Excel Formula to Find Date or Days for Next Month: 6 Quick Methods

Method 1 – Getting Same Date of Next Month with EDATE Function


  • Select the output cells in the C5:C9 range.
  • Under the Home tab ribbon, choose the Short Date format from the drop-down in the Number group of commands.

Getting Same Date of Next Month with EDATE Function

The selected range of cells is now prepared to show data in Date format.

  • Select cell C5 & enter the following formula.

B5 represents the first cell of the Actual Date column.

  • Press ENTER, and you’ll get the first output.

Using EDATE Function to Get Same Date of Next Month

  • Bring the cursor to the right-bottom corner of cell C5, and it will look like a plus (+) sign. It’s the Fill Handle tool.
  • Double-click on it.

Using Fill Handle Tool

You’ll get the same dates for the following months based on all actual dates from column B.

Excel Formula to Get Same Date for Next Month

Method 2 – Obtaining the First Date of Next Month with DATE, YEAR & MONTH Functions


  • Select cell C5 and insert the formula below.
  • Press the ENTER key.

Excel Formula to Obtain the First Date of Next Month with DATE, YEAR & MONTH Functions

Method 3 – Finding the Last Date of Next Month with EOMONTH & TODAY Functions


  • Go to cell C5 and paste the following formula.
  • Hit ENTER.

Excel Formula to Find the Last Date of Next Month with EOMONTH & TODAY Functions

If you want to get the last date of the next month from the current date, then you have to use the TODAY function as the start_date argument in the EOMONTH function.

Method 4 – Adding Months to Similar Date from the Original Date


  • Select cell C5 and write down the formula below.
  • Tap the ENTER key.

Adding Months to Similar Date from the Original Date

Method 5 – Showing the Name of the Next Month with TEXT & EOMONTH Functions


  • Select cell C5 and enter the following formula.
  • Press ENTER, and you are done.

Showing the Name of the Next Month with TEXT & EOMONTH Functions

Method 6 – Getting the Number of Days of Next Month with DAY, DATE & MONTH Functions Together


  • Get into cell C5 and put down the formula below.
=DAY(DATE(YEAR(B5), MONTH(B5) +2, 1) -1)
  • Press the ENTER key.

Getting the Number of Days of Next Month with DAY, DATE & MONTH Functions Together

How to Create Automatic Rolling Months in Excel


  • Select cell B5 and write down a particular date. We wrote 22-05-2021 in that cell.

How to Create Automatic Rolling Months in Excel

  • Drag the Fill Handle down to cell B14.

The cells will be filled with rolling dates. But it would be best if you had rolling months.

  • Click on the Auto Fill Options icon and choose the option Fill Months.

Create automatic rolling months in Excel using the Fill Handle. The final result should look like this.

Excel Formula to Create Automatic Rolling Month in Excel

Download Practice Workbook

You may download the following Excel workbook for better understanding and practice yourself.

Further Readings

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Nehad Ulfat
Nehad Ulfat

NEHAD ULFAT is an excellent marine engineer who loves working with Excel and diving into VBA programming. For him, programming is like a tool that saves time when dealing with data, files, and the internet. His skills go beyond the basics, including ABACUS, AutoCAD, Rhinoceros, Maxsurf, and Hydromax. He got his B.Sc in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering from BUET but switched gears, working as a content developer.  In this role, he creates techy content all about Excel... Read Full Bio

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