How to Create an Advance Payment Voucher Format in Excel (3 Easy Steps)


Step 1: Create a Proof of Transaction to Be Signed

  • Enter the firm name in cell E6.
  • Enter the goods info in cell E9.
  • The price of the goods is in the E10 cell.

Advance Payment Voucher Format in Excel

Read More: How to Make a Cash Payment Voucher Format in Excel

Step 2: Insert Company or Seller and Buyer Details, Date of Voucher Created, etc.

  • In cell B15 to B17, enter the Company/Seller Name, Street Address, and City, ST  ZIP Code.
  • In cells B18 and B19, enter the phone and email addresses.
  • From E15 to E17, enter the Date, Voucher# and Invoice Total.

details of the payment

We will add the information of the Company/Buyer just like the following steps:

  • Enter the name of the company/buyer, street address, city, and ST ZIP Code in the cells from E21 to E23. 
  • Enter in the Phone number and Email address in cells E24 and E25.

Advance Payment Voucher Format in Excel

Add the details of the goods in a form of a table.

  • The table will have the following columns: SL No., Receipt No., Transaction Method (Cash/ Cheque), Date, and Amount.

add the details of goods that need to be delivered

  • Add spaces for the Name and Sign of the seller and buyer under the table of goods with Payment dates, just like the image below.

add spaces for Name and Sign of seller and buyer

Read More: How to Make a Cheque Payment Voucher Format in Excel

Step 3: Record Transactions, Total Payment, Advanced Payment, and Payment Balance

As the payment occurs without the transfer of goods against advance money, the buyer requires a commitment to any delivery issues of goods with witnesses. So, the last section of advance payment can look like the following image.

requires a commitment for any delivery issues of goods with witnesses

Read More: How to Make Petty Cash Payment Voucher Format in Excel

Things to Remember

The manufacturing company wants upfront payment to demonstrate customer commitment, which they are willing to acquire. Buyers experience many critical hazards regarding advance payments. Customers may face problems if the vendor fails to meet the agreement. Furthermore, it may be difficult for purchasers to recover their money if the firm in which they invested declares bankruptcy. Most purchasers choose to pay just when individuals receive whatever they desire.

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Al Ikram Amit
Al Ikram Amit

Al Ikram Amit, holding a BSc in Naval Architecture & Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, serves as a key Excel & VBA Content Developer at ExcelDemy. Driven by a profound passion for research and innovation, he actively immerses himself in Excel. In his role, Amit not only skillfully addresses complex challenges but also exhibits enthusiasm and expertise in gracefully navigating tough situations, emphasizing his steadfast commitment to consistently delivering exceptional, high-quality content that adds significant... Read Full Bio

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