How to Find Duplicate Values Using VLOOKUP in Excel: 3 Suitable Examples

Method 1 – Use VLOOKUP to Find Duplicate Values in Two Columns

Make two columns that contain different product names. Look for the Product Name-1 column names in the Product Name-2 column. This is the formula to find duplicates that we are going to use:

=VLOOKUP(List-1, List-2,True,False)

In this formula, the List-1 names will be searched in List-2. If there exists any duplicate name, the formula will return the name from List-1.


  • Select cell D5, and write down the VLOOKUP function in that cell.
  • Press Enter on your keyboard. Get the duplicate value which is the return value of the VLOOKUP function.
  • The Air Conditioner is found because the VLOOKUP function searches this name from Product Name-1 to Product Name-2. The result from Product Name-1 will be output when the name is found.

Use VLOOKUP to Find Duplicate Values in Two Columns

  • Drag down the formulated cell D5 downwards to complete the result for the two columns.

  • The #N/A results are found because, in those particular cells, the names from column B are not found in column C.
  • In the Result column, 4 duplicate values (Air Conditioner, Microwave Oven, Refrigerator, and Television). #N/A values are representing the unique values of column Product Name-1.

Method 2 – Apply VLOOKUP to Find Duplicate Values in Two Excel Worksheets


  • In C5 of VL3, type the below formula.
=IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(B5,'VL2'!$B$5:$B$13,1,0)),"Unique", "Duplicate")

Apply VLOOKUP to Find Duplicate Values in Two Excel Worksheets

  • Press ENTER on your keyboard. See the result Duplicate because the name Television exists in VL2.

  • Drag this formulated cell C5 to carry out the result for the rest of the cells in column C.

Apply VLOOKUP to Find Duplicate Values in Two Excel Worksheets

  • For a proper view, look at the GIF.

how to find duplicate values in excel using vlookup

Method 3- Insert VLOOKUP to Find Duplicates in Two Workbooks of Excel

  • Created a new workbook titled VL and in the workbook create a new worksheet titled Sheet1. In Sheet1 create a product list just like before.

Insert VLOOKUP to Find Duplicates in Two Workbooks of Excel

  • In the main workbook, which we were working on (in our last example), create another worksheet titled VL4 and again create a list of products.

  • In cell C5 of VL4, write the following formula and press ENTER.
=IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(B5,[VL.xlsx]Sheet1!$B$2:$B$10,1,0)),"Unique", "Duplicate")
  • See the results duplicate as Television exists in VL4.

  • Drag the formulated cell C5 to see the result for the remaining cells in column C.
  • Find out the duplicates between the two workbooks.

Insert VLOOKUP to Find Duplicates in Two Workbooks of Excel

Bottom Line

➜ While a value can not be found in the referenced cell, the #N/A! The error happens in Excel.

➜ #DIV/0! error happens when a value is divided by zero(0) or the cell reference is blank.

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Siam Hasan Khan
Siam Hasan Khan

Hello! Welcome to my Profile. Here I will be posting articles related to Microsoft Excel. I have completed my BSc in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from American International University-Bangladesh. I am a diligent, goal-oriented engineer with an immense thirst for knowledge and an attitude to grow continuously. Continuous improvement and life-long learning are my mottoes.

  1. This is brilliant! May I share the link to this article with another online class that I am taking?

    • Hi Stanley,
      Thanks for the comments. Glad to hear that it is helpful. Yes. You can share it with an online class with an attribution to our blog.
      Best regards

  2. Reply
    John Grimes, CPA Jun 8, 2019 at 4:54 AM

    It would be most helpful if the “Download” file was in Excel. Thank you

    • When we have more than one files for an article, we make a compressed file.
      Hope you understand. Other articles that have just the Excel file to share, the download options are in Excel File.
      Best regards
      Kawser Ahmed

  3. Is there a way to have this kind of formula that shows count of duplicates in a single column? I am interested to know if there is a “formula-way” to count how many unique cells and how many duplicates in a single column without referencing other column.

  4. Reply
    excellentcomputereducation May 10, 2021 at 5:38 PM

    very helpful post for excel beginner and expert candidate

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