How to Use a Formula to Find Bold Text in Excel (4 Methods)

Dataset Overview

We’ll use a dataset that holds products sold on certain days. The products that have sold Quantity of more than 50 (>50) are in bold. We have to find the bolden product names.

Dataset-Formula to Find Bold Text in Excel

Method 1 – Using the Find Feature to Find Bold Text in Excel

  • Select the Range
    • Choose the entire range (rows or columns) where you want to find bold text.
    • Go to the Home tab and click on Find & Select (from the Editing section), then select Find.

Find feature-Formula to Find Bold Text in Excel

  • Find and Replace Dialog Box
    • The Find and Replace dialog box appears.
    • Keep other options as they are.
    • Click on Format.

Find and replace window

  • Find Format Dialog Box
    • In the Find Format dialog box:
      • Select the Font section.
      • Go to the Font Style group.
      • Choose Bold and click OK.

Find format window

  • Find All Bold Text
    • Click OK in the Find and Replace dialog box.
    • All the bold texts within the selection will be listed under the dialog box.

Find and replace

  • Select All Bold Text
    • Press CTRL+A to select all the bold texts.
    • Excel will highlight all the bold texts within your selection.

Find and replace

Find feature

Read More: How to Find Text in Cell in Excel

Method 2 – Using the GET.CELL Formula to Find Bold Text

GET.CELL is a macro function that returns TRUE or FALSE depending on the types of cell information. The syntax of the GET.CELL is

GET.CELL(type_num, reference)

In the syntax,

type_num; is a number that indicates what type of cell info you consider finding. For this case type_num 20 refers to the first or all the characters of an entry in Bold font.

reference; cell reference.

Follow these steps to execute this method:

  • Define a Name
    • Highlight the entire column containing the data.
    • Go to the Formulas tab and select Define Name (from the Defined Names section).

Get cell-Formula to Find Bold Text in Excel

    • In the New Name dialog box:
      • Assign a name (e.g., FindBold) to the range (Product column).
      • Set the following formula in the Refer to field:
  • Here, 20 represents the type_num for bold font or characters, and GET.CELL!$C5 is the reference.

new name window

  • Apply the Formula
    • Enter =FindBold in any blank cell (e.g., G5).
    • Double-click on the defined name that appears under the formula bar.

Inserting formula-Formula to Find Bold Text in Excel

    • Press ENTER and drag the Fill Handle to apply the formula to other cells.
    • Excel will display TRUE for bold entries and FALSE for non-bold entries.


  • Filter Bold Entries
    • Place the cursor on the header (Find Bold Text).
    • Go to the Home tab, select Sort & Filter (from the Editing section), and click on Filter.

Selecting Filter-Formula to Find Bold Text in Excel

    • Deselect FALSE in the Filter options and click OK.

Unselect False

    • This will display all the bold entries and hide non-bold ones.

Final result

Read More: How to Get Excel Sheet Name

Method 3 – Using VBA Custom Formula to Find Bold Text

  • Open the Visual Basic Editor
    • Press ALT+F11 to open the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) window.
    • In the window, select Insert from the toolbar and click on Module.

insert module-Formula to Find Bold Text in Excel

  • Create the Custom Function
    • Paste the following macro into the module:
Function FindBold(wrkRng As Range)
If wrkRng.Font.Bold Then
FindBold = wrkRng.Value
FindBold = ""
End If
End Function


This custom function, named FindBoldText, takes a range as an argument. It checks if each cell’s font is bold and returns the cell value or an empty string accordingly.

  • Apply the Custom Formula
    • Back in the worksheet, enter =FindBoldText in the formula bar.
    • A custom formula with the same name as in the macro will appear. Double-click on it.

Custom formula insertion

    • Assign a cell as a reference and press ENTER.


    • Use the Fill Handle to apply the formula to other cells.

Fill handle

  • Filter Bold Entries
    • Repeat Steps 5 and 6 from Method 2:
      • Apply a filter to the header (Find Bold Text).
      • Unselect Blanks from the filter options and click OK.


Excel will hide non-bold entries within the range, displaying only the bold ones.

Custom function result-Formula to Find Bold Text in Excel

Read More: How to Find If Cell Contains Specific Text in Excel

Method 4 – Find Bold Text Using VBA Macro

  • Create a Simple Macro
    • Select a range of cells.
    • Press ALT+F11 to open the VBA window.
    • Insert a module (similar to Step 1 in Method 3).

vba-Formula to Find Bold Text in Excel

    • Enter the following macro:
Sub FindBoldEntries()
Dim mrfRng As Range
Dim wrkRng As Range
Dim LRng As Range
On Error Resume Next
xTitleId = "Provide a Range"
Set wrkRng = Application.Selection
Set wrkRng = Application.InputBox("Range", xTitleId, wrkRng.Address, Type:=8)
For Each mrfRng In wrkRng
If mrfRng.Font.Bold Then
If LRng Is Nothing Then
Set LRng = mrfRng
Set LRng = Union(LRng, mrfRng)
End If
End If
If Not LRng Is Nothing Then
End If
End Sub


    • This macro loops through the selected range, highlighting bold entries.
  • Run the Macro
    • Press F5 to run the macro.
    • Excel will automatically insert the selected range in the Provide a Range dialog box. Click OK.

Provide a range

    • All bold entries will be highlighted.

Final result

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Maruf Islam
Maruf Islam

MARUF ISLAM is an excellent marine engineer who loves working with Excel and diving into VBA programming. For him, programming is like a superhero tool that saves time when dealing with data, files, and the internet. His skills go beyond the basics, including ABACUS, AutoCAD, Rhinoceros, Maxsurf, and Hydromax. He got his B.Sc in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering from BUET, and now he's switched gears, working as a content developer. In this role, he creates techy content... Read Full Bio

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