How to Find from Right in Excel (6 Methods)

Let’s discuss how to use the Excel RIGHT function to find characters from the right in Excel.  Below is a summary of the formulae used in this tutorial.

Excel Find from Right

Method 1 – Using the RIGHT Function to Find a Specific Number of Characters From the Right in Excel

You can use the RIGHT function to extract a specific number of characters from the right of the string or text. You have to do the following.

  • Scenario:
    • Suppose we have a string in cell B5 that says “The quick brown fox”. We want to extract the last 3 characters from the right of this string (which corresponds to the word “fox”).
  • Formula:
    • In an adjacent cell (let’s say D5), enter the following formula:


    • B5 represents the cell containing the original string.
    • 3 specifies the number of characters to extract from the right.
  • Result:
    • After entering the formula, cell D5 will display the extracted word “fox”.
  • Repeat:
    • You can apply the same approach to other texts, adjusting the number of characters as needed.

RIGHT Function to Extract Specific Number of Characters

Read More: How to Find Character in String from Right in Excel

Method 2 -Extracting the Last Character of a String Using the RIGHT Function

  • Scenario:
    • Suppose we have a string in cell B5 that says “The quick brown fox”. We want to extract the last character from this string (which corresponds to the letter “x”).
  • Formula:
    • Instead of specifying the second argument (Num_chars), leave it empty. The formula for extracting only the last character will be as follows:


      • B5 represents the cell containing the original string.
  • Result:
    • After entering the formula, cell D5 will display the extracted character “x”.

RIGHT Function to Extract Specific Number of Characters


Read More: Excel Find Last Occurrence of Character in String

Method 3 – Handling Exceeding Length with the RIGHT Function

  • Scenario:
    • If the second argument (Num_chars) exceeds the length of the string, the RIGHT function will return the entire text.
  • Formula:
    • Let’s use the same formula but enter a large number (e.g., 100) for the second argument:
  • Result:
    • Upon entering the formula, cell D5 will show the entire text from cell B5.

Excel Find from Right


Read More: How to Find a Character in String in Excel

Method 4 – Applying the RIGHT Function to Numeric Values

  • Scenario:
    • When applying the RIGHT function to a numeric value, it will return the same numeric value.
  • Formula:
    • Use the same formula but apply it to a number:


  • Result:
    • Cell D5 will display the same numeric value as in cell B5.

RIGHT Function on Numeric Values

Method 5 – Extracting Characters from the Right of a Specific Character

  • Scenario:
    • Suppose we have a string in cell B5, and we want to extract text to the right of a specific character (in this case, the character “y”).
  • Formula:
    • In cell B5, enter the following formula:
      • LEN(B5) calculates the total number of characters in the string (which is 22 in this case).
      • FIND("y", B5) calculates the position of the character “y” in the string (which is 7).
      • Subtracting LEN(B5) from FIND("y", B5) gives us the number of characters to the right of the character “y” (which is 15).
  • Result:
    • The RIGHT function will extract the 15 characters from the end (right) of the string, starting from the character “y”.
  • Repeat:
    • You can apply the same approach to other strings, selecting different characters each time.

RIGHT Function to Extract Characters from the Right of a Specific Character

Method 6 – Finding the Last Word From the Right in Excel

  • Scenario:
    • Suppose we have a text string in cell B5, and we want to extract the last word from it.
  • Formula:
    • In cell B5, enter the following formula:

=TRIM(RIGHT(SUBSTITUTE(B5," ",REPT(" ",100)),100))

      • Breakdown of the formula:
        • SUBSTITUTE(B5, " ", REPT(" ", 100)): This part replaces all spaces in the original string with 100 spaces. It ensures that we have enough spaces to cover any word.
        • RIGHT(...): Extracts the last 100 characters from the modified string.
        • TRIM(...): Removes any extra spaces from the extracted portion, leaving only the last word.
  • Result:
    • The formula will return the last word from the right in the original text string.
  • Repeat:
    • You can apply the same approach to other strings.

Extract Last word from right


Read More: How to Find Text in Cell in Excel

Things to Remember

  • If you don’t specify a number as the second argument for the RIGHT function, it will extract the last character of the string.
  • If the second argument exceeds the total length of the string, it will return the entire string.

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ASM Arman
ASM Arman

Abu Saleh Arman is a Marine engineer and Excel & VBA expert. He loves programming with VBA. He finds VBA programming a time-saving tool to manipulate data, handle files, and interact with the internet. He is very interested in Python, MATLAB, PHP, Deep Neural Networks, and Machine Learning, showcasing his diverse skill set. Arman holds a B.Sc in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering from BUET, Bangladesh. However, he switched to a content developer, where he writes technical content... Read Full Bio

  1. Thank you for the great information, althought I’m yet to digest the marvelous concept of brute-forcing the last “word” from the string, the screen shot example for Method 6 is misplaced (shown with formulas from method 5).

    • Dear Xyand,

      You are most welcome. Thanks for appreciation. We updated the image of Method 6.


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