How to Delete Rows Based on Another List in Excel: 5 Methods

Method 1 – Delete Rows Based on Another List by Applying the Excel COUNTIF Function and Sort Option


  • Type the below formula in Cell D5 (on the helper column) at first.

Delete Rows Based on Another List by Applying Excel COUNTIF Function and Sort Option

  • Hit Enter, the formula will return the below result. Use the Fill Handle (+) to copy the formula over the range D6:D15.

Delete Rows Based on Another List by Applying Excel COUNTIF Function and Sort Option

  • The following will be the output. The COUNTIF function returns ‘1’ if any of the employee names from the range B5:B15 matches the list F5:F8.

Delete Rows Based on Another List by Applying Excel COUNTIF Function and Sort Option

  • Sort the data that matches to names to be deleted. Select the helper column and go to Data > Sort.

Delete Rows Based on Another List by Applying Excel COUNTIF Function and Sort Option

  • The Sort Warning dialog will appear; click Sort.

Delete Rows Based on Another List by Applying Excel COUNTIF Function and Sort Option

  • The Sort dialog will show up. Ensure the below fields are the same as the following screenshot and click OK.

  • Clicking OK, all the matched rows will be sorted as below.

Delete Rows Based on Another List by Applying Excel COUNTIF Function and Sort Option

  • Select all the rows that contain 1 in the helper column by pressing the Ctrl key from the keyboard. Right-click on the selection and press Delete.

  • You will get the below result.

Method 2 – Apply Filter Option with Combination of IF, ISERROR, VLOOKUP Functions to Remove Rows Based on Another List


  • Add an extra helper column to the main dataset (B4:C15), and type the below formula in Cell D5 (Sheet1) and press Enter.

Apply Filter Option with Combination of IF, ISERROR, VLOOKUP Functions to Remove Rows Based on Another List

  • Get the below result. I have used the Fill Handle to copy the formula to the rest of the cells. The formula used above put ‘Delete’ against employee names matching the list in Sheet2.

Apply Filter Option with Combination of IF, ISERROR, VLOOKUP Functions to Remove Rows Based on Another List

  • Filter all the rows that contain ‘Delete’ from the helper column. Go to Data > Filter.

Apply Filter Option with Combination of IF, ISERROR, VLOOKUP Functions to Remove Rows Based on Another List

  • The drop-down icon to apply the filter will appear. Click the drop-down icon of the helper column and filter the data only for ‘Delete’. Press OK.

Apply Filter Option with Combination of IF, ISERROR, VLOOKUP Functions to Remove Rows Based on Another List

  • Press OK, rows that contain ‘Delete’ will be filtered; now, select all the rows and right-click on them. Click Delete Row.

  • All the rows will be deleted. Press Ctrl + Shift + L to withdraw the Filter. You will get the below result.

How Does the Formula Work?

  • VLOOKUP(B5,Sheet2!B:B,1,FALSE)

Here the VLOOKUP function looks for names of Cell B5 (Sheet1) in column B:B (Sheet2) and return:


The formula returns the employee name if it is found in the list to be removed.


The ISERROR function converts the result of the VLOOKUP formula to TRUE/FALSE. For Cell D5, this part of the formula returns:


  • IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(B5,Sheet2!B:B,1,FALSE)),”Keep”,”Delete”)

The IF function returns Keep if the result of the ISERROR formula is TRUE, returns Delete. For Cell D5, the above formula returns:


Methods 3 – Combine Excel ISNA, MATCH & IF Functions to Remove Rows Based on Another List


  • Type the following formula in Cell D5 and hit Enter.
=IF(ISNA(MATCH(B5,SheetY!B:B, 0)),"Keep", "Delete")

Combine Excel ISNA, MATCH & IF Functions to Remove Rows Based on Another List

  • Use the Fill Handle to copy the formula to the range over D6:D15.

Combine Excel ISNA, MATCH & IF Functions to Remove Rows Based on Another List

  • Apply SORT or FILTER to the above result and thus remove the rows that contain ‘Delete’ in the helper column. (See Method 1 or Method 2 for details).

How Does the Formula Work?

  • MATCH(B5,SheetY!B:B, 0)

The MATCH function matches the value in Cell B5 (SheetX) in column B:B (SheetY) and returns the row number if the names are matched. It returns the #N/A error. The formula returns the following for Cell D5:


  • ISNA(MATCH(B5,SheetY!B:B, 0))

Later MATCH formula is passed through the ISNA function to return TRUE/FALSE depending on the match/mismatch. For Cell D5, the formula returns:


  • IF(ISNA(MATCH(B5,SheetY!B:B, 0)),”Keep”, “Delete”)

The IF function returns Keep if the result of the ISNA formula is TRUE, it returns FALSE otherwise. The following is returned for Cell D5:


Method 4 – Use IF and COUNTIF Functions to Delete Excel Rows Dependent on Another List

You can combine the COUNTIF function along with the IF function to remove rows that contain data from another list. We use three Excel worksheets to perform the task. Say your dataset is in SheetA.

Use IF and COUNTIF Functions to Delete Excel Rows Dependent on Another List

The list to be removed is in SheetB.

Use IF and COUNTIF Functions to Delete Excel Rows Dependent on Another List

Let’s follow the below steps to complete the operation.


  • Go to a new worksheet (SheetC). Type the below formula in Cell B4 of SheetC.

Use IF and COUNTIF Functions to Delete Excel Rows Dependent on Another List

  • Drag down the ‘+’ sign until you receive 0 in return.

Use IF and COUNTIF Functions to Delete Excel Rows Dependent on Another List

  • We can see that the 4 blank rows out of 12 rows. This is because the names in these 4 rows match the list B5:B8 of SheetB.

  • You can delete all the blank rows from the above output in SheetC by simply right-clicking on the blank rows.

How Does the Formula Work?

  • COUNTIF(SheetA!$B:$B,SheetB!B5)

The COUNTIF function looks for values of Cell B5 (SheetB) in column B:B (SheetA) and returns the count. The first entry of Sheet C, the formula returns:


  • IF(COUNTIF(SheetA!$B:$B,SheetB!B5)>0,””,SheetA!B5)

The IF function returns blank (“ ”) if the result of the COUNTIF formula is greater than 0, otherwise the formula returns the employee name from SheetA. The above formula returns the below result for Cell B5 (SheetC).

{ }

Method 5 – VBA to Delete Excel Rows Dependent on Another List


  • Right-click on Sheet7 and click on View Code to bring up the VBA window.

VBA to Delete Excel Rows Dependent on Another List

  • Type the below code in the Module and run the code using the F5 key or pressing the Run Sub/UserForm icon (see the screenshot).
Sub DelRows_TwoLists()

Dim iList As Integer
Dim Ctr As Integer
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
iList = Sheets("sheet7").Range("A1:A12").Rows.Count
For Each x In Sheets("Sheet8").Range("A1:A5")
For Ctr = 1 To iList
If x.Value = Sheets("Sheet7").Cells(Ctr, 1).Value Then
Sheets("Sheet7").Cells(Ctr, 1).EntireRow.Delete xlShiftUp
Ctr = Ctr + 1
End If
Next Ctr
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
MsgBox "Complete!"

End Sub

VBA to Delete Excel Rows Dependent on Another List

  • Rows matching the list of Sheet8 will be removed. The message box below will appear. Click OK to end the process.

Download Practice Workbook

You can download the practice workbook that we have used to prepare this article.

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Hosne Ara
Hosne Ara

Hosne Ara is a materials and metallurgical engineer who loves exploring Excel and VBA programming. To her, programming is like a time-saving superhero for dealing with data, files, and the internet. She's skilled in Rhino3D, Maxsurf C++, MS Office, AutoCAD, and Excel & VBA, going beyond the basics. With a B. Sc. in Materials and Metallurgical Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, she's shifted gears and now works as a content developer. In this role, she... Read Full Bio

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