Excel Waterfall Chart Total Not Showing (3 Easy Solutions)

In Office 2016 and onward versions, Excel offers the Waterfall Chart in its Charts section. Waterfall Charts are effective in depicting positive and negative values. Also, users face an issue known as Excel Waterfall Chart total not showing every now and then while working with Waterfall Charts in Excel.

Let’s say we have a monthly transaction in positive and negative amounts as shown in the image below.

Dataset-Excel Waterfall Chart Total Not Showing

Using the data, we inserted a Waterfall Chart by going through Insert > Waterfall Chart (in the Charts section). However, Excel labels the Total amount in certain color but doesn’t show it as it is supposed to.

No Total-Excel Waterfall Chart Total Not Showing

In this article, we demonstrate the use of Double-click and the Context Menu to resolve the Excel Chart total not showing issue.

Excel Waterfall Chart Total Not Showing: 3 Suitable Solutions

Solution 1: Using Double-click to Assign and Display Total in Waterfall Chart

The Excel Waterfall Chart is not displaying the total in its data points because Excel hasn’t assigned it as the total. To display the total, users need to set the specific values as the total. After setting the total value, the Waterfall Chart will show the total amount in its assigned color.

Steps: Double-click on the total amount in the Chart to fetch the Format Data Point side window. After that, tick the Set as Total option under Series Options.


🔺 After setting the amount as total, Excel automatically displays the total in its respective color in the Waterfall Chart as shown in the picture below.

Waterfall Chart

Read More: How to Create a Waterfall Chart in Excel

Solution 2: Selecting Context Menu Options to Show Total in Excel Waterfall Chart

Right-clicking on any individual amount offers execution of certain options from the Context Menu.

Steps: Select an individual amount (i.e., the total amount) with 2 consecutive clicks, then right-click to display the Context Menu options. Select the Set as Total option to show the total in the Waterfall Chart.

Context Menu-Excel Waterfall Chart Total Not Showing

🔺 The final depiction will be the same as represented in the image below.

Final Depiction

Read More: How to Create a Stacked Waterfall Chart in Excel

Solution 3: Adding the Missing Total Amount in the Data Source Range

A very silly but common mistake that users make is that they don’t find or include the total amount in the Waterfall Chart Data Source. To resolve the issue, users just have to find the total and then include the total amount in the Chart’s data source. The below image showcases the instance.

Missing Total Amount-Excel Waterfall Chart Total Not Showing

Steps: Find the total amount using the SUM function, then follow any above describe solutions (i.e., Solution 1 or Solution 2) to display the total in the Waterfall Chart.

Final depiction

Read More: How to Make a Waterfall Chart with Multiple Series in Excel

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This article explores the probable reasons and solutions for the Excel Waterfall Chart total not showing issue. We hope these above methods clarify your understanding regarding the issue and resolve it. Comment if you have further inquiries or have anything to add.

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Maruf Islam
Maruf Islam

MARUF ISLAM is an excellent marine engineer who loves working with Excel and diving into VBA programming. For him, programming is like a superhero tool that saves time when dealing with data, files, and the internet. His skills go beyond the basics, including ABACUS, AutoCAD, Rhinoceros, Maxsurf, and Hydromax. He got his B.Sc in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering from BUET, and now he's switched gears, working as a content developer. In this role, he creates techy content... Read Full Bio

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