How to Repeat Cell Value X Times in Excel (7 Easy Methods)

The dataset contains 3 Products. We’ll repeat the products according to the Repeat Time.

Method 1 – Repeat a Cell Value X Times with a Helper Column and the VLOOKUP Function in Excel


  • Input 1 in cell B5 of the helper column.

Repeat Cell Value X Times with Helper Column and VLOOKUP Function in Excel

  • Select cell B6.
  • Use the formula:
  • Press Enter.
  • Use AutoFill to complete the rest.

Repeat Cell Value X Times with Helper Column and VLOOKUP Function in Excel

  • Take another helper column.
  • Type 1 in cell E5 and apply AutoFill to cell E9.
  • We’ll get 5 in cell E9 which is the sum of repeat time.

Repeat Cell Value X Times with Helper Column and VLOOKUP Function in Excel

  • Choose cell F5.
  • Insert the formula:
  • Use AutoFill to return other products.

Repeat Cell Value X Times with Helper Column and VLOOKUP Function in Excel

Read More: How to Repeat Cell Values in Excel

Method 2 – Copy and Paste Cell Value to Repeat Multiple Times


  • Right-click on row header 6.
  • You’ll get the Context Menu.
  • Press Insert.

  • It’ll insert blank rows.
  • Repeat the steps as many times as needed so you can fit copies.

  • Click cell B5 and press Ctrl + C. This will copy the cell.
  • Select cell B6 and press Ctrl + V keys to paste.
  • Paste to any other rows you need, then repeat the process for other values you need to copy.

Read More: How to Repeat Rows in Excel Based on Cell Value

Method 3 – Use the Fill Feature for Repeating Cell Values


  • Select cell B7 and 2 other cells below it.
  • Go to Home then to Editing and select Fill, then choose Down.

  • This’ll return TV in cells B8 and B9.

Read More: How to Repeat Multiple Rows in Excel

Method 4 – Return a Cell Value X Times Using the AutoFill Tool in Excel


  • Select cell B7.
  • At the bottom-right corner of the selected cell, the cursor will turn into a + icon as shown below.

  • Click and drag the cell down to the desired cells below it to repeat.
  • Look at the following figure where we repeat it 2 times.

Method 5 – Apply Excel VBA to Get a Cell Value X Times


  • Go to Developer and select Visual Basic.

  • The VBA window will pop out.
  • Click Insert and select Module.
  • The Module window will appear.
  • Copy the following code and paste it there.
Sub RepeatValue()
Dim rg As Range
Dim ir As Range, org As Range
xTitleId = "ExcelDemy"
Set ir = Application.Selection
Set ir = Application.InputBox("Range :", xTitleId, ir.Address, Type:=8)
Set org = Application.InputBox("Out put to (single cell):", xTitleId, Type:=8)
Set org = org.Range("A1")
For Each rg In ir.Rows
    xValue = rg.Range("A1").Value
    xNum = rg.Range("B1").Value
    org.Resize(xNum, 1).Value = xValue
    Set org = org.Offset(xNum, 0)
End Sub

  • Save the file and press F5 to run the code.
  • A dialog box will pop out.
  • Select the desired range and press OK.

  • Another dialog box will appear.
  • Select the cell where you’ll spill the data.
  • Press OK.

  • Here’s the result for the sample.

Method 6 – Return a Cell Value Multiple Times with the Power Query Editor

We’ll show how to repeat the products as many times as the total number of months (3).


  • Select the cell range B4:B7.
  • Press Ctrl + T.
  • A dialog box will pop out.
  • Press OK.

Return Cell Value Multiple Times with Power Query Editor

  • Click any cell in the table.
  • Go to Table Design and select Properties.
  • Type the Product in the Table Name.

repeat cell value x times in excel

  • Repeat the same steps to form another table of Months.
  • Select the months table.
  • Select Data and choose From Table/Range.

repeat cell value x times in excel

  • You’ll get a Power Query editor.
  • Press the Close & Load To option from the drop-down.

repeat cell value x times in excel

  • In the dialog box, check Only Create Connection.
  • Press OK.

repeat cell value x times in excel

  • Bring the Product table into the power query editor by following the same steps.
  • Go to the Add Column.
  • Select Custom Column.

repeat cell value x times in excel

  • Name the column as Month.
  • In the formula section, type Months.
  • Press OK.

Return Cell Value Multiple Times with Power Query Editor

  • Select the icon as shown in the below figure.

repeat cell value x times in excel

  • Uncheck the box marked in the following picture.
  • Press OK.

repeat cell value x times in excel

  • This’ll return the repeated product lists.
  • Press Close & Load.

  • You’ll see each of the products for as many as months.

Method 7 – Combining CHOOSE and SEQUENCE Functions for Repeating a Cell Value X Times=

  • The formula we’ll use in the result cell is:

using choose and sequence functions for repeating cell values

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Aung Shine
Aung Shine

Aung Shine completed his bachelor’s in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology. It has been almost 2 years since he joined SOFTEKO and actively working on the ExcelDemy project. Currently he works as a Team Leader where he guides his team members to create technical content. He has published 150+ articles and reviewed 50+ articles. He has also solved various user problems before. He has interests in Data Analysis, Power Query, Advanced Excel,... Read Full Bio

  1. How about this:

    • Hello,
      Thanks a lot for letting us know about this process. We’ve added the new method.

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