How to Convert Minutes to Days in Excel: 3 Easy Methods

Method 1 – Convert Minutes to Days Manually in Excel


  • Go to C5 and write down the formula

  • Ppress ENTER to get the output.

Manually convert minutes to days in excel

  • Use Fill Handle to AutoFill up to C14.

Method 2 – Use CONVERT Function to Convert Minutes to Days in Excel


  • Go to C5 and write down the formula

CONVERT function to convert minutes to days in excel

  • Press ENTER. Excel will return the output.

  • Use Fill Handle to AutoFill up to C14.

CONVERT function to convert minutes to days in excel

Note: When writing the CONVERT function, Excel offers a list of units. You can choose from there or write down the units by yourself.


Method 3 – Combination of INT and MOD Functions to Convert Minutes


  • Go to C5 and write down the following formula
=INT(B5/1440)&" days "&INT(MOD(B5/1440,1)*24)&" hours "&ROUND(MOD(MOD(B5/1440,1)*24,1)*60,0)&" minutes"

Combination to convert minutes to days in excel

Formula Breakdown

  • MOD(B5/1440,1) → This will return the remainder after dividing 47/1440 by 1.
  • Output: 0.0326388888888889


  • MOD(B5/1440,1)*24
  • Output: 0.783333333333333


  • MOD(MOD(B5/1440,1)*24,1)*60 → This part becomes,
    • MOD(0.783333333333333,1)*60
  • Output: 47


  • ROUND(MOD(MOD(B5/1440,1)*24,1)*60,0) → The ROUND function rounds a number to a specific digit. This part becomes,
    • ROUND(47,0)
  • Output: 47


  • INT(MOD(B5/1440,1)*24)
  • Output: 0


  • INT(B5/1440)
  • Output: 0


  • =INT(B5/1440)&” days “&INT(MOD(B5/1440,1)*24)&” hours “&ROUND(MOD(MOD(B5/1440,1)*24,1)*60,0)&” minutes” → The final formula reduces to,
    • 0&” days “&0&” hours “&47&” minutes”
  • Output: 0 days 0 hours 47 minutes
  • Press ENTER to get the output.

  • Use Fill Handle to AutoFill up to C14.

Combination to convert minutes to days in excel


Things to Remember

  • Ampersand (&) joins texts in Excel.

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Akib Bin Rashid
Akib Bin Rashid

AKIB BIN RASHID, a materials and metallurgical engineer, is passionate about delving into Excel and VBA programming. To him, programming is a valuable time-saving tool for managing data, files, and internet-related tasks. Proficient in MS Office, AutoCAD, Excel, and VBA, he goes beyond the fundamentals. Holding a B.Sc in Materials and Metallurgical Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, MD AKIB has transitioned into a content development role. Specializing in creating technical content centred around Excel and... Read Full Bio

  1. Hi. Thank you for the formula. I used it a bit different with 300 instead of 1440 and 5 instead of 24 which basically is 5 hours represent 1 day. it works but at some values it gives an error. if i have 1,2,3,4 or 5 hours total time, is alright. When i have a total of 6 hours which is 1 day 1 hour, it shows 1 day 1 hour 60 minutes. same for 7 hours (1 day 2 hours 60 minutes) which should only be 1 day 2 hours. Then it works fine for 8,9,10,11. Same issue for 12 hours and maybe more.

    Do you have any advice on how to fix it?
    Thank you!

    • Hello Cosmin,

      To fix your issue, use the following formula.
      Improved Excel Formula: =INT(B5/300) & ” days ” & INT(MOD(B5/300, 1) * 5) & ” hours ” & MOD(B5, 60) & ” minutes”


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