How to create a Hyperlink to Another Sheet Based on the Cell Value – 4 Methods

Method 1 – Create a Hyperlink Based on Cell Value in the Context Menu in Excel

In the following table, you have a list of successive month names starting from January 2021. You want to create hyperlinks to click a month name an be redirected to the sales report of that month in another sheet (Sheet2 for January-21).

Create Hyperlink Based on Cell Value from the Context Menu in Excel

Here is Sheet2 with the sales report for January-21.

Create Hyperlink Based on Cell Value from the Context Menu in Excel


Step 1:

  • In Sheet1, select B5.
  • Right-click to open the Context Menu.
  • Select Link.

A dialog box will open.

Create Hyperlink Based on Cell Value from the Context Menu in Excel

Step 2:

  • In Link to, click Place in This Document.
  • In ‘Type the cell reference’, enter B4.
  • Select Sheet2 in Cell Reference.
  • Click OK.

Create Hyperlink Based on Cell Value from the Context Menu in Excel

The hyperlink will be added to B5 in Sheet1.

Step 3:

  • Click the text in B5.

Create Hyperlink Based on Cell Value from the Context Menu in Excel

You’ll be redirected to B4 in Sheet2. Follow the same procedure to create hyperlinks for all months in Sheet1.

Create Hyperlink Based on Cell Value from the Context Menu in Excel

Read more: How to Hyperlink to Cell in Excel

Method 2 – Use the HYPERLINK function to Add a Hyperlink to Another Sheet in Excel

The generic formula of the HYPERLINK function is:

=HYPERLINK(link_location, [friendly_name])

The first argument selects the location the hyperlink will redirect you to. The Hash symbol (#) before the location keeps the search in the same workbook. The entire first argument in enclosed with Double-quotes (“ “).

The text value in the second argument is present in the cell containing the hyperlink.

Sheet1 has an additional column with the Hyperlinks header. Use the HYPERLINK function to Add Hyperlink to Another Sheet in Excel

The HYPERLINK formula is:

=HYPERLINK("#Sheet2!B4","Click here")

B4 in Sheet2 is referred to. The customized message is ‘Click here’.

Use the HYPERLINK function to Add Hyperlink to Another Sheet in Excel

Press Enter to see the text with the hyperlink.

Use the HYPERLINK function to Add Hyperlink to Another Sheet in Excel

Click the hyperlinked text in C5 in Sheet1 and you’ll be redirected to B4 in Sheet2.

Use the HYPERLINK function to Add Hyperlink to Another Sheet in Excel

Read More: How to Add Hyperlink to Another Sheet in Excel

Method 3 – Applying the Cell Drag-and-Drop Method to Create a Hyperlink to Another Sheet

Save your workbook first.

Apply Cell Drag-and-Drop Method to Create Hyperlink to Another Sheet


Step 1:

  •  Drag your mouse pointer to the cell border of the reference value.

A Plus (+) sign will be displayed.

Apply Cell Drag-and-Drop Method to Create Hyperlink to Another Sheet

Step 2:

  • Right-click.
  • Hold the button and drag it in the Sheet name in which you want to add the hyperlink.
  • Press and hold ALT.


Apply Cell Drag-and-Drop Method to Create Hyperlink to Another Sheet

Step 3:

  • In the new worksheet, release ALT.
  • Drag your mouse pointer to the cell in which you’ll add the hyperlink.
  • Release the mouse pointer there and the Context Menu will open.

Apply Cell Drag-and-Drop Method to Create Hyperlink to Another Sheet

Step 4:

  • Choose ‘Create Hyperlink Here’.

Apply Cell Drag-and-Drop Method to Create Hyperlink to Another Sheet

You’ll see the hyperlink.

Apply Cell Drag-and-Drop Method to Create Hyperlink to Another Sheet

Read More: How to Create a Drop Down List Hyperlink to Another Sheet in Excel

Method 4 – Create a Dynamic Hyperlink Based on the Cell Value with a Combined Formula

You’ll create hyperlinks based on the values of a drop-down list.

In Sheet1, B5 contains a drop-down list. In C5, embed a combined formula, using the HYPERLINK, CELL, INDEX, and MATCH functions.

After creating the hyperlinks,  choose a month from the drop-down list and click the hyperlinked text in C5 to be redirected to the reference cell in (Sheet2).

Create Dynamic Hyperlink Based on Cell Value with Combined Formula

The image below is (Sheet2).

Create Dynamic Hyperlink Based on Cell Value with Combined Formula

Enter formula in C5:

=HYPERLINK("#"&CELL("address",INDEX(Sheet2!B5:B13,MATCH(B5,Sheet2!B5:B13,0))),"Click here")

Create Dynamic Hyperlink Based on Cell Value with Combined Formula

Press Enter.

Create Dynamic Hyperlink Based on Cell Value with Combined Formula

Click the hyperlink in C5 and you’ll be redirected to B5 in Sheet2.

Create Dynamic Hyperlink Based on Cell Value with Combined Formula

You can select any other month (here, June-21) from the drop-down list in Sheet1.

Create Dynamic Hyperlink Based on Cell Value with Combined Formula

And click the hyperlink in C5.

Create Dynamic Hyperlink Based on Cell Value with Combined Formula

You’ll be now redirected to B10 in Sheet2.

Create Dynamic Hyperlink Based on Cell Value with Combined Formula

Read More: How to Create Dynamic Hyperlink in Excel

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Download the Excel workbook here.


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Nehad Ulfat
Nehad Ulfat

NEHAD ULFAT is an excellent marine engineer who loves working with Excel and diving into VBA programming. For him, programming is like a tool that saves time when dealing with data, files, and the internet. His skills go beyond the basics, including ABACUS, AutoCAD, Rhinoceros, Maxsurf, and Hydromax. He got his B.Sc in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering from BUET but switched gears, working as a content developer.  In this role, he creates techy content all about Excel... Read Full Bio

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