How to Delete All Rows Not Containing Certain Text in Excel?

In the following dataset containing information about some fruits, Apple is listed multiple times. Let’s delete all the rows except those containing Apple.

Excel Delete All Rows Not Containing Certain Text Dataset

Method 1 – Using the Filter Feature


  • Select the column to apply the filter. Here, B5:B10.
  • Click on the Filter option from the Data tab.

Utilize Filter Option to Delete All Rows Not Containing Certain Text in Excel

A Filter will appear on the first cell of the selection.

  • Click the Filter arrow and check all the texts except the one you want to keep (Apple).
  • Click OK.

All the rows not containing Apple are displayed.

  • Select the rows and delete them from the context menu, leaving the header.

  • Click the Filter arrow again.
  • Check (Select All) and click OK.

The final output will appear as in the image below.

Read More: How to Delete Rows in Excel with Specific Text?

Method 2 – Using VBA Code


  • Press Alt + F11 to open the Microsoft Visual Basic Applications window.
  • Click Insert and select Module from the drop-down to open a module.

Delete All Rows Not Containing Certain Text Through Excel VBA

  • Copy the following code and paste it in the Module window:
Sub DeleteRowsNotContainingParticularText()
    Set nwRange = Application.Selection
    Set nwRange = Application.InputBox("Choose Range", "DeleteRowsNotContainingParticularText", nwRange.Address, Type:=8)
    srTxt = Application.InputBox("Input a Certain Text", "DeleteRowsNotContainingParticularText", "", Type:=2)
    For p = nwRange.Rows.Count To 1 Step -1
        Set nwRow = nwRange.Rows(p)
        Set nwCell = nwRow.Find(srTxt, LookIn:=xlValues)
        If nwCell Is Nothing Then
        End If
End Sub

Excel Delete All Rows Not Containing Certain Text by Applying VBA

  • Press F5 to run the VBA code.

A dialog box opens.

  • Select the Range of your dataset.
  • Click OK.

  • Input the text you want to keep in the rows (Apple) and click OK.

All the rows not containing Apple will be deleted.

How to Delete All Rows Containing Certain Text in Excel

Now let’s use a similar VBA code to delete all the rows that do contain Apple.


  • Follow the steps in Method 2 above to open a new Module window.
  • Place the following code in the module:
Sub DeleteRowsWithCertainText()
Dim x1 As Range
For Each x1 In Range("B4:B10")
    If x1.Value = "Apple" Then
    End If
Next x1
End Sub

How to Delete All Rows Containing Certain Text in Excel

  • Press F5 to run the code.

All the rows containing Apple will be deleted.

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Mehedi Hasan
Mehedi Hasan

Mehedi Hasan, a BSc graduate in Naval Architecture & Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, plays a pivotal role as an Excel & VBA Content Developer at ExcelDemy. Fueled by a profound passion for research and innovation, he actively engages with Excel. In his capacity, Mehedi not only adeptly tackles intricate challenges but also showcases enthusiasm and expertise in navigating tough situations with finesse, underscoring his unwavering dedication to consistently delivering exceptional and high-quality content. He... Read Full Bio

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