How to Calculate Daily Interest in Excel (2 Easy Ways)

Method 1 – Calculate Daily Interest in Excel to Find Simple Interest

Suppose you have invested $1,000,000 at an annual interest rate of 5%. Let’s see how much simple interest you will receive daily on your principal. In the following dataset, we will calculate the Final Balance after one day of interest as well as the total Interest Earned.

Calculate Daily Interest in Excel to Find Simple Interest


  • Select cell C8 and insert the following formula:

Calculate Daily Interest in Excel to Find Simple Interest

  • Press Enter. This returns the amount of the final balance after one day of interest in cell C8.

  • Select cell C9 and insert the following formula:

  • Press Enter.
  • This returns the amount of simple Interest Earned in one day.

Calculate Daily Interest in Excel to Find Simple Interest

Method 2 – Daily Interest Calculation for Compound Interest in Excel

Case 2.1 Use Daily Compound Interest Formula

We will use the daily compound interest formula to calculate daily interest in Excel. Suppose you have deposited $5000 in a bank at the interest rate of 7%. Let’s determine the Final Balance and Interest Earned if the interest is compounded daily.

Use Daily Compound Interest Formula


  • Select cell C9 and insert the following formula:

Use Daily Compound Interest Formula

  • Press Enter. This returns the amount of Final Balance in cell C9 after daily compounding.

  • Select cell C10 and insert the following formula:

  • Press Enter. This returns the amount of Interest Earned after daily compounding.

Use Daily Compound Interest Formula

Read More: How to Use Cumulative Interest Formula in Excel

Case 2.2 Use of FV Function to Calculate Daily Compound Interest

To illustrate this method we will use the previous dataset.

Use of FV Function to Calculate Daily Compound Interest


  • Select cell C9.
  • Insert the following formula in that cell:
=FV(C5/C7, C6*C7, ,-C4)

Use of FV Function to Calculate Daily Compound Interest

  • Press Enter.

  • Select cell C10 and insert the following formula:

  • Press Enter.
  • The results should be the same as before.

Use of FV Function to Calculate Daily Compound Interest

Case 2.3 Calculate Daily Compound Interest Using IPMT Function

Suppose we have the principal of $5000 and the bank is offering 0.5% interest. As the amount will be daily compounded so we will consider the number of compounding periods per year 365. Let’s calculate daily interest earned for the first month.

Calculate Daily Compound Interest Using IPMT Function


  • Select cell C8.
  • Insert the following formula in that cell:

  • Press Enter.
  • This returns the amount of “Daily Interest Earned for the First Month” in cell C8.

Calculate Daily Compound Interest Using IPMT Function

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Mukesh Dipto
Mukesh Dipto

Mukesh Dipto is an excellent marine engineer who loves working with Excel and diving into VBA programming. For him, programming is like a superhero tool that saves time when dealing with data, files, and the internet. His skills go beyond the basics, including Rhino3D, Maxsurf C++, AutoCAD, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and WordPress. He got his B.Sc in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering from BUET, and now he's switched gears, working as a content developer. In this role, he... Read Full Bio

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