Excel MONTH Function

Convert 3 Letter Month to Number in Excel (8 Suitable Methods)

Sometimes you may need to convert 3 letter month to a number in Excel. Furthermore, for any numerical calculation, you want to use January in your ...

How to Convert Month to Number in Excel (3 Easy Methods)

While working in Microsoft Excel we might need to convert month to number for different purposes. Sometimes we need to convert to numbers for ...

Excel Formula for Current Month and Year (3 Examples)

Let's use the following dataset that represents some gadgets’ order date at a store. Here the order dates are the current date and the dates are in ...

Excel VBA: First Day of Month (3 Methods)

While working with Excel, sometimes we need to know the first day of the given date or month. But there is no direct function or formula in Excel to ...

How to Get Last Day of Previous Month in Excel (3 Methods)

Sometimes, we may need to know the dates for the last day of the present, earlier, or any other month on a regular basis. We can easily get any day ...

How to Calculate First Day of Previous Month in Excel (2 Methods)

If you are working with dates in Excel, you might need to find out the first day of the month before the current month you are working with. In ...

Excel Formula to Find Date or Days for Next Month (6 Quick Ways)

Microsoft Excel has provided a wide range of date and time-related functions that we can use to find dates, days, or some other time-related data for ...

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