Create ComboBox with RowSource in Excel VBA (2 Easy Ways)

What Is ComboBox in Excel VBA?

The ComboBox is a particular type of UserForm, distinct from the TextBox which can only store text data. A ComboBox let’s users choose an option from a drop-down menu list, which restricts input to the appropriate response type. Moreover, we get organized data in a list using ComboBox in our worksheets.

How to Create ComboBox with RowSource in Excel VBA: 2 Easy Ways

We can use either UserForms or VBA code to create a ComboBox, and will demonstrate both approaches below. We’ll use the following dataset containing the names of salespersons and their organizations.

excel vba combobox rowsource

Method 1 – Create Combobox with RowSource Property Through Excel UserForm

In VBA or a macro, the RowSource property sets up the Properties window. A ComboBox can use a single column like the one shown below as an input list.


  • Select the range B5:B9 and name the array as Salesperson.

Create Combobox with RowSource Property Through Excel UserForm

  • Go to the Developer tab and click Visual Basic.

A Visual Basic window will appear.

  • Click Insert > UserForm to create a UserForm.
  • Go to View > Toolbox, add a ComboBox, and label it as Salesperson.

  • Create a TextBox and name it Company Name.
  • Create 2 CommandBoxes labelled Insert and Cancel.

These CommandBoxes will take instructions and guide the code accordingly.

  • Click on the ComboBox and press F4 on your keyboard.
  • The Properties dropdown box will appear.
  • Scroll down to RowSource and label it as Salesperson.

Remember to use the same name reference while calling the property name.

  • Double-click on the command box and enter or copy and paste the following VBA code in the module box:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim LR As Long
LR = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row + 4
Cells(LR, 3).Value = TextBox1.Value
Cells(LR, 2).Value = ComboBox1.Value
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub

  • Press the green Run button to execute the code.

The UserForm box appears in the dataset.

  • Input data in the Company Name box and tap the dropdown icon below.
  • Select the corresponding Salesperson and press Insert.

The data appears in the dataset sequentially.

  • In the same way, run the code for each row.

Create Combobox with RowSource Property Through Excel UserForm Output

Read More: How to Use VBA to Populate ComboBox List from Range in Excel

Method 2 – Use RowSource Property in VBA Code to Insert ComboBox

Generally, RowSource specifies the source of a list in a ComboBox or ListBox, and approves the worksheet ranges provided by Excel. Like in Method 1, we will also fill a ComboBox with a list using VBA code with the RowSource property. However, we won’t create any UserForms in this method. Instead, we will use direct coding.


  • Go to Developer > Insert > ComboBox.

Use RowSource Property in VBA Code to Insert ComboBox

A ComboBox appears in the dataset.

  • Right-click on the box to open the context menu.

  • Click Properties.

The Properties dropdown box pops up.

  • In the Name box, type Salesperson.

  • Double-click on the ComboBox and enter the following VBA code:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
With Worksheets("RowSource & VBA").Salesperson
.AddItem "Andy Teal"
.AddItem "Robert Walters"
.AddItem "Susan W. Eaton"
.AddItem "Kim Ralls"
.AddItem "Kathie Flood"
End With
End Sub
  • Hit the green Run button.

The desired ComboBox appears in the dataset.

  • Tap the dropdown icon to display the list.

Insert ComboBox Output using RowSource Property in VBA Code

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Yousuf Khan
Yousuf Khan

Yousuf Khan has been working with the ExcelDemy project for over one year. He has written 47+ articles for the ExcelDemy site. He also solved a lot of user problems with ExcelDemy Forum. He has interests in Excel & VBA, Desktop and mobile applications, and projects & templates. He completed his graduation and post-graduation in Information Technology from Jahangirnagar University. Currently, he works as a VBA & Excel Content Developer in ExcelDemy projects, writing unique and informative content... Read Full Bio

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