How to Copy and Paste in Excel

How to Paste in Excel – A Complete Guide

This is an overview. Download Practice Workbook Download the following file and practice. Paste in Excel.xlsx How to ...

How to Enable Paste Option in Excel (3 Suitable Ways)

Error in Paste or Paste Special can happen while pasting in Excel. Excel is sometimes unable to show paste options due to settings error or may be ...

How to Copy and Paste a Column in Excel – 5 Methods

  This is the sample dataset. You want to copy column B and paste it into another column.   Method 1 - Using a Keyboard Shortcut ...

How to Copy Paste Vertical to Horizontal in Excel (2 Easy Ways)

  Let's use a daily Sales Report of a fast-food shop to demonstrate vertical-to-horizontal copying. Columns B, C, and D of this dataset ...

How to Copy and Paste Formulas Without Changing Cell References in Excel

Let’s say we are dealing with a dataset in which different employees and their monthly salaries are shown. The first name “Sam” is the project ...

How to Paste an Image into an Excel Cell from Clipboard (2 Easy Ways)

Method 1 – Using a Keyboard Shortcut Below are the blank cells where we will paste the image from the clipboard. We have also resized the cell size ...

How to Copy and Paste in Excel and Keep Cell Size (7 Examples)

Step 1 – Using the Context Menu The dataset below contains information on employees’ Names, Duration of work, and wage Amounts for Project 1 ...

How to Copy and Paste in Excel without Formulas (7 Easy Methods)

We have a dataset containing sales data along and total sales. We have used Excel functions to get the Total Sales. We will show you how to copy and ...

How to Disable Copy and Paste in Excel without Macros (With 2 Criteria)

Sometimes we need to share our Excel worksheet with users or clients. Suppose we want them to only be able to view the worksheet but not copy and ...

Copy and Paste Is Not Working in Excel (9 Reasons & Solutions)

The following dataset represents the Product, Price, Quantity, and Total of a company. We'll use it to demonstrate the most common reasons for ...

How to Copy and Paste in Excel with Merged Cells (2 Methods)

The following picture demonstrates how you can copy into merged cells with formulas. How to Copy and Paste in Excel with Merged Cells: 2 ...

How to Copy and Paste in Excel When Filter Is On (5 Methods)

We're going to use a sample dataset as an example. The following dataset represents the Salesman, Product, and Net Sales of a company. There are two ...

How to Copy and Paste in Excel Using VBA (12 Methods)

Download Practice Workbook You can download the workbooks used to illustrate methods in this article from here. Excel VBA Copy Paste.xlsm ...

How to Fill Across Worksheets in Excel (3 Quick Ways)

In this article, we will explain how to Fill across multiple worksheets in Excel, whether filling data, formats, or both.   Example ...

How to Copy Formatting in Excel to Another Sheet (3 Easy Ways)

In this article we will copy the format of a certain dataset and paste it to another sheet like the image below.     Method 1 ...

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