing the formula and click Copy.

Copying Cell with Formula

  • Select the range to paste the formula >> click the dropdown in Paste >> click Formulas.

How to Paste Formulas in Excel

The formula will be pasted into the selected cells.

Output After Pasting Formulas

Note: Copy formulas using the Fill Handle tool.

5. Paste Transpose

To paste a range in transpose (interchanging rows and columns):

  • Select the range and click Copy in Clipboard or right-click.

Copying Data to Paste as Transpose

  • Select the cell to paste the range >> right-click  >> select Transpose in Paste Options.

How to Paste as Transpose in Excel

This is the output.

Output After Pasting Transpose in Excel

Read More: Use Paste Options in Excel

6. Paste Cell Formatting

The Balance was calculated after deducting Tax from the Salary using the following formula:


Cells are not formatted. To paste the existing formatting in these cells:

  • Select E4:E15 and click Copy in Clipboard.

18. Copying Range to Paste Cell Formatting

  • Select F4 >> click the dropdown in Paste >> select Formatting.

How to Paste Cell Formatting in Excel

This is the output.

Output After Pasting Cell Formatting

7. Paste Formulas Without Changing References

  • Select the range you want to copy >> in the Home tab click the dropdown in Find & Select >> select Replace.

Selecting Replace Feature

  • In the Find and Replace dialog box, set Find what to = and Replace with to # >> click Replace All.

Replacing = Sign with Another Symbol to Convert Formula into String

  • Select the range again and click Copy in Clipboard.

Copying the Range

  • Select the cell to paste the copied range and click  Paste in Clipboard.

Pasting the Range

  • Select the pasted range >> in the Home tab click the dropdown in Find & Select >> select  Replace.

Selecting the Replace Feature Again

  • In the Find and Replace dialog box, set Find what to # and  Replace with to = >> click Replace All.

Substituting the Previously Used Symbol with = Symbol

The cell values will return to normal with unaltered cell references in the formulas.

Pasted Range Without Changing Cell Reference

Note: Use the Absolute Cell Reference using the $ symbol.

8. Paste Without Copying Hidden Cells

There are hidden cells in the dataset.

To avoid the hidden cells while pasting:

  • Select the range >> in the Home tab, click the dropdown in Find & Select>> select Go To Special.

Selecting the Go To Special Feature

In the Go To Special user form, select  Visible cells only  and click OK.

Selecting the Visible Cells Only

  • Click Copy in Clipboard.

Copying the Visible Cells only

  • Select the cells to paste the copied range and click  Paste in Clipboard.

How to Paste Only Visible Cells in Excel

There are no hidden cells in the pasted range.

Output of Paste Without Copying Hidden Cells

9. Paste Non-Adjacent Cells


9.1 Cells Are Not in Same Row/Column

If you select non-adjacent cells from different rows or columns and try to copy them, you will get an error notification.

Copy Non-adjacent Cells from Different Row or Columns

9.2 Cells Are in Same Row/Column

If cells are in the same row or column, you can copy them.

Copy Non-adjacent Cells from Same Row or Columns

  • Paste them using the Paste option or pressing Ctrl + V.

Output of Pasting Non-Adjacent Cells from Same Row or Column

9.3 Copy and Paste Value from Above Cells

The dataset contains sales values and profits of different departments in different years. There are blank cells in the Year column.

To copy and paste values from the above cells:

  • Select B5:B16 >> click the dropdown in Find & Select >> select  Go To Special.

Selecting the Go To Special Feature

  • In the Go To Special user form, select Blanks  and click OK.

Selecting the Blank Cells Only

Enter the following formula in B5 >> Hold Ctrl  >> press Enter.


How to Apply Formula to Paste Values from Above Cells in Blank Cells in Excel

All blank cells will be filled with copied values.

Output After Pasting Values from Above Cells

10. Move Cells by Dragging and Dropping

  • Select the range you want to move >> hover your mouse pointer around the border of the selected range >> the Drag icon is displayed.
  • Drag the selected range to the new location.

Drag Icon to Move the Cells

This is the output.

Output After Moving Cells with Drag and Drop Method

3 Examples of how to Use Paste Special in Excel

1. Paste Comments

  • To paste comments, select the cell and click Copy in Clipboard.

Copying Cells with Comments

  • Select the cell or cells to paste the comment >> click the dropdown in Paste >> select Paste Special.

Selecting Paste Special Feature

  • In the Paste Special dialog box, select Comments and Notes  >> click OK.

How to Paste Comments in Excel

The comment will be added to the selected cells.

Output After Pasting Comments in Excel

2. Paste keeping the Column Width

2.1 Keeping Column Width and Cell Content

To paste a range with the same column width and cell content:

  • Select the range and click Copy in Clipboard.

Copying Cells to Paste Column Width with Cell Content

  • Select a cell to paste the range >> click the dropdown in Paste >> select Keep Source Column Width.

How to Paste Column Width with Cell Content in Excel

This is the output.

Output After Pasting Column Width with Cell Content

2.2 Paste with Column Width Only

To paste the column width of the Salary column:

  • Select any cell in the column and click Copy in Clipboard.

Copying Cell to Paste Column Width Only

  • Select any cell in the Tax column >> in Paste, select Paste Special.

Selecting Paste Special Feature

In the Paste Special dialog box, select Column widths and click OK.

How to Paste Only Column Width in Excel

The column width increased.

Output After Pasting Only Column Width

Read More: How to Use Paste Special Command in Excel

3. How to Paste and Add/Subtract/Multiply/Divide At a Time in Excel


3.1 Replacing Percentages with Values

The dataset showcases a list of salaries and the percentage of taxes.

To replace the tax percentages with values:

  • Select the D5:D15 (salary values) and click Copy in Clipboard.

Copying Salary Values

  • Select E5:E15 (tax percentages) >> click Paste >> Select Paste Special.

Selecting Paste Special Feature

In the Paste Special dialog box, select Multiply and click OK.

How to Use Paste Special to Replace Percentage with Actual Values in Excel

The tax percentages will be converted to the values.

Output After Replacing Percentage with Actual Values

Read More: How to Use Paste Options in Excel

3.2 Remove Multiple Hyperlinks At a Time

In the dataset the employees’ profiles are linked to the employees’ names.

To remove the links:

  • Click a cell with numbers (here, E5) and click Copy in Clipboard.

Copying Any Cell with Numerical Values

  • Select the range with links >> click Paste >> select Paste Special.

Selecting Paste Special Feature

  • In the Paste Special dialog box, select Add or any other Operation and click OK.

How to Apply Paste Special to Remove Hyperlinks in Excel

All links are removed.

Output After Removing Hyperlinks

The Paste Special Feature is Not Working in Excel

If the Paste Special feature is disabled:

  • Go to the File tab.

Selecting File Tab in Excel

  • Click Options.

Selecting Options Menu

  • In the Excel Options dialog box, click Advanced.
  • Check Show Paste Options button when content is pasted.
  • Click OK.

Enabling Paste Special Feature from Advanced Options

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I paste data in Excel using keyboard shortcuts?

Answer: There are several keyboard shortcuts available for pasting data in Excel:

Purpose Keyboard Shortcut
Paste the cell contents and formatting Ctrl + V
Paste values only Ctrl + Shift + V
Paste Formulas only Ctrl + Alt + V and then F
Paste Transpose Ctrl + Alt + V and then E
Paste Formatting only Ctrl + Alt + V and then T
Paste Comments only Ctrl + Alt + V and then C
Paste Values and Number Formats Ctrl + Alt + V and then U
Paste Column Width only Ctrl + Alt + V and then W
Add pasted data to the data in the destination cells Ctrl + Alt + V and then D
Subtract pasted data from the data in the destination cells  Ctrl + Alt + V and then S
Multiply pasted data by  the data in the destination cells  Ctrl + Alt + V and then M
Divide pasted data by  the data in the destination cells Ctrl + Alt + V and then I
  • What is the difference between regular paste and paste special in Excel?

Answer: Regular paste pastes the copied or cut data into the selected cell or range exactly as it was copied (with formatting and formulas).

With the Paste Special you can paste formulas, formatting, column widths, or comments only.

  • Can I paste data from other applications, like Word or web browsers, into Excel?

Answer: Yes, you can paste data from other applications like Microsoft Word, web browsers, and other sources into Microsoft Excel. You can copy text, numbers, dates, and other information.

If the data is not recognized or requires additional formatting, you may need to adjust it manually after pasting.

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Seemanto Saha
Seemanto Saha

Seemanto Saha graduated in Industrial and Production Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology. He has been with ExcelDemy for a year, where he wrote 40+ articles and reviewed 50+ articles. He has also worked on the ExcelDemy Forum and solved 50+ user problems. Currently, he is working as a team leader for ExcelDemy. His role is to guide his team to write reader-friendly content. His interests are Advanced Excel, Data Analysis, Charts & Dashboards, Power Query,... Read Full Bio

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