How to Create a Combination Chart in Excel (4 Examples)

Dataset Overview

Combination charts are powerful tools that allow you to display multiple data series on a single chart, making it easier to compare and analyze different trends. To describe the examples, we’ll use the following dataset that is showing the information of Sales Amount and Profit for the months January-June.

How to Create a Combination Chart in Excel

Example 1 – Create a Combination Chart with Clustered Column

  • Select the cell range containing your data (for example, B4:D10).
  • Go to the Insert tab and choose Combo Chart from the Charts section.

Create a Combination Chart with Clustered Column

  • Select the Clustered Column-Line type from the options.

  • Initially, the chart will show both columns and lines.

  • Double-click on the Profit line in the chart.
  • Make it a Secondary Axis from the Format Data Series panel.

Create a Combination Chart with Clustered Column

  • Mark the options for Primary Vertical and Secondary Vertical in the Chart Elements.

Create a Combination Chart with Clustered Column

  • You’ve created a combination chart based on your dataset.

Read More: How to Combine Two Graphs in Excel

Example 2 – Make a Combo Chart with Automatic Secondary Axis

  • Follow the same steps as above to select your data range.

Make Combo Chart with Automatic Secondary Axis

  • Insert a combo chart and choose Clustered Column – Line on Secondary Axis.

Make Combo Chart with Automatic Secondary Axis

  • Format the chart using a style of your choice.

Make Combo Chart with Automatic Secondary Axis

  • Add and format Data Labels (e.g., Inside Base) for clarity.

  • Now you have your desired combination chart.

Read More: How to Create Column and Line Chart Combo in Excel

Example 3 – Create a Customized Combination Chart in Excel

  • Again, select your data range (B4:D10).
  • Click on Insert Combo Chart in the Insert tab.
  • Choose Create Custom Combo Chart.

Create a Customized Combination Chart in Excel

  • Select Custom Combination from the Custom section in the Insert Chart dialog box.

Create a Customized Combination Chart in Excel

  • Define the Chart Type for each Series Name (e.g., Sales Amount as columns and Profit as lines).

  • Mark Profit as the Secondary Axis.

Create a Customized Combination Chart in Excel

  • Press OK, and your customized Combination Chart is ready.

Example 4 – Convert a 2D Bar Chart into a Combo Chart

  • Start by selecting your data range (B4:D10).
  • Choose Insert Column or Bar Chart from the Chart group under the Insert tab.

Convert 2D Bar Chart into a Combo Chart

  • Select 2D Clustered Column.

Convert 2D Bar Chart into a Combo Chart

  • By default, the chart will show only the Sales Amount series.

  • To include Profit, right-click on the Sales Amount series and choose Change Series Chart Type from the Context Menu.

Convert 2D Bar Chart into a Combo Chart

  • Define the Profit Chart Type as Line with Markers.
  • Make it a Secondary Axis.

  • You’ve successfully converted the 2D Bar Chart into a Combination Chart.

Things to Remember

  • Limit Data Series to Two:
    • It’s best to use combination charts with a maximum of two data series. Otherwise, they can become cluttered, making it difficult to differentiate between the different series and identify the relevant axis for each.
  • Varying Units:
    • Combination charts are particularly useful when you have data series with vastly different units. For example, combining sales revenue (in dollars) with customer satisfaction scores (on a scale of 1 to 10).
  • Chart Type Selection:
    • Be mindful of choosing the right chart type for each data series. Avoid using a line chart for data that actually requires an XY scatter plot. Consider the nature of your data before making a selection.
  • Handling Different Data Scales:
    • If your data scales vary significantly (e.g., one series ranges from 0 to 100 while another goes up to 10,000), consider adding data labels to the chart. This ensures clarity and helps viewers understand the context.

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Taryn Nefdt
Taryn Nefdt

Taryn is a Microsoft Certified Professional, who has used Office Applications such as Excel and Access extensively, in her interdisciplinary academic career and work experience. She has a background in biochemistry, Geographical Information Systems (GIS), and biofuels. She enjoys showcasing the functionality of Excel in various disciplines. She has over ten years of experience using Excel and Access to create advanced integrated solutions.

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