Hosne Ara

About author

Hosne Ara is a materials and metallurgical engineer who loves exploring Excel and VBA programming. To her, programming is like a time-saving superhero for dealing with data, files, and the internet. She's skilled in Rhino3D, Maxsurf C++, MS Office, AutoCAD, and Excel & VBA, going beyond the basics. With a B. Sc. in Materials and Metallurgical Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, she's shifted gears and now works as a content developer. In this role, she creates techy content exclusively focused on Excel and VBA. Beyond the tech stuff, catch her lost in books, explore new places during travels, and enjoy movies and TV series in her downtime.


Excel & VBA Content Developer at ExcelDemy in SOFTEKO.

Lives in

Dhaka, Bangladesh.


B.Sc in Materials and Metallurgical Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology.


MS Office, AutoCAD, Raspberry Pi, MS SQL/MySQL, Server installation and configuration, Agile practitioner, DevOps


  • Project Manager at 2RA Technology Ltd. in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  • Junior Consultant at Murshed Associates Ltd. in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  • Senior Executive Engineer at Versatile International Ltd. in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Latest Posts From Hosne Ara

How to Use Random 5 Digit Number Generator in Excel (7 Methods)

Method 1 - Using the Excel RANDBETWEEN Function  Steps: Enter the below formula in Cell B5 and press Enter. =RANDBETWEEN(10000,99999) We ...

How to Move Filtered Cells in Excel – 3 Easy Methods

This is the sample dataset. The data is filtered for Apple Watch: The filtered cell were move applying a simple copy-paste method. This was the ...

Excel Formula to Insert Rows between Data (2 Simple Examples)

Example 1 - Excel Formula with MOD and ROW Functions to Insert Rows between Data We will use the combination of the MOD and ROW functions to insert rows ...

How to Sum Columns by Color in Excel (6 Easy Methods)

The below dataset contains several items sold in quantity. Different fill colors have been applied to the Sold Quantity column. Method 1 – Using the SUMIF ...

How to Sort Data by Value in Excel (5 Easy Methods)

The Excel Sort option allows us to customize the order of worksheet data. We can sort data alphabetically, numerically, date-wise, etc. Let’s explore some ...

How to Make Grid Lines Bold in Excel: Complete Guide

Method 1 - Open Excel File and Select Grid Lines Open the Excel file. Select the dataset where you want to get bold gridlines. From Excel Ribbon, go ...

How to Filter Multiple Columns by Color in Excel (2 Methods)

In this article, I will discuss how you can filter multiple columns by color in Microsoft Excel. Usually, when we filter a certain column, other columns ...

How to Find Duplicates in Excel and Copy to Another Sheet (5 Methods)

Suppose you have the following dataset. Method 1 - Use an Excel Formula to Get Duplicates and Copy to Different Sheet Steps: Add a helper ...

How to Extract Data from Image into Excel (With Quick Steps)

Data extraction from images, a feature available on the subscription-free Excel 365 mobile app, is very effective method of importing data. Unfortunately, you ...

How to Trim Part of Text in Excel (9 Easy Methods)

Method 1 - Using Find and Replace to Trim a Part of Text in Excel We have the dataset (B5:B10), containing a list of names. We will replace the text ‘Full ...

How to Make a Comparison Table in Excel: 2 Methods

Method 1 - Comparison of Two Tables with Conditional Formatting Steps: Select Table 2 (B14:E18). From Excel Ribbon, go Home > Conditional ...

How to Split Comma Separated Values into Rows or Columns in Excel

Method 1 - Separate Data into Rows/Columns by Comma Using Text to Columns in Excel Case 1.1 - Split Values into Columns We have a dataset containing several ...

How to Link Multiple Cells from Another Worksheet in Excel: 5 Easy Methods

Method 1 - Use of ‘Paste Link’ Option to Connect Several Cells from a Different Worksheet Steps: Go to Sheet2 and copy the range of multiple cells (here ...

How to Use Formula for Mortgage Principal and Interest in Excel

We'll use the Excel PPMT function to find out the principal portion of the mortgage monthly payment. We'll introduce the PPMT function first. Introduction to ...

How to Merge Multiple Cells without Losing Data in Excel (6 Methods)

Method 1 - Applying the Excel Clipboard to Join Several Cells without Losing Data Steps: Go to the Home tab and click on the Anchor button from the ...

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