How to Analyze Satisfaction Survey Data in Excel (Easy Steps)

Dataset Overview

In this tutorial, we’ll demonstrate how to analyze satisfaction survey data using Excel. We’ll follow a step-by-step approach using a sample dataset. The dataset contains feedback on four questions from different individuals, with unique ID numbers assigned to each person.

Step-by-Step Procedures to Analyze Satisfaction Survey in Excel

STEP 1 – Count All Feedback

  • Count Blank Cells:
    • Start by selecting cell C13.
    • Enter the following formula:


Count All Feedback from Satisfaction Survey Data

    • Press Enter.
    • Drag the Fill Handle horizontally to apply the formula to the desired range.
    • This formula calculates the number of blank cells in the selected range.

Count All Feedback from Satisfaction Survey Data

  • Count Non-Empty Cells:
    • Select cell C14.
    • Enter the formula:
    • Press Enter.
    • Drag the Fill Handle horizontally to apply the formula.
    • The COUNTA function counts non-empty cells.

Count All Feedback from Satisfaction Survey Data

  • Total Feedback Cells:
    • In cell C15, enter:
    • Press Enter.
    • Drag the Fill Handle to extend the formula.
    • The SUM function adds the counts of blank and non-blank cells.

Count All Feedback from Satisfaction Survey Data

  • Record Feedback Counts:
    • Create a new section to record feedback counts (similar to the image provided).
    • In cell C17, use the formula:

Count All Feedback from Satisfaction Survey Data

    • Press Enter.
    • Drag the Fill Handle from C17 to F17 to copy the formula.

Count All Feedback from Satisfaction Survey Data

    • Repeat for the other feedback categories (e.g., Agree, Disagree).

  • The final result will look like the following image.

  • Total Feedback for Each Question:
    • In cell C21, enter:

    • Press Enter.
    • Drag the Fill Handle to copy the formula.

STEP 2 – Evaluate Feedback Percentages

  • Enhance Dataset Visibility:
    • Select row 5 to freeze it (View > Freeze Panes).
    • Now you can scroll through the dataset while keeping the header row visible.

Evaluate Percentages of Feedback with Formula

  • Calculate Percentages:
    • In cell C24, enter:

Evaluate Percentages of Feedback with Formula

    • Press Enter.
    • Format cell C24 as a percentage (Format Cells > Percentage).
    • Drag the Fill Handle from C24 to C27 to copy the formula.

Evaluate Percentages of Feedback with Formula

    • Repeat for cells D24, E24, and F24.

    • Drag the Fill handle tool to get results like the following image.

  • Total Percentage:
    • In cell C28, enter:
    • Press Enter.
    • Drag the Fill Handle from C28 to F28.

You should now have results similar to the provided image after completing these steps.


STEP 3 – Use Evaluated Results to Analyze Satisfaction Survey Data

Follow these instructions to create the final report based on the satisfaction survey data:

  • Select Header Row:
    • Begin by selecting the header row of your dataset.

Use Evaluated Results to Analyze Satisfaction Survey Data

  • Copy Data:
    • Go to the Home tab.
    • Click on the Copy icon to copy the selected data (you can also use Ctrl + C).

Use Evaluated Results to Analyze Satisfaction Survey Data

    • Open a new worksheet.
  • Paste Special:
    • Select cell B4 in the new worksheet.
    • Go to Home > Paste > Paste Special.

Use Evaluated Results to Analyze Satisfaction Survey Data

    • In the dialog box, check the options for Values and Transpose, then click OK.

Use Evaluated Results to Analyze Satisfaction Survey Data

    • The results should appear as shown in the image. We’ve edited the name in cell B4 to Questions from ID.

Use Evaluated Results to Analyze Satisfaction Survey Data

  • Total Feedback Count:
    • Return to the original sheet named Count Feedback.
    • Copy row number 5, which contains the total number of feedback.

Use Evaluated Results to Analyze Satisfaction Survey Data

    • Select cell C5 in the new worksheet.
    • Go to Home > Paste > Paste Special.

Use Evaluated Results to Analyze Satisfaction Survey Data

    • Again, check the options for Values and Transpose, then click OK.

This provides the total feedback count in a new column.

  • Transfer Calculated Results:
    • Select the cell range B24:F28 (where you calculated percentages).

    • Go to the sheet named Use Calculated Result.
    • Select cell D5 and go to Home > Paste > Paste Special.

    • As before, check the options for Values and Transpose, then click OK.

  • Final Report:
    • The resulting table should resemble the image provided. Congratulations! You’ve completed the analysis of the satisfaction survey data.

Read More: How to Analyze Survey Data in Excel

Download Practice Workbook

You can download the practice workbook from here:

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Mukesh Dipto
Mukesh Dipto

Mukesh Dipto is an excellent marine engineer who loves working with Excel and diving into VBA programming. For him, programming is like a superhero tool that saves time when dealing with data, files, and the internet. His skills go beyond the basics, including Rhino3D, Maxsurf C++, AutoCAD, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and WordPress. He got his B.Sc in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering from BUET, and now he's switched gears, working as a content developer. In this role, he... Read Full Bio

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