How to Use Left Trim Function in Excel: 7 Easy Ways

Some spreadsheets like the following sample dataset require us to trim data from the left. Here, we need to trim the Color from the given Product Code.

sample dataset to use left trim function in excel

Method 1 – Using the RIGHT Function to Trim Characters in Excel


  • Enter the following formula to separate the color from the code.

Apply RIGHT Function to Trim Left Side Characters in Excel

  • After entering the formula, the color Blue will be separated.
  • Use the Fill Handle (+) to copy the formula to the rest of the cells.

use of right function in excel

Read More: How to Trim Right Characters and Spaces in Excel 

Method 2 – Using the REPLACE Function to Remove Selected Characters from the Left Column


  • Enter the following Formula:

Application of  REPLACE Function to Remove Left Side Characters in Excel

  • You should now see the following:

use of replace function in excel

Method 3 – Using VBA to Trim Selected Characters from the Left Column 

This method works if you do not want to use a formula or function.


  • Following is the string we want to trim:

Use VBA to Trim Left Side Characters

  • Right-click on the sheet name and select the View Code option to view the VBA window.
  • Type the following code in the Module.
Option Explicit
Sub GetString()
Dim str1 As String
str1 = "3PastelBlue"
MsgBox Right(str1, 10)
End Sub

Use VBA to Trim Left Side Characters

  • Run the code

VBA dialog box

Method 4 – Using RIGHT and LEN Functions to Remove Selected Characters from the Left Column

The LEN function returns the number of characters in a text string.


  • Enter the following formula.

Delete Characters from Left Using RIGHT and LEN Function

Breakdown of the Formula:

  • LEN(B5)

Here, the LEN function returns the number of characters in a text string.

  • RIGHT(B5,LEN(B5)-C5)

In this formula, the number of characters trimmed from the left is subtracted from the whole string. The formula will return the string trimmed from the left.

  • This is what you will see:

combination of right and len functions in excel

Method 5 – Using a Combination of FIND, MID, TRIM & LEN Functions to Remove Selected Characters from the Left Column


  • Enter the following formula:

Remove Leading Spaces Using the Combination of FIND, MID, TRIM & LEN functions in Excel

Breakdown of the Formula:

  • LEN(B5)

This formula will return the number of characters in Cell B5.

  • TRIM (B5)

The TRIM function removes all spaces from B5 except for single spaces between words.

  • MID(TRIM(B5),1,1)

The MID function returns characters from the middle of B5, given the starting position and length.

  • FIND(MID(TRIM(B5),1,1)

The FIND function returns the starting position of one text string within another text string. Here the formula returns the position of the character we found in the previous procedure.

  • MID(B5,FIND(MID(TRIM(B5),1,1),B5),LEN(B5))

Applying the formula with another MID function will erase the spaces from only the left side of the string.

  • You will see the output as shown below:

combination of find, mid, trim and len functions in excel

Read More: How to Trim Spaces in Excel

Method 6 – Using a Combination of REPLACE, LEFT, FIND & TRIM to Remove Selected Characters from the Left Column


  • Type the following formula:

Apply Combination of REPLACE, LEFT, FIND & TRIM Excel Functions to Remove Leading Spaces

Breakdown of the Formula:

The combination of the FIND, LEFT and TRIM functions helps us to calculate the position of the first space character in the string; spaces towards the left side of the string. Here, we passed the formula through REPLACE function. As a result, the leading spaces of the string were replaced with no blank (“”). The formula will erase only the leading spaces from the string.

  • The result is:

combination of replace, find, left and trim functions in excel

Method 7 – Using VBA to Trim Characters from the Left Column

Leading spaces can also be deleted using the VBA.


  • Select the cells with leading spaces.

Use VBA to Remove Leading Spaces in Excel

  • Right-click on the sheet name, and select the View Code option to bring up the VBA window.
  • In the Module, write the following code:
Option Explicit
Sub TrimExample1()
Dim Cell As Object
Dim Rg As Range
Set Rg = Selection
For Each Cell In Rg
Cell.Value = Trim(Cell)
Next Cell
End Sub

Use VBA to Remove Leading Spaces in Excel

  • Run the code.

excel vba to remove leading space result

Download Practice Workbook

You can download the practice workbook that we’ve used to prepare this article.

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Hosne Ara
Hosne Ara

Hosne Ara is a materials and metallurgical engineer who loves exploring Excel and VBA programming. To her, programming is like a time-saving superhero for dealing with data, files, and the internet. She's skilled in Rhino3D, Maxsurf C++, MS Office, AutoCAD, and Excel & VBA, going beyond the basics. With a B. Sc. in Materials and Metallurgical Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, she's shifted gears and now works as a content developer. In this role, she... Read Full Bio

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