How to Create a Calculator Using Macros in Excel (with Easy Steps)

Step 1 – Record Macro


  • Create a basic outline as shown in the following image. We constructed two Input cells in cells C4 and C5. You can seeOutput cell in cell C10.

Record Macro

Record Macros to create calculator in Excel

The Record Macro dialog box will open.

  • In the Macro name box, enter Addition.
  • Click OK.

Working on Record Macros dialog box in Excel

Excel will record the works done in the worksheet.

  • Select cell C10 and enter the following formula.
  • Press ENTER.
  • Click on the Stop button on the left-bottom corner of the display to stop recording the macro.

Step 2 – Copy Code for Various Operations


  • Proceed to the Developer
  • Click on Macros in the Code

Copy Code for Various Operations

The Macro dialog box will pop up.

  • Select the Addition macro.
  • Click Edit.

Macros dialog box in Excel

The Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window will open. We can see the relevant codes here.

Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window

Follow this sub-procedure to create macros for other operations like subtraction, multiplication, and division.

  • Copy the code and paste it three times.
  • Change the operator from (+) to (–) for subtraction, to (*) for multiplication and to (/) for division.

kinda similar code for different operations in Excel

We chose to create 2 dedicated macros for deleting contents from the cells.

  • Open the Record Macro dialog box.
  • Enter Clear_Output as the Macro name.
  • Click OK.

The macro will start recording.

  • Select cell C10.
  • Navigate to the Home tab.
  • Click on the Clear drop-down icon.
  • Select Clear Contents.
  • Click on the Stop button on the Status Bar.

Clear Contents in Excel

You can see the VBA code for this macro.

  • We created a different macro to Clear_All.

Macros for clear all in Excel

With this macro, we can delete the contents in cells C4, C5, and C10.

Step 3 – Insert Button from Form Controls


Insert Button

  • Place a button as shown in the image below.

Inserting button in Excel

  • Right-click on the button and click on the Edit Text option.

Editing button caption in Excel

The button for Addition is created.

insert button to create a calculator using macros in Excel

Step 4 – Assign Macro to Button


  • Right-click on the button and select Assign macro… from the context menu.

Assign Macro to Button

  • From the Assign Macro dialog box, select Addition in the Macro name box.
  • Click OK.

Assign macro dialog box

  • Follow the previous steps to assign macros to their respective buttons.

different buttons of calculator

  • Moreover, follow the previous steps to assign macros to their respective buttons.

Assigning macro to create calculator using macros in Excel

Check whether it is working or not.

  • Enter two inputs in cells C4 and C5.

giving inputs

  • Click on the + (plus) button to get the output in cell C10.

  • Click on the/ (division) button to get the result in cell C10.

Doing division in Excel

To clear the output in cell C10, click on the Clear Output button.

The Clear All button will delete the inputs and outputs.

Assigning macros to button to create calculator in Excel

Read More: How to Create Toggle Button on Excel VBA UserForm

How to Create a Pricing Calculator in Excel

This is how to calculate the selling price of a product based on its cost and %markup. If we have the Cost and our expected %Markup the formula for calculating the Selling Price would be:

Selling Price = Cost * (1 + %Markup)


The sample dataset below constains a list of some Products and their corresponding production Costs in columns B and C. We have the expected Markup percentage in cell C4, which is 10%.

How to Create a Pricing Calculator in Excel

  • Create a new column with the heading Selling Price under Column D.
  • Enter the following formula in cell D7.
  • Press ENTER.

Enter your expected Markup percentage in cell D4 and your Costs in Column C. This calculator will calculate others.

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Shahriar Abrar Rafid
Shahriar Abrar Rafid

Shahriar Abrar Rafid, BSc, Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh, has worked with the ExcelDemy project for more than 1 year. He has written over 100+ articles for ExcelDemy. He is a professional visual content developer adept at crafting scripts, meticulously editing Excel files, and delivering insightful video tutorials for YouTube channels. His work and learning interests vary from Microsoft Office Suites and Excel to Data Analysis, VBA, and Video recording and... Read Full Bio

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