How to Apply Engineering Number Format in Excel (2 Easy Ways)

Scientific or engineering work must show the number format differs from other forms. As it makes scientists work more efficiently, it also helps them to understand digits accordingly. In this article, I will show how to employ the engineering number format in Excel.

Creating Custom Format

Employing Engineering Number Format in Excel: 2 Useful Methods

I have a dataset of a lab, where the attributes are Sample ID, Preferable Weather, and Reproduction Time (Sec). In this dataset, I will show the values of Reproduction Time (Sec) in engineering number format using engineering number format. In this tutorial, I used the Microsoft Excel 365 version.

Dataset for employing excel engineering number format

1. Utilizing Custom Number Format to Apply Engineering Number Format

You can create a custom number format to display the numbers or digits in engineering number format. I will explain the method in some easy steps.


  • Select the cells D5:D14 to format.

Selecting Cells to Create Custom Number Format

  • Press Ctr+1.
  • A dialog box of Format Cells will appear.

Custom Number Format

  • From the Number tab, Select Custom. Then, Select ##0.0E+0 from the type list.
  • Click OK.

Output of Custom Number Format

Tips: You can customize the number of decimal points as you need.

Here, I typed more zeros to control the decimal points.

Custom Number Format

  • The format will now look like the image below.

Output of engineering number format

Read More: Convert Scientific Notation to Text in Excel

2. Implementing TEXT Function to Get Values with Engineering Number Format

You can simply implement the TEXT function to display the values in engineering format.


  • Select cell E5.
  • Type the following formula:

TEXT Function for excel engineering number format

Formula Breakdown

  • TEXT(D5,”##0.0E+0″) → The TEXT function will convert the value from the D5 cell into the given engineering format ##0.0E+0.
    • Output: 7E-6.

  • Now, Fill the other cells using the Autofill Feature.

Output of TEXT function

Read More: Convert Scientific Notation to Number in Excel

How to Display Values with Units from Engineering Formatted Numbers in Excel?

You can also display the numbers in prefixes if you need to. In this section, I will explain how to display values in prefixes and with units after digits.

  • Create a column Result to show values in prefixes.

Selecting Cells for Displaying Values in Prefixes

  • Select cell E5.
  • Type the following formula:
=LEFT(TEXT(D5,"##0.0E+0"),FIND("E",TEXT(D5,"##0.0E+0"))-1) & MID("npum kMGT",5+VALUE(MID(TEXT(D5,"##0.0E+0"),FIND("E",TEXT(D5,"##0.0E+0"))+1,100))/3,1) &" s"

Applying Formula to Display Values in Prefixes in engineering number format

Formula Breakdown

  • TEXT(D5,”##0.0E+0″) → The TEXT function will convert the value from the D5 cell into the given engineering format ##0.0E+0.
    • Output: 7E-6.
  • FIND(“E”,TEXT(D5,”##0.0E+0″)) → becomes
    • FIND(“E”, “98.7E-6”) → The FIND function will try to locate E in the string 7E-6 and return its location.
      • Output → 5.
  • LEFT(TEXT(D5,”##0.0E+0″),FIND(“E”,TEXT(D5,”##0.0E+0″))-1) → becomes
    • LEFT(“98.7E-6”,4) → The LEFT function will return 4 digits starting from the left of the provided string 7E-6.
      • Output → 7.
  • MID(TEXT(D5,”##0.0E+0″),FIND(“E”,TEXT(D5,”##0.0E+0″))+1,100) → becomes
    • MID(“98.7E-6”,6,100) → The MID function will return characters starting from position 6.
      • Output → -6.
  • VALUE(MID(TEXT(D5,”##0.0E+0″),FIND(“E”,TEXT(D5,”##0.0E+0″)) → becomes
    • VALUE(“-6”) → The VALUE function will convert the text -6 into a number.
      • Output → -6.
  • MID(“npum kMGT”,5+VALUE(MID(TEXT(D5,”##0.0E+0″),FIND(“E”,TEXT(D5,”##0.0E+0″))+1,100) → becomes
    • MID(“npum kMGT”,3,1) → The MID function will return one character from position 3. (here, n → nano, p → pico, u → micro, m → mili, k → kilo, M → Mega, G → Giga, T → Tera is in npum kMGT)
      • Output → u.
  • LEFT(TEXT(D5,”##0.0E+0″),FIND(“E”,TEXT(D5,”##0.0E+0″))-1) & MID(“npum kMGT”,5+VALUE(MID(TEXT(D5,”##0.0E+0″),FIND(“E”,TEXT(D5,”##0.0E+0″))+1,100))/3,1) → becomes
    • “98.7” &”u” → The & operator will return the combined form of the given values.
      • Output → 7u.
  • LEFT(TEXT(D5,”##0.0E+0″),FIND(“E”,TEXT(D5,”##0.0E+0″))-1) & MID(“npum kMGT”,5+VALUE(MID(TEXT(D5,”##0.0E+0″),FIND(“E”,TEXT(D5,”##0.0E+0″))+1,100))/3,1) &” s” → becomes
    • “98.7u” &” s” → The & operator will return the combined form of the given values.
      • Output → 7u s.

  • Now, Fill the other cells using the Autofill Feature.

Autofill Values in Prefixes

  • The final look of the values will be like the following image.

Displaying Values in Prefixes

Here, all the values are shown in the prefixes and also the units are shown at the end of the values.

Practice Section

On the right side of each worksheet, you will find a practice section to practice on your own.

Practice Section

Download Practice Workbook

You can download the practice workbook here.


In this article, you can learn how to show values in engineering number format in Excel according to your needs. Feel free to give your thoughts about this article in the comment section below.

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Rabeya Islam
Rabeya Islam

Rabeya Islam, BSc, Computer Science and Engineering, East West University, Bangladesh, has been working with the SOFTEKO for more than one and half years. She has written some articles for ExcelDemy. Currently, she is working as the team leader, oversees the day-to-day work, and leads the SQA team Excel Extensions project. She has built the workflow and the structure of the extension testing for the team. Her work and learning interests vary from Microsoft Office Suites, VBA, and... Read Full Bio

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