How to Remove Negative Sign in Excel (7 Methods)

Method 1 – Remove the Negative Sign in Excel Using the ABS Function

We have a list of numbers in cells B4:B10 with both positive and negative.

  • In cell C5, enter the following formula.

Cell B5 contains a negative number -7. The result is 7 as the ABS function removes the negative sign from it.

Remove Negative Sign in Excel

  • Use the Autofill Handle for the remaining cells.

Remove Negative Sign in Excel

Read More: How to Remove Plus Sign in Excel

Method 2 – Find and Replace the Negative Sign in Excel


  • We have three negative numbers in our dataset.

Remove Negative Sign in Excel

  • Go to Find & Select and choose Replace.

Remove Negative Sign in Excel

  • In the Find and Replace window, put a minus (-) sign in the Find what input box and leave the Replace with input box blank.
  • Click Replace All.

  • You will receive a confirmation message. Click OK and Close.

Read More: How to Remove Sign from Numbers in Excel

Method 3 – Use the IF Function to Check and Remove Negative Signs in Excel

  • In cell C5, enter the following formula.
=IF(B5<0, -B5, B5)

This will remove the negative sign from cell C5.

Remove Negative Sign in Excel

Formula Breakdown
As we know the syntax of the IF function is:
=IF(logical_test, [value_if_true], [value_if_false])
In our formula,
 logical_test = B5<0, checks whether the value of cell B5 is less than zero or not
[value_if_true] = -B5, if the number is less than zero i.e., +negative then multiply it with a negative sign so that it becomes positive.
[value_if_false] = B5, if the number is not less than zero then keep the number as it is.

Copy the formula to the other cells by using the Fill Handle.

Method 4 – Reverse the Negative Sign to Positive with the Paste Special Multiplication


  • In cell C5, enter -1 which will be used to multiply with the negative numbers in cells B5:B10.

Remove Negative Sign in Excel

  • Copy cell C5 and select the cell range B5:B10.

Remove Negative Sign in Excel

  • Right-click on any of the selected cells B5:B10 and click on Paste Special.

  • In the Paste Special window, select Values from the Paste options and Multiply from the Operation.
  • Click OK to save the changes.

  • The negative signs will be removed from the numbers.

Remove Negative Sign in Excel

Method 5 – Remove the Negative Sign in Excel Using Flash Fill


  • We have negative numbers in cells B5:B10.

Remove Negative Sign in Excel

  • Enter 7 in B5.

Remove Negative Sign in Excel

  • In cell C6, press Ctrl + E.
  • The above steps will flash-filled cells C6:C10 with numbers without the negative signs.
  • Click on the small icon next to the flash-filled cells and click on Accept suggestions.

Method 6 – Add Custom Formatting to Remove the Negative Signs


  • Select cells B5:B10 that contain negative numbers.
  • Press Ctrl + 1 to open the Format Cells window.
  • In the Format Cells window, click the Custom option from the Category list under the Number tab.
  • In the Type input box, enter #,###, #,### number format code. Press

Remove Negative Sign in Excel

  • You’ll see numbers without the negative signs.

Method 7 – Apply VBA Code to Remove the Negative Sign from Selected Cells


  • Select the cells B5:B10 that contain the negative numbers.
  • From the Developer tab, click on the Visual Basic option.

Remove Negative Sign in Excel

  • Click on the Insert tab and choose Module.

  • Enter the following code and press F5 to run.
Sub RemoveNegativeSign()
For Each Cell In Selection
    If Cell.Value < 0 Then
        Cell.Value = -Cell.Value
    End If
Next Cell
End Sub

In the VBA code, the For Each loop will apply the If…Then…End If condition to each of the cells of B5:B10. It checks whether the number is less than zero. If the logic is true, it’ll replace the cell value with the negative value of itself. As a result, it’ll change it into a positive number.

Remove Negative Sign in Excel

Alternative Code:

Sub RemoveNegativeSign()
Dim SelectedCells As Range
For Each SelectedCells In Selection
If SelectedCells.Value <> "" Then
If IsNumeric(SelectedCells.Value) Then
SelectedCells.Value = Abs(SelectedCells.Value)
End If
End If
Next SelectedCells
End Sub

This code uses the ABS function to get only the values of the selected cells.

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Al Arafat Siddique
Al Arafat Siddique

Al Arafat Siddique, BSc, Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, has worked on the ExcelDemy project for two years. He has written over 85+ articles for ExcelDemy. Currently, he is working as a software developer. He is leading a team of six members to develop Microsoft Office Add-ins, extending Office applications to interact with office documents. Other assigned projects to his team include creating AI-based products and online conversion tools using the latest... Read Full Bio

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    This helped me a lot! Thanks!

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