How to Use VBA to Populate ComboBox List from Range in Excel

A ComboBox consists of a list of text from which we can choose an item.

In this sample Sales Dataset we want to populate the ComboBox list from the given range using Excel VBA Macros.

Dataset for excel vba combobox list from range

Method 1 – Using Named Range


  • Select the B4:D4 cells.
  • Enter a suitable Named Range, for example, “Col_Headers”.

Using Named Range and VBA Code

  • Select the B5:B9 cells.
  • Enter the name Brand in the Name Box. 
  • Repeat for C5:C13 and D5:D13 ranges with Model and Price respectively.

Using Name box

  • Go to the Developer tab.
  • Click on Insert.
  • Choose the ComboBox option.

Inserting ComboBox

  • Right-click on the worksheet name and select the View Code button.

Click on View Code

  • Copy and paste the below code into the window.
Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
    Dim rng As Range
    Set rng = Range(Me.ComboBox1.Text)
    Me.ComboBox2.List = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(rng)
End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
    Dim rng As Range
    Set rng = Range("Col_Headers")
    Me.ComboBox1.List = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(rng)
End Sub

excel vba combobox list from range code

Code Breakdown:

The code consists of two sub-routines.

  • In the first sub-routine, enter a name, here it is ComboBox1_Change()
  • Define the variable rng and assign it as Range.
  • Use the Set statement to store the text values in the ComboBox_1.
  • Apply the VBA Transpose function to convert the horizontal range to a vertical range.
  • In the second sub-routine, set the rng variables to the Named Range “Col_Headers” and apply the VBA Transpose function to convert rows to columns.

Code explanation

  • Click the Design Mode toggle to switch it off.

Turn off Design Mode

  • Move to any other cell and then click the drop-down arrow to choose items from the ComboBox.

excel vba combobox list from range using Named Range

Method 2 – Specifying Cell Range


Specifying Cell Range within VBA Code

  • Insert a Module from the Insert tab.

Inserting Module

  • Enter the below code into the Module window.
Sub Add_to_ComboBox()

Dim vData As Variant
Dim x As Integer

vData = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(Sheets(3).Range("C5:C13").Value)
With Sheets(3).OLEObjects("ComboBox1").Object
     For x = LBound(vData) To UBound(vData)
        .AddItem vData(x)
     Next x
End With

End Sub

excel vba combobox list from range Specifying Cell Range

Code Breakdown:

  • Define the macro name, here it is Add_to_ComboBox().
  • Assign Integer and Variant data types to the x and vData variables.
  • Utilize the VBA Transpose function to flip from a horizontal to a vertical range.
  • Combine a For loop and the AddItem method to iterate through the range of cells and add the text to the variable.

Note: Please make sure to enter the correct Sheet Number when using the VBA code. In this case, Sheets(3) pertains to the “Specifying Cell Range” which is the third worksheet.

Code explanation for excel vba combobox list from range Specifying Cell Range

  • Close the VBA window and click the Macros button.
  • Select the Add_to_ComboBox macro and hit the Run button.

Running Macro

The results should look like the image below.

excel vba combobox list from range by specifying cell range

How to Utilize VBA to Generate ComboBox from Dynamic Cell Range in Excel

The UserForm option can populate a ComboBox from a dynamic range with the help of VBA code. This means that even if you add new rows or columns, the user form will include them in the drop-down list.


  • Copy and paste the dataset in the A1 cell then open the Visual Basic editor.

How to Populate ComboBox from Dynamic Range with VBA

  • Insert a UserForm.

Inserting UserForm

  • Select the Labels and ComboBox options to insert them into the UserForm.

Adding Labels and ComboBox

  • Choose any one of the ComboBox and right-click to jump to the View Code option.

Go to ComboBox View Code

  • Enter the following code in the VBA window.
Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()

Dim wksht As Worksheet
Set wksht = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("ComboBox from Dynamic Range")

Dim j, k As Integer

k = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(Me.ComboBox1.Value, wksht.Range("1:1"), 0)

For j = 2 To Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(wksht.Cells(1, k).EntireColumn)
    Me.ComboBox2.AddItem wksht.Cells(j, k).Value

Next j

End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Activate()

Dim wksht As Worksheet
Set wksht = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("ComboBox from Dynamic Range")
Dim j As Integer


For j = 1 To Application.CountA(wksht.Range("1:1"))
    Me.ComboBox1.AddItem wksht.Cells(1, j).Value
Next j

End Sub

excel vba combobox list from range vba code

Code Breakdown:

  • Rename the first sub-routine which is ComboBox1_Change()
  • Define the variable wksht, j, and k variables and assign the Worksheet object and Integer datatype.
  • Use the Match method and For loop to iterate through all the values in the range, adding them to the ComboBox.
  • In the later sub-routine, employ the CountA method with a For loop to count the total number of non-blank cells within each column.

Code explanation

  • Hit the F5 key or the Run button to execute the code.

Pressing Run button

  • This prompts a UserForm to appear where we can choose a “Category” and get its respective “Information”.

excel vba combobox list from range

In addition, adding a new column at a later date, in this case “New Price”, automatically adds it to the list.

excel vba combobox list from dynamic range

How to Use VBA to Populate a ComboBox from Another Worksheet in Excel


  • Insert the below VBA code into the Module.

The ComboBox.List property allows users to insert items into the ComboBox in Sheet 6 (“Another worksheet”) by extracting the text from the C5:C13 range in Sheet 1 (“Dataset worksheet”).

Private Sub Add_ComboBox_from_Another_Worksheet()
    Sheets(6).ComboBox1.List = Sheets(1).Range("C5:C13").Value
End Sub

How to Populate a ComboBox from Another Worksheet

  • Hit the Run button or the F5 shortcut key.

The final output appears as below.

How to Populate a ComboBox from Another Worksheet in excel vba combobox list from range

How to Add a ComboBox from a Range of Cells in Excel (Without VBA Code)

Utilizing Form Controls


  • In the Developer tab, choose the Insert option.
  • Select ComboBox from the Form Controls section.
  • Add it to the worksheet.

Utilizing Form Controls

  • Select the ComboBox and then the Properties feature.
  • In the Control tab insert the C5:C13 range of cells.

Using Format Object dialog box


How to Add to a ComboBox from a Range of Cells Without VBA Code using Form Controls

Utilizing ActiveX Controls


  • Insert a ComboBox as shown previously and select the Properties option.
  • In the ListFillRange field enter the C5:C13 array.

How to Add to a ComboBox from a Range of Cells Without VBA Code Utilizing ActiveX Controls

You can learn more about the differences between From Controls and ActiveX Controls in Excel here.

Read More: Excel VBA ComboBox: Important Properties to Explore



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Eshrak Kader
Eshrak Kader

Eshrak Kader is a dedicated professional with a BSc. Degree in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology. He boasts a rich background in Microsoft Office Suite, and over the past year, he has authored over 120 insightful articles for the ExcelDemy. Currently, Eshrak leads a team of 5 in the ExcelDemy Video project and enjoys problem-solving and making videos on Excel. Eshrak’s passion for continuous learning underscores his commitment to excellence in... Read Full Bio

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