How to Apply ‘If Greater Than’ Condition In Excel (9 Ways)

Method 1 – Using a Logical Operator to Test the If Greater Than Condition

Here’s a dataset of the marks obtained by several students. We want to find who got a score higher than 80.

Use Logical Operator to Test ‘If Greater Than’ Condition


  • Insert the following formula in cell D5

Use Logical Operator to Test ‘If Greater Than’ Condition

  • Hit Enter.

Use Logical Operator to Test ‘If Greater Than’ Condition

  • Repeat the formula while changing the cell reference or use the AutoFill Handle Tool.

Use Logical Operator to Test ‘If Greater Than’ Condition

Read More: How to Use Comparison Operators in Excel

Method 2 – Using the OR Function with an If Greater Than Operator

We have a dataset of obtained marks in two consecutive months. We want to know if the score is higher than 60 in either of the two terms.

Use the OR Function to Apply ‘If Greater Than’


  • In cell E5, use the following formula:
  • Press Enter to the result.

Use the OR Function to Apply ‘If Greater Than’

  • Repeat the formula for other cells or use AutoFill.

Use the OR Function to Apply ‘If Greater Than’

Read More: How to Perform Greater than and Less than in Excel

Method 3 – Combining the AND Function with the If Greater Than Operator

We’re looking for the subjects where the student acquired more than 60 marks in both terms.


  • Use the formula below to apply the AND Function:

Use the OR Function to Apply ‘If Greater Than’

  • Click Enter.

Use the AND function to Perform ‘If Greater Than’

  • Use AutoFill.

Use the AND function to Perform ‘If Greater Than’

Read More: How to Use Greater Than or Equal to Operator in Excel Formula

Method 4 – Using the IF Function to Apply the If Greater Than Condition

We want to return ‘Passed’ for numbers more than 80 and ‘Failed’ for numbers equal to or less than 80.

Use the AND function to Perform ‘If Greater Than’


  • In cell D5, enter the formula below to apply the IF function:

Use the IF Function to Apply ‘If Greater Than’

  • Hit the Enter button to see the result.

Use the IF Function to Apply ‘If Greater Than’

  • Use AutoFill to copy the formula throughout the column.

Use the IF Function to Apply ‘If Greater Than’

Read More: How to Use Less Than Or Equal to Operator in Excel

Method 5 – Using the COUNTIF Function with the If Greater Than Operator

We want to calculate the number of people who got more than 80.

Use the COUNTIF Function to Test ‘If Greater Than’ Condition


  • Enter the following formula in cell C14.

Use the COUNTIF Function to Test ‘If Greater Than’ Condition

  • Press Enter.

Use the COUNTIF Function to Test ‘If Greater Than’ Condition

Method 6 – Applying the If Greater Than Operator with the SUMIF Function

We want to sum scores that are greater than 60.

 Use the SUMIF Function to Apply ‘If Greater Than’


  • In cell F6, insert the formula below:

 Use the SUMIF Function to Apply ‘If Greater Than’

  • Press Enter to find the total.

 Use the SUMIF Function to Apply ‘If Greater Than’

Method 7 – Using the AVERAGEIF Function with the If Greater Than Operator

We want to evaluate the average of those averages which are higher than 80.

Use the AVERAGEIF Function to Perform ‘If Greater Than’


  • In cell E13, insert the following formula to find the conditional average.
  • Hit Enter to see the average.

Use the AVERAGEIF Function to Perform ‘If Greater Than’

Method 8 – Using Conditional Formatting to Apply an If Greater Than Condition

We will highlight the cells with values greater than 80.


  • Select the entire dataset and press Ctrl + T to convert it into a table. Hit OK in the dialog box.

Use Conditional Formatting

  • Select the table and click the formatting sign on the right of the table.
  • Select the Greater than option from Formatting.

Use Conditional Formatting

  • Input the range in the left box.
  • Select the formatting color in the right box.
  • Press Enter.
  • Use Conditional Formatting You will get values greater than 80 in red.

Use Conditional Formatting

Method – Running VBA Code

We want to apply the VBA code to differentiate values greater than 80. Values greater than 80 will return passed.

Run A VBA Code


  • Press Alt + F11 to open the Macro-Enabled Worksheet.
  • Click Insert from the tab.
  • Select Module.
  • Paste the following VBA code into the module.
Sub nnn()
Dim score As Integer , result As String
score = Range("C5").Value
If score >= 80 Then
    result = "passed"
    result = "failed"
End If
Range("D5").Value = result
End Sub


score = Range(“reference cell”).Value

Range(“return cell”).Value = result

Run A VBA Code

  • Run the code by pressing F5.
  • You will get the result in cell D5 as programmed.

Run A VBA Code

  • Repeat the previous steps for all cells in the range C5:C11 and return the result in range D5:D11.

Run A VBA Code

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Further Readings

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Bhubon Costa
Bhubon Costa

Bhubon Costa, B.Sc. in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology, has worked with the ExcelDemy since 2021. Currently, he has been working as a reviewer. Notably, he has written over 90 articles and led several VBA content development teams. He has a great passion for the fields of data analytics and data science. His areas of expertise include Excel VBA, Power Query, Pivot Table, Power BI, MySQL, PostgreSQL, machine learning, and Python... Read Full Bio

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