Excel Doughnut Chart

How to Create Half Doughnut Chart in Excel (with Easy Steps)

A half-doughnut chart, also known as a half-donut chart or a semicircle donut chart, is a circular chart that displays data in a half-circle shape ...

How to Display Labels Outside Doughnut Chart in Excel: 2 Methods

Method 1 - Creating Combo of Pie and Doughnut Charts Steps: Select the entire data range >> navigate to the Insert tab >> Insert ...

How to Create Progress Doughnut Chart in Excel

In this article, we will show how to create a progress doughnut chart in Excel. The Progress Doughnut Chart shows the percentage of progression of a ...

How to Make Doughnut Chart with Total in Middle in Excel

Method 1 - Create a Doughnut Chart Steps: Created a dataset with an institution’s average marks in different subjects. Categorize them into the ...

How to Make a Doughnut Chart in Excel: 2 Suitable Methods

Method 1 - Making a Doughnut Chart in Excel with Single Data Series Step-01: Inserting Doughnut Chart Select the dataset that you want to ...

How to Change Color Based on Value in Excel Doughnut Chart

Excel is a very powerful software. We can perform numerous operations on our datasets with many different Excel tools and features. Using various ...

How to Create Curved Labels in Excel Doughnut Chart (With Easy Steps)

In this article, we will learn to create curved labels in an Excel doughnut chart. Doughnut charts are used to represent a ‘part-to-whole’ ...

Excel Doughnut Chart with Multiple Rings (Create with Easy Steps)

Here's an overview of a doughnut chart with multiple rings, outlining sales data in different quarters. How to Create a Doughnut Chart ...

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