How to Use VBA SPLIT Function in Excel (10 Ideal Examples)

How to Launch the VBA Editor in Excel

  • If you don’t see the Developer tab, enable the Developer tab.
  • Select the Developer tab and click on Visual Basic. Alternatively, you can press Alt + F11 to open the Visual Basic Editor.

1-select Visual Basic from Developer tab

  • From the Insert tab, select Module.

2-Insert Module

Note: You must save the Excel file as Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook (*xlsm) to run code.

Introduction to the VBA Split Function in Excel

  • Objective:

The VBA Split function in Excel splits the string into several substrings and returns a one-dimensional array of substrings.

  • Syntax:
Split(expression, [delimiter], [limit], [compare])

3-syntax of SPLIT function

  • Arguments Explanation:
Expression Required The string to split based on the delimiter or space.
Delimiter Optional The character divides the string into parts.
Limit Optional Number of strings to be returned.
Compare Optional This argument is used for delimiters that are made up of one or letters. Check the Settings for Compare Argument section for more.
  • Settings for Compare Argument:
Constant Value Explanation
VbBinaryCompare 0 Performs a binary comparison.
vbTextCompare 1 Performs textual comparison.
vbDatabaseCompare 2 Performs comparison based on information on your database.

10 Ideal Examples of Using the VBA Split Function in Excel

Example 1 – Split Words from a String

The VBA code will split the string, “We are learning VBA SPLIT Function” and show the sub-strings in a message box.

  • Insert the code below in the Module window.
  • Press F5 key to run the code.

4-vba code to split word from string

Sub Split_Word()
'Declaring Variables
Dim Text As String
Dim Result() As String
Dim VisualText As String
Dim i As Integer
'String to Split
Text = "We are learning VBA SPLIT Function."
Result = Split(Text)
'For loop for storing sub-string in VisualText variable
For i = LBound(Result()) To UBound(Result())
VisualText = VisualText & Result(i) & vbNewLine
Next i
'Returns the output in a message box
MsgBox VisualText
End Sub

Code Breakdown

  • Here we set the name of the macro as Split_Word. Then, we declared four variables using the Dim All the variables are string types except variable i.
  • We have set the string “We are learning VBA SPLIT Function.” in one of the variables (Text). Then applied the SPLIT function to the string using that variable and stored it in a variable named Result.
  • Here we have used a For loop where LBound and UBound set the range. LBound is the least length a string can have (0) and UBound returns the maximum length of the string.
  • This loop helps us to store the substring in the VisualText Then, we added a MsgBox to return the output in a message box format.
  • After running the code, you will see the sub-strings in a message box.

5-splitted words in MsgBox

  • Since we didn’t mention any delimiter, it assumed each substring ended with a space.
  • If you want the output in cells rather than a message box, use the cell number instead of MsgBox.
  • The code below splits the string and stores the sub-strings in the range B4:B9.

6-split word from text and store them in range

Sub Split_Word_from_Text()
'Declaring Variables
Dim Text As String
Dim Result() As String
Dim VisualText As String
Dim i As Integer
'String to split
Text = "We are learning VBA SPLIT Function."
Result = Split(Text)
'For loop for storing sub-string in range B4:B9
For i = LBound(Result()) To UBound(Result())
     Cells(i + 4, 2).Value = Result(i)
Next i
End Sub
We have added the value into the cells where i+4 and 2 are the row and column numbers, respectively.

Example 2 – Splitting Words Separated with One Type of Delimiter

If there is no delimiter, then the SPLIT function assumes space as a delimiter. A delimiter can be a comma, a semicolon, or any separating character. We’ll use a comma as the delimiter.

7-words separated with comma delimiter

  • To split words separated with the comma delimiter, use the following code in the Module window.
  • Hit the F5 key to run the code.

8-vba code to split words separated with comma delimiter

Sub Comma_Delimiter()
'Declaring Variables
Dim Text As String
Dim Result() As String
Dim i As Integer
'Words Separated with Comma Delimiter
Text = "Apples,Bananas,Oranges,Mangoes"
Result = Split(Text, ",")
'For loop to store the output in range B4:B7
For i = LBound(Result()) To UBound(Result())
     Cells(i + 4, 2).Value = Result(i)
Next i
End Sub
The only change in our code is that we have used the delimiter field in the SPLIT function and inserted a comma (,) as the argument. This denotes that the string will be split by commas.
  • After running the code, you will see the result below.

9-vba code to split words separated with comma delimiter

Read More: How to Use VBA Function Procedure with Arguments in Excel

Example 3 – Divide an Address into Parts

Here is an example of a dataset consisting of a few addresses. Each address contains three parts. We’ll split the address into parts and separate them with line breaks.

10-dataset to divide address into parts

  • To divide the address into three parts, paste the following code in the Module window and save it by pressing Ctrl + S.

11-vba code to divide address into parts

'User-defined function to divide address
Function ThreePartAddress(cellRef As Range)
'Declaring Variables
Dim TStrng As String
Dim Result() As String
Dim VisualText As String
Dim i As Integer
'Storing output in Result variable
Result = Split(cellRef, ",", 3)
For i = LBound(Result()) To UBound(Result())
    VisualText = VisualText & Trim(Result(i)) & vbNewLine
Next i
ThreePartAddress = Mid(VisualText, 1, Len(VisualText) - 1)
End Function

We have inserted the Limit field in the SPLIT function since we want to divide it into three parts, we have used 3 as the Limit parameter.

We have used VBA LEN and MID functions that return the length of the string and extract the middle value from the text.

  • Use the formula below in Cell C5 and press Enter to see the result.
  • Drag the Fill Handle down to divide all the addresses into three parts.

12-dividing address into parts

Example 4 – Count Words in Strings

  • To create a function for counting words, paste the following code into the Module window and save it by pressing Ctrl + S.

13-vba code to count words in a string

'User-Defined Function to Count Words
Function WordCount(CRef As Range)
'Declaring Variables
Dim TextStrng As String
Dim Result() As String
'Using VBA TRIM function to trim the text and split it by space
Result = Split(WorksheetFunction.Trim(CRef.Text), " ")
'Adding 1 with the UBound of Result to get the word count
WordCount = UBound(Result()) + 1
End Function
Here, we have trimmed the text using the VBA TRIM function and split it by space (though we can skip this as by default split by space). In the WordCount variable, we have added the UBound of the string with 1.
  • After saving the code, use the formula below in Cell C5 and press Enter to see the result.
  • Drag the Fill Handle down to apply the function to the rest of the cells.

14-user-defined function to count words using SPLIT function

Read More: How to Use VBA RTrim Function

Example 5 – Find a Specific Word from a String

We are using the address dataset for this example. We are going to fetch the name of the city from the address. We will create a function named FindSpecificWord and retrieve the nth word from any string.

15-dataset to find specific word in a string

  • To create the function, paste the following code in the Module window.
  • Press Ctrl + S to save the code.

16-vba code to find specific word in a string

'User-Defined Function to find specific word
Function FindSpecificWord(CRef As Range, ValueNum As Integer)
Dim Result() As String
Result = Split(CRef, ",")
FindSpecificWord = Result(ValueNum - 1)
End Function

Code Breakdown

  • Our function takes two parameters; the CRef (string to split) and the ValueNum (numerical position of the word to find).
  • The SPLIT function splits the string by a delimiter comma. It returns the substrings in an array.
  • The array index is one less than the total element. You can see our addresses have 4 parts separated by a comma. But the array index number will be one less than that (3). That’s why we have subtracted 1 from the provided value number.
  • Insert this formula in Cell C5 and press Enter to see the result.
  • Drag the Fill Handle down to extract the city name from the other addresses.

17-user-defined function to find specific word

Example 6 – Change the Limit Parameter to Determine the Number of Substrings in an Array

We will split the string “Apples,Bananas,Oranges,Mangoes” and show the result in a message box.

  • Use the following code in the Module window.
  • Press F5 to run the code.

18-changing limit parameter in SPLIT function

Sub Changing_Limit_Parameter()
'Declaring Variables
Dim myText As String
Dim Result() As String
Dim VisualText As String
Dim i As Integer
'Array to split
myText = "Apples,Bananas,Oranges,Mangoes"
'Limit is the third argument of SPLIT function
Result = Split(myText, ",", 2)
For i = LBound(Result()) To UBound(Result())
    VisualText = VisualText & Result(i) & vbNewLine
Next i
'This message box will display the result
MsgBox VisualText
End Sub
In the above code, we have highlighted the limit parameter in the third argument of the SPLIT function. We have set the limit parameter to 2. That means the code will return two substrings.
  • After running the code, you will see the two substrings in a message box.

19-output of changing limit parameter in SPLIT function

For different limits, you will get different results. We can show them in the following table:

String Limit Output
“Apples,Bananas,Oranges,Mangoes” 1 Apples,Bananas,Oranges,Mangoes
“Apples,Bananas,Oranges,Mangoes” 2 Apples
“Apples,Bananas,Oranges,Mangoes” 3 Apples
“Apples,Bananas,Oranges,Mangoes” 4 Apples

Example 7 – Copy Data

We will insert an employee’s details in the range B10:E10.

20-dataset to copy data using SPLIT function

  • For inserting information about an employee, use the following code in the Module window.
  • Hit the F5 key to run it.

21-vba code to copy data using SPLIT function

Sub Copy_Split_Words()
Dim myText As String
'myText stores the text to split
myText = "E03519-Eliza Zheng-Computer Systems Manager-IT"
'This line will split myText
'Then,copy the sub-strings
'and paste them in the range B10:E10 of Copying Data worksheet
 Worksheets("Copying Data").Range("B10:E10").Value = Split(myText, "-")
End Sub
myText variable contains information about an employee named Eliza Zheng. The details are separated with hyphen delimiters. The SPLIT function will split the string and store the substrings in the range B10:E10.
  • After running the code, you will get the following result.

22-output of copying data using SPLIT function

Example 8 – Use a Letter as a Delimiter

We will insert the IDs of some employees in the range B5:B10 from the string “E03611E04464E02135E01684E02968E03362”. We are using the letter “E” as a delimiter here.

23-dataset for using letter as delimiter inside SPLIT function

  • Use the following code in the Module window.
  • Press F5 key to run it.

24-vba code to use letter as delimiter inside SPLIT function

Sub Letter_as_Delimiter()
'Declaring Variables
Dim Text As String
Dim Result() As String
Dim VisualText As String
Dim i As Integer
'String to split
Text = "E03611E04464E02135E01684E02968E03362"
'Application of SPLIT function with letter E as delimeter
'While using letter as delimeter, we need to use Compare parameter
Result = Split(Text, "E", , vbTextCompare)
For i = LBound(Result()) To UBound(Result())
     Cells(i + 4, 2).Value = Result(i)
Next i
End Sub
We have to insert the IDs inside the range B5:B10. The Text variable contains the IDs. Instead of delimiters, the letter “E” separates the IDs. To split the string into an array, we need to use the Compare parameter inside the SPLIT function.

Here, Split(Text, “E”, , vbTextCompare) contains four arguments. The last argument vbTextCompare helps to split the string by letter “E”.

  • We will see the IDs like the picture below.

25-output of using letter as delimiter inside SPLIT function

Different compare arguments show different results. We can show it in the following table.

String Delimiter Type Result Remark
“35e31E43” e vbTextCompare 35
When we need to split by upper or lower case.
“35e31E43” e vbBinaryCompare 35
When we need to split by lowercase only.
Note: If you erase the Compare argument, the SPLIT function uses binary comparison by default.

Example 9 – Find an Extension

We have some email addresses, and we will extract the emails and their extensions.

26-dataset for finding extension using SPLIT function

  • Use the code below in the Module window.
  • Press F5 to run it.

27-vba code to find extension using SPLIT function

Sub Finding_Extension()
'Decalaring Variables
Dim Text As String
Dim Result() As String
Dim i As Integer
'For loop to find extension and store the Result in Column E
For i = 1 To Range("C5:C13").Rows.Count
    Text = Range("C5").Cells(i)
    Result = Split(Text, "@")
    cell1 = Range("D" & 4 + i).Address
    cell2 = Range("E" & 4 + i).Address
    Range(cell1, cell2).Value = Result
Next i
'After storing the result, this line will hide Column D
Range("D5").EntireColumn.Hidden = True
End Sub
This code runs a For Next loop in the range C5:C13. Inside the loop, we have used the SPLIT function. It splits the email addresses into two parts: first term of emails and the extensions and stores them in Column D and Column E respectively. After that, it hides Column D.
  • You will find the extensions in Column E and the first terms will be hidden (in column D).

28-result of finding extension

What to Do If You Need to Find File Names and Their Extensions?

Use the following VBA code. The code will extract the file name “My Resume” and its extension “.pdf”.

29-finding file names and extensions

Sub Finding_Extension()
'Decalaring Variables
Dim Text As String
Dim Result() As String
Dim i As Integer
'For loop to find file names and extensions
For i = 1 To Range("C5:C13").Rows.Count
    Text = Range("C5").Cells(i)
    Result = Split(Text, ".")
    cell1 = Range("D" & 4 + i).Address
    cell2 = Range("E" & 4 + i).Address
    Range(cell1, cell2).Value = Result
Next i
End Sub
This code is similar to the previous one. Here, we have inserted a ‘dot (.)’ in place of ‘at the rate (@)’ symbol inside the SPLIT function. Also, we erased the line to hide Column D.

Example 10 – Splitting Words Separated with Multiple Delimiters

The string “E03519,Eliza Zheng-Computer Systems Manager,IT” contains comma (,) and hyphen (-) as delimiters. We will split this string and insert the array in range B10:E10.

30-dataset for splitting words with multiple delimiters

  • Insert the code below in the Module window.
  • Hit the F5 key to run the code.

31-vba code to split words with multiple delimiters

Sub Multiple_Delimiters()
'Decalaring Variables
Dim myText As String
'String with multiple delimiters
myText = "E03519,Eliza Zheng-Computer Systems Manager,IT"
'This line replaces hyphen (-) with comma (,)
myNewText = Replace(myText, "-", ",")
'This line splits the text stored in myNewText variable
FinalText = Split(myNewText, ",")
'Range B10:E10 stores the result
Range("B10:E10").Value = FinalText
End Sub
We have used VBA REPLACE function to replace hyphen (-) with comma (,) delimiter. After that, we have used the SPLIT function to split the string into an array.
  • Here’s the result.

32-result of splitting words with multiple delimiters

How to Use the Join Function to Reverse a Split in Excel VBA

To explain reverse split, we will use the string “We,are,learning,reverse,split,in,Excel” inside the code. We will place the string in Cell B4. After that, we will split it into an array, then join the sub-strings using space as a delimiter and place the result in Cell B6.

  • Insert the code below in the Module window.
  • Press F5 key to run it.

33- vba code for reversing split

Sub Join_to_Reverse_Split()
'Declare variables
Dim myArr() As String, myStr As String
Dim Trgt As String
'String to split
myStr = "We,are,learning,reverse,split,in,Excel"
'Place the string at Cell B4
Range("B4").Value = myStr
'Use Split function to split the string where comma delimiters are placed
myArr = Split(myStr, ",")
'Use Join function to re-create the original string using a space as delimiter
Trgt = Join(myArr, " ")
'Place the result string at Cell B6
Range("B6").Value = Trgt
End Sub
  • You will get the following result.

34-output of reversing split

Things to Remember

  • The Split function assumes space as the delimiter if you don’t provide the delimiter.
  • One must specify the delimiter inside the Split function if the delimiter is not a space.
  • The Ubound function finds the maximum length and the Lbound function finds the minimum length of the array.

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Shakil Ahmed

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