How to Generate Random Data in Excel – 9 Easy Methods



Method 1 – Applying the RANDBETWEEN Function to Generate Random Data in Excel

Use the RANDBETWEEN function to generate random numbers within an upper and lower number.

Step 1:

  • Select the Cells to enter the random data. Here, B4:B12.
  • Enter the formula.


The RANDBETWEEN function returns a random integer number between the specific numbers.

Apply RANDBETWEEN Function to Generate Random Data in Excel

  • Press CTRL+Enter.
  • Random integer numbers between 1 to 100 are displayed.

Apply RANDBETWEEN Function to Generate Random Data in Excel

Duplicate values may appear.

Step 2:

  • Select the Cells to enter the random data.
  • Enter the formula.


The RANDBETWEEN function returns integers between the given numbers.

Apply RANDBETWEEN Function to Generate Random Data in Excel

  • Press CTRL+Enter.

Apply RANDBETWEEN Function to Generate Random Data in Excel

Duplicate values may appear.

Method 2 – Using the RAND Function to Generate Random Data in Excel

Use the RAND function.

2.1 Generate Data Between 0 and 1

The RAND function has no optional arguments. Generate data between 0 and 1.


  • Select the Cells to enter the random data.
  • Enter the formula.


The RAND function will return a random number between 0 and 1.

  • Press CTRL+Enter.

Generate Data Between 0 and 1

  • This is the output.

Generate Data Between 0 and 1

2.2 Generate Data Between Any Two Numbers


  • Select cells.
  • Use the formula.


  • The RAND function returns random numbers within the given range.

Generate Data Between Any Two Numbers

  • Press CTRL+Enter.

Generate Data Between Any Two Numbers

  • Random decimal data between 1 and 10 will be displayed.

2.3 Generate Integer Data Between Any Two Numbers

Step 1:

  • Select B4:B13.
  • Enter the formula
= ROUND( RAND( ) * ( 19 +1 ), 0 )


The RAND function returns a random number within the range.

The ROUND function rounds the number.

  • Press CTRL+Enter.

 Produce Integer Data Between Any Two Numbers

This is the output.

 Produce Integer Data Between Any Two Numbers

This same method can be applied to negative numbers. To generate random integer data between -5 to 10.

Step 2:

  • Select cells.
  • Use the formula.
= ROUND( RAND( ) * ( 10 - -5 ) + -5, 0 )


The ROUND function rounds up to the nearest integer.

The RAND function produces a random number between the upper and lower values.

 Produce Integer Data Between Any Two Numbers

  • Press CTRL+Enter to see the result.

 Produce Integer Data Between Any Two Numbers


Method 3 – Combining the RAND and the RANK Functions to Get Unique Random Data

Step 1:

  • Select cells to enter random data.
  • Enter the formula.

The RAND function returns a random number between 0 and 1.

Combine RAND and RANK Functions to Get Unique Random Data

  • Press CTRL+Enter.

Combine RAND and RANK Functions to Get Unique Random Data

Step 2:

  • Select the output of the RAND function.
  • Press: CTRL+C.

Combine RAND and RANK Functions to Get Unique Random Data

  • Right-click and paste the values.

Combine RAND and RANK Functions to Get Unique Random Data

  • This is the output.

Combine RAND and RANK Functions to Get Unique Random Data

Step 3:

  • Select a new column to get unique data.
  • Enter the formula


The RANK.EQ function returns the rank of a number against a list of other numeric values.

Combine RAND and RANK Functions to Get Unique Random Data

  • Click CTRL+Enter.

Combine RAND and RANK Functions to Get Unique Random Data


Method 4 – Using the  RANDARRAY Function to Generate Random Data in Excel


  • Select a range to enter random data.
  • Enter the following formula.

The RANDARRAY function returns an array of random numbers between 0 and 1.

Combine RAND and RANK Functions to Get Unique Random Data

  • Click CTRL+Enter.

Perform RANDARRAY Function to Generate Random Data in Excel


Method 5 – Combining the VLOOKUP and the RANDBETWEEN Functions to Generate Random Data in Excel

Use the VLOOKUP and the RANDBETWEEN functions.

The dataset of a fruit shop contains Product ID and Product name.

Combine VLOOKUP and RANDBETWEEN Function to Generate Random Data in Excel

Step 1:

  • Select the dataset and right-click.
  • In the options box, select “Define Name”.

Step 2:

  • In the “New Name” window, enter Fruits in “Name”.
  • Click OK.

Combine VLOOKUP and RANDBETWEEN Function to Generate Random Data in Excel

Step 3:

  • Select a column to display random fruit names.
  • Enter the formula.


The RANDBETWEEN function distributes data within the given upper and lower values.

The VLOOKUP function searches for a value and returns it from a different column in the same row.

Combine VLOOKUP and RANDBETWEEN Function to Generate Random Data in Excel

  • Press CTRL+Enter.
  • Drag down the Fill Handle to get random fruit names in the column.

This is the output.

Method 6 – Applying the Data Analysis Toolpak to Generate Random Data in Excel

Step 1:

  • Choose “Data” on the ribbon and go to “Data Analysis”.

Apply the Data Analysis Toolpak to Generate Random Data in Excel

  • In the” Data Analysis” window, select “Random Number Generation” in Analysis Tools.
  • Click OK.

Step 2:

  • In the window “Random Number Generation” enter a “Number of Variables” and a “Number of Random Numbers”.

Number of Variables indicates the number of columns you want to add.

Number of Random Numbers indicates the number of data in each column.

  • In the drop-down list select “Uniform”.
  • Choose the Parameters. Here, between 1 and 20.
  • Click “Output Range” and select a cell in the workbook.
  • Click OK.

  • This is the output.

Method 7 – Running a VBA Code to Generate Random Data in Excel

Step 1:

  • Press: ALT+F11 to open up the VBA Editor.
  • Go to Insert > Module.

  • In the Module window, enter the code-
Sub Randomdata()
     MsgBox Rnd()
End Sub

Run a VBA Code to Generate Random Data in Excel

  • Run the code.

  • You will see random decimal numbers.

To round values:

Step 2:

  • Select “Module” in “Insert”.
  • Enter the following code in the module window.
Sub Randomdata()
 MsgBox Round((Rnd() * 10) + 5)
 End Sub

Run a VBA Code to Generate Random Data in Excel

  • Click Run.
  • This is the output.

Run a VBA Code to Generate Random Data in Excel

To display your random data in a grid.

Step 3:

  • In the Module window enter the code-
Sub RandomNumber()
 Dim I As Integer For I = 1 To 5
   Cells(I, 1) = Round((Rnd(10) * 10) + 5, 0)
 Next I
 End Sub

Run a VBA Code to Generate Random Data in Excel

  • Run the macro.
  • This is the output.

Run a VBA Code to Generate Random Data in Excel

Method 8 – Merging the RANK.EQ and the COUNTIF Functions to Generate Random Data without Duplicates

Step 1:

  • Select cells in a column. Here, B4:B13.
  • Enter the formula-


The RANDBETWEEN function calculates a random number between two numbers.

  • Press CTRL+Enter to generate random data between 1 to 20.

Run a VBA Code to Generate Random Data in Excel

To find duplicate numbers:

Step 2:

  • Select the cells.
  • Press CTRL+C to copy.
  • Right-click and in Paste, select Values.

Merge RANK.EQ and COUNTIF Functions to Generate Random Data without Duplicates

  • This is the output.

Merge RANK.EQ and COUNTIF Functions to Generate Random Data without Duplicates

To get unique values only.

Step 3:

  • Select a new column to display unique data.
  • Enter the formula.


The EQ function calculates and returns the statistical rank of a given value.

The COUNTIF function counts the number of cells in a given range.

Merge RANK.EQ and COUNTIF Functions to Generate Random Data without Duplicates

  • Press CTRL+Enter.

Merge RANK.EQ and COUNTIF Functions to Generate Random Data without Duplicates

This is the output.

Method 9 – Creating a Dynamic Array to Generate Random Data in Excel


  • Select B4:B13.
  • Enter the formula.


The INDEX function returns the value at a given location in an array.

The SORTBY function sorts the data in an array.

The SEQUENCE function generates a list of sequential numbers.

The RANDARRAY function returns random numbers between 0 and 1.

Create a Dynamic Array to Generate Random Data in Excel

  • Press CTRL+Enter.

Create a Dynamic Array to Generate Random Data in Excel

This is the output.

Things to Remember

  • When applying the “Data Analysis” ToolPak method, you may need to install it:

File > Options > Select “Analysis Toolpak” from “Add-ins” window > OK > Put Tick in the “Analysis Toolpak” > OK.

  • The RANDARRAY and the SORTBY functions are only available in Excel 365.
  • After getting the random data don’t forget to convert it into values. Otherwise,  data will keep changing.

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Wasim Akram
Wasim Akram

Wasim Akram holds a BSc degree in Industrial and Production Engineering from Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology. Over the past 2 years, he has been actively contributing to the ExcelDemy project, where he has authored more than 150 articles. Now, he is working as an Excel VBA and Content Developer. He likes learning new things about Microsoft Office, especially Excel VBA, Power Query, Data Analysis, and Excel Statistics. He is also very interested in machine learning and... Read Full Bio

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