How to Refresh Data Connection in Excel Without Opening File: 2 Methods

Method 1 – Utilize Excel Power Query to Refresh File Data Connection Without Opening


  • Open the “reloadedData” and go to the PowerQueryR sheet.
  • Select the B2 cell.
  • Go to the Data tab.
  • Click the Get Data icon.

Utilize Excel Power Query to Refresh File Data Connection Without Opening

  • A menu bar will open.
  • Choose the From File option, followed by From Excel Workbook.

  • Find the “SourceData” file and click Import.

  • The Navigator window will open up.
  • Pick the PowerQueryS sheet from the list.
  • Go to the Load icon, followed by Load To.

Utilize Excel Power Query to Refresh File Data Connection Without Opening

  • The Import Data window will pop up.
  • Check the Existing worksheet, hit OK.

  • The data is fetched from the resource file to the store file, as shown below.

  • Navigate to the Data tab, followed by Refresh All to open a menu bar.
  • Choose Connection Properties.

Utilize Excel Power Query to Refresh File Data Connection Without Opening

  • The Query Properties open.
  • Check the Refresh every and type 1 in the Input box.
  • Hit OK.

Utilize Excel Power Query to Refresh File Data Connection Without Opening

  • Open the “SourceData” file and pick the PowerQueryS sheet.
  • Select B8.
  • Remove the value and type MIT, hit Enter.
  • Press Ctrl+S.

  • 1 minute later, go to “reloadedData” file to see the intended output.

Output of Utilizing Excel Power Query to Refresh File Data Connection Without Opening

Method 2 – Reload Data Connection Without Opening File Through Excel VBA


  • Go to the “reloadedData” file and make the ExcelVBAR an active sheet.
  • Pick the B2 cell.
  • Follow the previously described procedure to open the Navigator window.
  • Choose the ExcelVBAS sheet this time.
  • Go to Load, followed by Load To.

Reload Data Connection Without Opening File Through Excel VBA

  • The Import Data window pops up.
  • Check the Existing worksheet and hit OK.

  • The intended data will be fetched from the resource file.

Reload Data Connection Without Opening File Through Excel VBA

  • Navigate to Developer.
  • Click Visual Basic.

Reload Data Connection Without Opening File Through Excel VBA

  • Select Insert, followed by Module.

  • Enter the following code into the Module box.
Public ReloadInterval As Double
Public Const Period = 30
Sub Reload()
  MsgBox "Updates will begin to occur at " & _
    "the interval of " & Period & " seconds"
  Call FirstReload
End Sub
Sub FirstReload()
  ReloadInterval = Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, Period)
  Application.OnTime _
    EarliestTime:=ReloadInterval, _
    Procedure:="ReloadConnections", _
End Sub
Sub ReloadConnections()
  Call FirstReload
End Sub
  • Press F5 or click Run.

Reload Data Connection Without Opening File Through Excel VBA

  • The Macros window will open.
  • Choose the Reload macros and hit Run.

  • A small Microsoft Excel window pops, and click OK.

  • Go to the “SourceData” file and choose the ExcelVBAS sheet.
  • Select B8.
  • Remove the value and type MIT, hit Enter or Tab.
  • Press Ctrl+S.

  • 30 seconds later, go to the “reloadedData” file to get the desired output.

Output of Reloading Data Connection Without Opening File Through Excel VBA


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Lutfor Rahman Shimanto
Lutfor Rahman Shimanto

Lutfor Rahman Shimanto, BSc, Information Technology, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh, has worked with the ExcelDemy project for over a year. He has written 50+ articles and provided solutions of 100+ comments for ExcelDemy. Currently, he works as an Excel & VBA Developer and provides support and solutions in the ExcelDemy Forum. He has solved 100+ ExcelDemy Forum problems. His work and learning interests are in developing various Excel & VBA and Desktop applications. Outside of work, he enjoys Chess... Read Full Bio

  1. Life saver, cheers. Had an issue with a Power Query refresh in excel but this has nailed it, thanks. I changed to 3600 seconds for 1 hr. I used the macro VBA option.

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