How to Circle a Text in Excel – 3 Easy Methods


This is the sample dataset.

How to Circle Text in Excel

Method 1 -Using Basic Shapes to Circle a Text in Excel


  • Go to the Insert tab and click Shapes.
  • Select Oval in Basic Shapes.

Use Basic Shapes to Circle Text in Excel

  • Your cursor will display a “+” sign. Drag it to create an oval shape around the text.

Use Basic Shapes to Circle Text in Excel

  • The oval shape will be filled with color by default.

  • To remove the color, right-click the shape and go to Format Shapes or directly to Fill.

  • Select No Fill to make the text visible.

Use Basic Shapes to Circle Text in Excel

  • You will have your text inside the circle.
  • You can create a circle with text for the rest of the cells.

How to Circle Text in Excel


If you want to curve your text around a circle:

  • Insert a Textbox in your worksheet and enter your text.
  • Go to Text Effects in the Shape Format tab and select Transform.
  • Choose Circle.
  • Increase your text size until it makes a complete circle.

Use Basic Shapes to Circle Text in Excel

Read More: How to Circle Something in Excel

Method 2 – Drawing a Circle Around a Text in Excel


  • Click Shapes in the Insert tab, and select Curve in Lines.

Draw a Circle to Wrap Around Text in Excel

  • Your cursor will display a “+” sign. Move it and use the left-click to create a circular shape around your text.

Draw a Circle to Wrap Around Text in Excel

  • The shape will display a default fill color.

  • To remove the fill color and make the text visible, click Fill and select No Fill.

  • You will see the text inside the circle.

Draw a Circle to Wrap Around Text in Excel

Read More: How to Create Concentric Circle Chart in Excel

Method 3 – Running an Excel VBA to Circle Text


  • Select the cell you want to circle.

  • Press  Alt+F11  to open the Microsoft Visual Basic window.
  • Click Module in the Insert tab.

  • Enter the following VBA code in the Module.
Sub VBA_Circle_Text()
    Dim CircRNG As Range
    Dim JobRng As Range
    Set JobRng = Application.Selection
    For Each CircRNG In JobRng.Areas
        With CircRNG
            m = CircRNG.Height * 0.15
            n = CircRNG.Width * 0.2
            Application.ActiveSheet.Ovals.Add Top:=.Top - m, Left:=.Left - n, _
            Height:=.Height + 2.25 * m, Width:=.Width + 1.75 * n
            With Application.ActiveSheet.Ovals(ActiveSheet.Ovals.Count)
                .Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
                .ShapeRange.Line.Weight = 2
            End With
        End With
End Sub

Run a VBA code to Circle Text in Excel

  • Press  F5  to run the code and go back to your worksheet.
  • You will see a circle around the selected cell.

Run a VBA code to Circle Text in Excel


Read More: How to Put a Circle Around a Number in Excel

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Alif Bin Hussain
Alif Bin Hussain

Alif Bin Hussain earned a BSc in Civil Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology. As an engineering graduate, he has a deep passion for research and innovation. He loves to play with Excel. In his role as an Excel & VBA Content Developer at ExcelDemy, he not only solves tricky problems but also shows enthusiasm and expertise in handling tough situations with finesse, emphasizing his dedication to delivering top-notch content. He is interested in C, C++,... Read Full Bio

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