Excel Pivot Table Filter Based on Cell Value (6 Handy Examples)

Let’s say we have the Laptop Prices in the Micro Center Store as our dataset. We will use various filters based on cell values to filter the Pivot Table.

Sample dataset

Method 1 – Filtering the Pivot Table Using the Search Box Option

Step 1 – Create a Pivot Table

  • Select the entire dataset and go to the Insert tab from Ribbon.
  • Select the PivotTable option from the Tables group.

Using Insert option to create a Pivot Table

  • The PivotTable from table or range dialogue box will appear on your worksheet.
  • Choose the New Worksheet option.
  • Click OK.

Specifying the location of the Pivot Table, where it will be placed

  • The PivotTable Fields dialogue box will be available as shown in the following image.

PivotTable Fields dialogue box

  • Drag the Product field to the Rows section.
  • Drag the Price field to the Values section.

Dragging fields in different sections to create a Pivot Table

  • You will get the following Pivot Table on your worksheet.

Pivot Table with Product field in Rows and Price field in Values

Step 2 – Apply the Filter Option in the Pivot Table

  • Click on the filter button as marked in the image below.
  • Click on the Search Box and type the text based on which you want to filter the Pivot Table. We put “Acer” in the Search Box.
  • Click OK.

Using the Search Box option to filter Pivot Table based on cell Value in Excel

  • The Pivot Table will be filtered with all the Products that have Acer in it.
Note: You can also uncheck some of the fields under the Search Box to further narrow down the filtering task.

Final output obtained after filtering Pivot Table by using Search Box in Excel

Read More: Excel VBA to Filter Pivot Table Based on Cell Value

Method 2 – Using a Text Value via Label Filters to Filter the Pivot Table

Case 2.1 – Finding Values in a Pivot Table Based on Exact Text


  • Follow the steps mentioned in Step 1 of the first method to create a Pivot Table.
  • Click on the filter button as shown in the image below.
  • Choose the Label Filters option.
  • Select the Equals option.

Using Label Filters option to filter Pivot Table based on cell value as a text in Excel

  • A dialogue box named Label Filter (Product) will appear on your worksheet.
  • Enter the filter text in the marked field as shown below. We inserted “Lenovo IdeaPad 320-15IKB”.
  • Click OK.

Inserting filtering criteria in Label Filter (Product) dialogue box

  • The Pivot Table will be filtered based on the text that you used as demonstrated in the following picture.

Output obtained after filtering Pivot Table based on exact text value in Excel

Note: You can use the Does Not Equal option to get the Products that don’t match the specified text.

Read More: How to Hide Filter Arrows from Pivot Table in Excel

Case 2.2 – Filtering Based on Text Values That Begin with a Specific Text

Let’s say we want to get all the Products that contain Asus.


  • Use the steps outlined in Step 1 of the first method to create a Pivot Table.
  • Click on the filter button as shown in the image below.
  • Select the Label Filters option.
  • Select the Begins With option.

Using Label Filters option to filter Pivot Table based on cell value that begins with a specific text in Excel

  • A dialogue box named Label Filter (Product) will appear on your worksheet.
  • Enter the beginning text. We used Asus.
  • Click OK.

Using filtering criteria in the Label Filter (Product) dialogue box

  • All the Products from Asus will be available as shown in the image below.

Output obtained by filtering Pivot Table based on cell value that begins with a specific text in Excel

Note: You can use the Does Not Begin With option to show the Products that don’t begin with a specified text.

Case 2.3 – Finding Values That End with a Specific Text

Let’s say we want to show the Products that have “Pro” at the end of their name.


  • Apply the steps discussed in Step 01 of the first method to create a Pivot Table.
  • Click on the filter button as shown in the image below.
  • Choose the Label Filters option.
  • Select the Ends With option.

Utilizing Label Filters option to filter Pivot Table based on cell value that ends with a specific text in Excel

  • A dialogue box named Label Filter (Product) will appear on your worksheet.
  • Enter the ending text. We put Pro.
  • Click OK.

Inserting filtering criteria

  • You will have the list of the Products that have “Pro” at the end of their name.

Output got after filtering Pivot Table based on cell value that ends with a specific text in Excel

Note: You can use the Does Not End With option to show the Products that don’t end with a specified text.

Case 2.4 – Filtering Based on Text Values That Contain a Specific Text

We want to show only the Product that has a text called “Swift” in it.


  • Use the procedure mentioned in Step 1 of the first method to create a Pivot Table.
  • Click on the filter button as shown in the image below.
  • Choose the Label Filters option.
  • Select the Contains option.

Applying Label Filters option to filter Pivot Table based on cell value that contains a specific text

  • A dialogue box named Label Filter (Product) will appear on your worksheet.
  • Enter the text that should be present inside the Product name. We used “*Swift*”.
  • Click OK.

We used Wildcards to define the containing text. “*Swift*” means that any text can be present before and after the word Swift.

Using filtering criteria

You will get the following output on your worksheet.

Output obtained after filtering Pivot Table

Note: You can use the Does Not Contain option to show the Products that don’t have a specified text in them.

Method 3 – Filtering a Pivot Table Based on Dates

Case 3.1 – Finding Values in Pivot Table Based on an Exact Date

Step 1 – Insert a Pivot Table

  • Follow the steps mentioned in Step 1 of the first method to create a Pivot Table.
  • While defining the PivotTable Fields, drag the Order Data field to the Rows section and the Price field to the Values section.

Modifying PivotTable Fields

  • You will get the following Pivot Table on your worksheet.

New Pivot Table with Order Date as Rows and Price as Values

Step 2 – Define the Date Filter

  • Click on the filter button as shown in the image below.
  • Select the Date Filters option.
  • Click on the Equals option.

Using Date Filters option to filter Pivot Table based on exact date in Excel

  • A dialogue box named Date Filter (Order Date) will appear on your worksheet.
  • Enter the date based on which you want to filter the Pivot Table. We used the date 8/11/2022.
  • Click OK.

Inserting filtering criteria in the Date Filter (Product) dialogue box

  • The Pivot Table will be filtered for only the date 8/11/2022 as demonstrated in the following image.

Output obtained by filtering Pivot Table

Case 3.2 – Filtering the Pivot Table Before a Specific Date


  • Insert a Pivot Table following Step 1 in Case 3.1.
  • Click on the filter button as shown in the image below.
  • Select the Date Filters option.
  • Choose the Before option.

Using Date Filters option to filter Pivot Table based on cell value that is before a specific date in Excel

  • A dialogue box named Date Filter (Order Date) will be available on your worksheet.
  • Enter the date based on which you want to filter the Pivot Table. We used the date 11/1/2022.
  • Click OK.

Inserting filtering criteria in Date Filter (Order Date) dialogue box

  • The Pivot Table will show the “Order Dates” that are before the date 11/1/2022 as shown in the following picture.

Output got after filtering Pivot Table

Case 3.3 – Finding Values in a Pivot Table After a Specific Date


  • Follow the steps mentioned in Step 1 of Case 3.1 to insert a Pivot Table.
  • Click on the filter button as shown in the following picture.
  • Choose the Date Filters option.
  • Select the After option.

Using Date Filters option to filter Pivot Table based on cell value that is after a specific date in Excel

  • A dialogue box named Date Filter (Order Date) will be available on your worksheet.
  • Enter the date based on which you want to filter the Pivot Table. We used the date 11/1/2022.
  • Click OK.

Utilizing filtering criteria

  • The Pivot Table will display the “Order Dates” that are after the date 11/1/2022 as demonstrated in the image below.

Output got after filtering Pivot Table based on cell values that are after a specific date in Excel

Case 3.4 – Filtering a Pivot Table Between Two Dates


  • Follow Step 1 of Case 3.1 above to insert a Pivot Table.
  • Click on the filter button as shown in the following image.
  • Choose the Date Filters option.
  • Select the Between option.

Using Date Filters option to filter Pivot Table based on cell value that is between two dates in Excel

  • A dialogue box named Date Filter (Order Date) will pop up.
  • Insert the starting date and the ending date based on which you want to filter the Pivot Table. We used the dates 8/1/2022 and 10/31/2022, respectively.
  • Click OK.

Inserting filter criteria in Date Filter (Product) dialogue box

  • You will have the “Order Dates” between the starting date and the ending date as shown in the following image.

Output obtained after filtering Pivot Table

Note: You can use the other options in the Date Filter option to filter the Pivot Table based on cell value as a date.

Read More: Excel VBA Pivot Table to Filter Between Two Dates

Method 4 – Utilizing a Numerical Value for Filtering a Pivot Table

Case 4.1 – Finding Values in a Pivot Table Based on the Exact Value

We want to obtain the name of the Product that has a Price equal to $979.


  • Use the steps outlined in Step 1 of the first method to create a Pivot Table.
  • Click on the filter button as shown in the image below.
  • Choose the Value Filters option.
  • Select the Equals option.

Using Value Filters option to filter Pivot Table based on exact cell value in Excel

  • A dialogue box named Value Filter (Product) will appear.
  • Choose the Price option as marked in the image below.
  • Insert the exact value based on which you want to filter the Pivot Table. We used 979.
  • Click OK.

Inserting filter criteria

  • You will get the name(s) of the Product with a Price of $979 as shown in the following picture.

Final output got after filtering Pivot Table

Note: You can use the Does Not Equal option to get the Products that don’t match the specified Price.

Case 4.2 – Filtering Based on Values That Are Greater Than a Specific Value

We want to show the names of the Products that have Prices greater than $900.


  • Use the steps outlined in Step 1 of the first method to create a Pivot Table.
  • Click on the filter button as shown in the image below.
  • Choose the Value Filters option.
  • Select the Greater Than option.

Using Value Filters option to filter Pivot Table based on cell value that is greater than a specific value in Excel

  • A dialogue box named Value Filter (Product) will appear.
  • Select the Price option as marked in the image below.
  • Insert the value based on which you want to filter the Pivot Table. We used 900.
  • Click OK.

Using filtering criteria in Value Filter (Product) dialogue box

  • You will get the name of the Products that have a Price greater than $900.

Output got by filtering Pivot Table based on cell value that is greater than a specific value in Excel

Note: You can use the Greater Than Or Equal To option to get the Products that have a price greater than or equal to $900.

Case 4.3 – Finding Values in a Pivot Table That Are Lower Than the Specific Value


  • Apply Step 1 of the first method to create a Pivot Table.
  • Click on the filter button as shown in the image below.
  • Choose the Value Filters option.
  • Select the Less Than option.

Utilizing Value Filters option to filter Pivot Table based on cell value that is less than a specific value in Excel

  • A dialogue box named Value Filter (Product) will open.
  • Select the Price option as marked in the image below.
  • Enter the value based on which you want to filter the Pivot Table. We used “600”.
  • Click OK.

Inserting filtering criteria

  • You will have the name of the Products that have a Price less than $600.

Outputs got after filtering Pivot Table

Note: You can use the Less Than Or Equal To option to get the Products that have a price less than or equal to $900.

Case 4.4 – Filtering a Pivot Table Between Two Values

Let’s find the names of the Products with a Price range from $600 to $1,000.


  • Follow Step 1 of the first method to create a Pivot Table.
  • Click on the filter button as shown in the image below.
  • Choose the Value Filters option.
  • Select the Between option.

 Using Value Filters option to filter Pivot Table based on cell value that is between two values in Excel

  • A dialogue box named Value Filter (Product) will open.
  • Select the Price option as marked in the image below.
  • Enter the two values based on which you want to filter the Pivot Table. We used “600” and “1000” as the filter range values.
  • Click OK.

Using filter criteria

  • Here are the results.

Final outputs got after filtering Pivot Table

Note: You can use the Not Between option to get the Products that have a Price range that is outside the range of $600 to $1,000.

Case 4.5 – Finding the Top and Bottom 5 Values in a Pivot Table


  • Follow the instructions in Step 1 of the first method to create a Pivot Table.
  • Click on the filter button as shown in the image below.
  • Select the Value Filters option.
  • Choose the Top 10 option.

Using Value Filters option to filter top 5 cell value in Pivot Table in Excel

  • A dialogue box named Value Filter (Product) will open.
  • Select the Top option as marked in the image below.
  • Enter 5 as we need the top 5 values.
  • Choose the Price option as shown in the following picture.
  • Click OK.

Specifying filter criteria

  • Here are the results.

Top 5 values of the Pivot Table

  • You can also find the bottom 5 values by selecting the Bottom option in the Value Filter (Product) dialogue box.

The bottom 5 values got after filtering Pivot Table

Method 5 – Using a Slicer to Filter Data Based on Cell Value


  • Follow Step 1 of Method 1 to create a Pivot Table.
  • Click on any cell of the created Pivot Table to access the PivotTable Analyze tab.
  • Select the Filter option.
  • Choose the Slicer option from the drop-down.

Using PivotTable Analyze tab to insert Slicer

  • The Insert Slicers dialogue box will appear.
  • Check the Product option in the Insert Slicers dialogue box.
  • Click OK.

Inserting Slicer to filter Pivot Table based on cell value in Excel

  • A Slicer will be added to your worksheet as shown in the following picture.
  • Choose any Product from the Slicer to filter the Pivot Table based on your selection. We selected the “Acer Aspire 3” option.

Using Slicer option

You will get the results.

Output obtained after using Slicer

Follow these steps if you want multiple criteria for Slicers.

  • Click on the Clear Filter option in the Slicer as marked in the following image.
  • Click on the Multi-Select option in the Slicer.

Clearing filters and enabling the Multi-Select option

  • Select the names of the Products based on which you want to filter the Pivot Table. We have chosen Acer Aspire 3, Apple MacBook Pro, and Asus ZenBook UX430UN.

Selecting multiple filters in Slicer

The Pivot Table will be filtered based on your selections as shown in the image below.

Output got after using multiple filters in the Slicer to filter Pivot Table based on cell value in Excel

Method 6 – Inserting a Timeline to Filter Data in a Pivot Table

The Timeline feature doesn’t work with the texts and numbers. It only works with dates and times.


  • Follow Step 1 of Method 3 to create a Pivot Table.
  • Click on any cell of the created Pivot Table to access the PivotTable Analyze tab.
  • Choose the Insert Timeline option from the Filter group.

Using the PivotTable Analyze option to insert Timeline

  • The Insert Timelines dialogue box will open on your worksheet.
  • Check the field for the Order Date option.
  • Click OK.

Inserting Timeline to filter Pivot Table based on cell value in Excel

  • A Timeline will be added to your worksheet as shown in the following picture.

Timeline created based on Order Dates

  • Select the range of months based on which you want to filter the Pivot Table. We selected the months of August, September, and October.
  • The Pivot Table will be filtered based on your selected months from the Timeline as demonstrated in the following picture.

Selecting months in Timeline to filter Pivot Table

Read More: How to Create a Timeline in Excel to Filter Pivot Table

Practice Section

In the Excel Workbook, we have provided a Practice Section in the worksheet.

Sample Practice Section provided in the Practice Workbook.

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Zahid Hasan
Zahid Hasan

Zahid Hassan, BSc, Industrial and Production Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, has worked with Exceldmy for 1.5 years. He has written 95+ articles for Exceldemy. He has worked as an Excel & VBA Content Developer. He also worked as a VBA Developer for the Template team. Currently, he is working as a Junior Software Developer for the Excel Add-in project. He is interested in Software Development, Python, VBA, VB.NET, and Data Science, expanding his expertise in... Read Full Bio

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