How to Extract Certain Text from a Cell in Excel VBA: 5 Codes

Method 1 – Use the VBA Left Function to Extract Text from the Left Side of the Cell and Display it in a Message Box

Step 1:

  • Go to the Sheet Name at the bottom of each sheet, e.g; the sheet name is “Left Cell”.
  • Press the right button of the mouse.
  • Click View Code from the Context Menu.

How to Extract Certain Text from a Cell in Excel VBA

A VBA window will appear. We have to open a new module to write the code.

Step 2:

  • Click on the Module option from the Insert tab.

How to Extract Certain Text from a Cell in Excel VBA (5 Examples)

A new module appears now where we will write the code.

Step 3:

  • Copy and paste the following VBA code into this module.
Sub extract_text1()
Dim cell_1 As Range
Dim value_1 As Variant
Set cell_1 = Range("B5")
value_1 = Left(cell_1, 7)
MsgBox value_1
End Sub

Use VBA Left Function to Extract Text from Left Side of Cell and Display in a Message Box

In this VBA code, the Left function has two arguments.

  • cell_1 is the reference data.
  • The 2nd one is a number, e.g; it is 7 which indicates that the Left function will return 7 characters from the left of the reference string.

Step 4:

  • Press the F5 button to run this code or press the Run Sub/UserForm button from the Run tab.

Use VBA Left Function to Extract Text from Left Side of Cell and Display in a Message Box

We get the 7 characters from the left side.

Code Explanation

Dim cell_1 As Range
Dim value_1 As Variant

Declaring the variable.

Set cell_1 = Range("B5")

Store a range value in the cell_1 variable

value_1 = Left(cell_1, 7)

Performs the Left operation and stores the value in the value_1 variable.

MsgBox value_1

View the result of the value_1 variable.

Method 2 – Use the VBA Right Function to Extract Text from the Right Side of the Cell and Display

Step 1:

  • Press Alt+F11 to enter the Excel VBA command window and insert a new module.
  • Paste the VBA code below into the module.
Sub extract_text2()
Dim cell_1 As Range
Dim value_1 As Variant
Set cell_1 = Range("B5")
value_1 = Right(cell_1, 4)
MsgBox value_1
End Sub

Use VBA Right Function to Extract Text from the Right Side of Cell and Display

Cell B5 is specified as set as cell_1 range variable, and the length of string to return is set as 4 inside the Right function.

Step 2:

  • Hit the F5 functional key from the keyboard to run the VBA code.

VBA Right Function to Extract Text from the Right Side of an Excel Cell

We’ve got 4 characters from the right-most side of cell B7.

Code Explanation

Dim cell_1 As Range
Dim value_1 As Variant

Declaring the variable.

Set cell_1 = Range("B5")

Store a range value in the cell_1 variable

value_1 = Right(cell_1, 4)

Performs the Right function operation and stores the value in the value_1 variable.

MsgBox value_1

View the result of the value_1 variable.


Method 3 – Use VBA Mid Function to Extract Text from the Middle of an Excel Cell

Step 1:

  • Press Alt+F11 and enter a new VBA command module.
  • Write the following VBA code on the module.
Sub extract_text3()
Dim cell_1 As Range
Dim value_1 As Variant
Set cell_1 = Range("B7")
value_1 = Mid(cell_1, 7, 5)
MsgBox value_1
End Sub

Use VBA Mid Function to Extract Text from the Middle of an Excel Cell

B7 is the reference cell set as cell_1 range variable, and the start position is 7 from the left of the reference string while 5 is the count of characters to return starting from the 7th position.

Step 2:

  • Run the code by pressing the F5 button.

Use VBA Mid Function to Extract Text from the Middle of an Excel Cell

The message box shows the 5 characters from the 7th position of the reference string.

Code Explanation

Dim cell_1 As Range
Dim value_1 As Variant

Declaring the variable.

Set cell_1 = Range("B7")

Store a range value in the cell_1 variable

value_1 = Mid(cell_1, 7, 5)

Performs the Mid function operation and stores the value in the value_1 variable.

MsgBox value_1

View the result of the value_1 variable.


Method 4 – Use a VBA Custom Function to Pick N-th Word from a Text String

Step 1:

  • Press Alt+F11 to enter a new VBA command module.
  • Copy and paste the following VBA code there.
Function Required_Text(value_1 As String, location As Integer)
Dim array_1() As String
array_1 = VBA.Split(value_1, " ")
xCount = UBound(array_1)
If xCount < 1 Or (location - 1) > xCount Or location < 0 Then
Required_Text = ""
Required_Text = array_1(location - 1)
End If
End Function

Use a VBA Custom Function to Pick N-th Word from a Text String

Step 2:

  • Save the VBA code.
  • Go to Cell D5 of the dataset. Put the following formula.

Use a VBA Custom Function to Pick N-th Word from a Text String

The 1st argument in Cell B5 is considered as the reference string, and the 2nd argument expresses the position of text in Cell B5.

Step 3:

  • Press Enter.

We get the 4th text from the string in Cell B5.

Code Explanation

Function Required_Text(value_1 As String, location As Integer)

Declaring a function with arguments.

Dim array_1() As String

Declaring an array variable.

array_1 = VBA.Split(value_1, " ")

Split the value_1 variable based on space and store the values on array_1.

xCount = UBound(array_1)

This finds the largest value of array_1 and stores it on xCount.

If xCount < 1 Or (location - 1) > xCount Or location < 0 Then
    Required_Text = ""
    Required_Text = array_1(location - 1)
End If

An IF condition is applied. This is a comparison between xCount and location variables.

Method 5 – Excerpt Substring from a Cell with VBA RegExp Object

Step 1:

  • Hit Alt+F11 and enter the VBA command module.
  • Copy the following VBA code on the command module.
Function Extract_Email(text_1 As String, sequence As String, Optional instance_n As Integer = 0, Optional match_n As Boolean = True)
Dim text_1_matches() As String
Dim matches_index As Integer
On Error GoTo ErrHandl
Extract_Email = ""
Set regex = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
regex.pattern = sequence
regex.Global = True
regex.MultiLine = True
If True = match_n Then
regex.ignorecase = False
regex.ignorecase = True
End If
Set matches = regex.Execute(text_1)
If 0 < matches.Count Then
If (0 = instance_n) Then
ReDim text_1_matches(matches.Count - 1, 0)
For matches_index = 0 To matches.Count - 1
text_1_matches(matches_index, 0) = matches.Item(matches_index)
Next matches_index
Extract_Email = text_1_matches
Extract_Email = matches.Item(instance_n - 1)
End If
End If
Exit Function
Extract_Email = CVErr(xlErrValue)
End Function

Excerpt Substring from a Cell with VBA RegExp Object

Step 2:

  • Save the VBA code first.
  • A pattern will be used as an argument for this function.

Excerpt Substring from a Cell with VBA RegExp Object

Step 3:

  • Go to Cell C5 and put the following formula.

Excerpt Substring from a Cell with VBA RegExp Object

Step 4:

  • Press the Enter button and drag the Fill Handle icon downwards.

Excerpt Substring from a Cell with VBA RegExp Object

We extract only email addresses from a cell.

Code Explanation

Function Extract_Email(text_1 As String, sequence As String, Optional instance_n As Integer = 0, Optional match_n As Boolean = True)

Declaring a function with arguments.

Dim text_1_matches() As String
Dim matches_index As Integer

Declaring an array variable.

On Error GoTo ErrHandl

When any error finds move to ErrHandl section.

Set regex = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")

Create an object and store it at regex variable.

regex.pattern = sequence
    regex.Global = True
    regex.MultiLine = True

Defines properties of regex.

If True = match_n Then
    regex.ignorecase = False
        regex.ignorecase = True
    End If

Performs an IF operation.

 Set matches = regex.Execute(text_1)

Stores value of matches.

If 0 < matches.Count Then
        If (0 = instance_n) Then
            ReDim text_1_matches(matches.Count - 1, 0)
            For matches_index = 0 To matches.Count - 1
                text_1_matches(matches_index, 0) = matches.Item(matches_index)
            Next matches_index
            Extract_Email = text_1_matches
            Extract_Email = matches.Item(instance_n - 1)
        End If
    End If

Two IF functions are applied here.

Extract_Email = CVErr(xlErrValue)

Checks the error of the given argument and stores on variable Extract_Email.

We used a pattern to get the Email address, that is :


[\w\.\-]+ indicates the username of an email address. There may be any text, numbers, or special symbols.

@, We know this is a must-needed symbol of an email address. It separates the domain and user name.

[A-Za-z0-9\.\-]+, this is the domain name part. Numbers, texts, and some symbols are allowed here. But undercover is strictly prohibited.

\.[A-Za-z]{2,24}, this is for top-level domain. It consists of a Dot(.). Most top-level domains consist of 3 letters.

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Alok Paul
Alok Paul

Alok Paul has completed his B.Sc. in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering from East West University. He has been working on the ExcelDemy project for more than 2 years. He has written 220+ articles and replied to numerous comments. He is experienced in Microsoft Office, especially in Excel. He also led some teams on Excel and VBA content development. He has a keen interest in Advanced Excel, Data analysis, Excel Pivot Table, Charts, and Dashboard. He loves to research... Read Full Bio

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