Lookup and Return Multiple Values Concatenated into One Cell in Excel

In Microsoft Excel, there are a number of suitable techniques to lookup a criterion and then return multiple values concatenated into one cell based on that criterion. In this article, you’ll learn all available methods to extract corresponding values concatenated into a single cell with proper illustrations.

How to Lookup and Return Multiple Values Concatenated into One Cell: 4 Methods

1. Use of TEXTJOIN Function to Lookup and Extract Multiple Values Joined into Single Cell

In the following dataset, there are a number of smartphone models with their brands. We’ll extract the model names of a specified brand and then concatenate them into a single cell. By using the TEXTJOIN function, we can meet the requirement easily as this function concatenates a list or range of texts using a delimiter.

textjoin function to lookup and return multiple values concatenated into one cell in excel

For example, we want to concatenate all model names of Xiaomi smartphones into one cell. So, the required formula in the output cell C15 will be:

=TEXTJOIN(", ", TRUE, IF(C14=B5:B12, C5:C12, ""))

After pressing Enter, you’ll be shown all the model names of Xiaomi in a cell at once.

textjoin function to lookup and return multiple values concatenated into one cell in excel

2. Use of VBA to Lookup and Return Multiple Values Concatenated into One Cell

We can also create a user-defined function with the VBA and then concatenate multiple cells into one cell based on the specified conditions.

📌 Step 1

➤ Press ALT+F11 to open the VBA window.

➤ Select the Module option from the Insert tab.

➤ In the new module window, copy and paste the following codes:

Option Explicit

Function CONCATIF(LookupRange As Range, LookupVal As Variant, _

ConcatRange As Range, Optional Separator As String = ",") As Variant

Dim i As Integer

Dim Result As String

On Error Resume Next

If LookupRange.Count <> ConcatRange.Count Then

    CONCATIF = CVErr(xlErrRef)

    Exit Function

End If

For i = 1 To LookupRange.Count

    If LookupRange.Cells(i).Value = LookupVal Then

        Result = Result & Separator & ConcatRange.Cells(i).Value

    End If

Next i

If Result <> "" Then

    Result = VBA.Mid(Result, VBA.Len(Separator) + 1)

End If


Exit Function

End Function

Sub Lookup_and_Concat()

End Sub

➤ Press F5 to run the codes.

➤ Return to the Excel spreadsheet by pressing ALT+F11 again.

use of vba to lookup and return multiple values concatenated into one cell in excel

So, we’ve just created a user-defined function and that is:

=CONCATIF(LookupRange, LookupVal, ConcatRange, [Separator])

📌 Step 2

➤ Now select the output cell C15 and type:

=CONCATIF(B5:B12,C14,C5:C12,", ")

➤ Press Enter and you’re done.

use of vba to lookup and return multiple values concatenated into one cell in excel

You’ll find the concatenated values in a single cell as shown in the screenshot below.

use of vba to lookup and return multiple values concatenated into one cell in excel

3. Lookup and Return Multiple Unique Values Concatenated into One Cell

Now let’s consider another scenario where the smartphone model names can be present with duplicates in Column C. Such cases are common with worksheets that have a large amount of data. What we’ll do here is extract and concatenate all smartphone models of a specified brand into a single cell but display each model name only once if duplicates are found.

lookup and return multiple unique values concatenated into one cell in excel

In the output cell C18 the required formula under the specified criteria will be:

=TEXTJOIN(", ", TRUE, IF(IFERROR(MATCH(C5:C15, IF(C17=B5:B15, C5:C15, ""), 0), "")=MATCH(ROW(B5:B15), ROW(B5:B15)), C5:C15, ""))

After pressing Enter, you’ll find all the smartphone model names of the Xiaomi brand concatenated into a single cell but without any duplication.

lookup and return multiple unique values concatenated into one cell in excel

🔎 How Does the Formula Work?

  • IFERROR(MATCH(C5:C15, IF(C17=B5:B15, C5:C15, “”), 0), “”): This part of the formula checks if the defined condition in cell C17 matches with the values in the range of cells B5:B15 and returns the corresponding row numbers of the values. If duplication is found for a value then the row number returns for the first value. Thus this part of the formula returns the following array:


  • IF(IFERROR(MATCH(C5:C15, IF(C17=B5:B15, C5:C15, “”), 0), “”)=MATCH(ROW(B5:B15), ROW(B5:B15)), C5:C15, “”): This part is the third argument (text1) of the TEXTJOIN function which defines the statements to be concatenated. Here the values from Column C will be extracted based on the row numbers found in the previous step. So, the return array here will be:

{“”;”Mi 10″;””;”Redmi 9 Pro”;””;””;”POCO F2″;””;””;””;””}

  • Finally, the entire formula will concatenate the values obtained in the preceding step with the defined delimiter- Comma (,).

4. Use of VBA to Lookup and Return Multiple Unique Values Concatenated into One Cell

We can also use the VBA codes to formulate another user-defined function that will be applied to concatenate multiple unique values into a single cell.

📌 Step 1

➤ Press ALT+F11 and open the VBA window.

➤ Activate a new module from the Insert tab and then paste the following codes in the new module window:

Option Explicit

Function CONCATUNIQUE(LookupValue As String, LookupTable As Range, Col_Num As Integer)

Dim i As Long

Dim j As Integer

Dim Result As String

For i = 1 To LookupTable.Columns(1).Cells.Count

  If LookupTable.Cells(i, 1) = LookupValue Then

    For j = 1 To i - 1

    If LookupTable.Cells(j, 1) = LookupValue Then

      If LookupTable.Cells(j, Col_Num) = LookupTable.Cells(i, Col_Num) Then

        GoTo Skip

      End If

    End If

    Next j

    Result = Result & " " & LookupTable.Cells(i, Col_Num) & ","


  End If

Next i

CONCATUNIQUE = Left(Result, Len(Result) - 1)

End Function

Sub Concatenate_Unique()

End Sub

➤ Press F5 and you’re done.

use of vba to lookup and return multiple unique values concatenated into one cell in excel

The user-defined function we’ve just created is:

=CONCATUNIQUE(LookupValue, LookupTable, Col_Num)

📌 Step 2

➤ Return to your Excel spreadsheet by pressing ALT+F11 once again.

➤ In the output cell C18, type:


➤ Press Enter.

use of vba to lookup and return multiple unique values concatenated into one cell in excel

You’ll get the return values in a single cell as shown in the picture below.

use of vba to lookup and return multiple unique values concatenated into one cell in excel

Download Practice Workbook

You can download the Excel workbook that we’ve used to prepare this article.

Concluding Words

I hope all these methods mentioned above will now help you to apply them in your Excel spreadsheet to lookup and return multiple values concatenated into a single cell. If you have any questions or feedback, please let me know in the comment section. Or you can check out our other articles related to Excel functions on this website.

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Nehad Ulfat
Nehad Ulfat

NEHAD ULFAT is an excellent marine engineer who loves working with Excel and diving into VBA programming. For him, programming is like a tool that saves time when dealing with data, files, and the internet. His skills go beyond the basics, including ABACUS, AutoCAD, Rhinoceros, Maxsurf, and Hydromax. He got his B.Sc in Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering from BUET but switched gears, working as a content developer.  In this role, he creates techy content all about Excel... Read Full Bio

  1. Thank you for this great collection working.
    If it is with out duplication, could we have the occurrence number in front of ever string text, delimiter might : e.g. Brand xiamoi
    Model Mi 10:2, Redmi 9 Pro:2, POCO F2:1

    • Hi Esayas,

      You can count that if you mix the formulas with the COUNTIF function. You have to be a bit creative while using it in VBAs. For example, take the first method. You can use =TEXTJOIN(“, “,TRUE,IF(C14=B5:B12,C5:C12&”:”&COUNTIF(C5:C12,IF(B5:B12=C14,C5:C12)),””)) formula instead of the given one to find the count of each one in the dataset along with the models.

  2. Does anyone have a solution to a similar (albeit slightly more complex) scenario where there are potentially multiple entries (several countries as an example) captured within a single cell (but separated by a comma or other delimiter). Each of the entries (country in this example) requires a lookup on a separate table and each of the values returned (for each respective country in the lookup reference) needs to be concatenated into a single cell (preferably in the same order that they appeared within the referenced cell)?
    Hope that makes some sense without showing the sample tables.

    • Reply Lutfor Rahman Shimanto
      Lutfor Rahman Shimanto Apr 29, 2024 at 10:31 AM

      Dear Adam

      Thanks for your feedback. I have reviewed your requirements. It seems like you want to perform a lookup of multiple entries (country names) in a single cell separated by a delimiter, such as commas. There will be a lookup table to keep the corresponding short names for each country. You are looking for a complex formula that takes multiple country names separated by commas, returns corresponding values (country short names), and displays them in a single cell.

      Don’t worry! I have demonstrated your situation and developed a complex formula to fulfil your goal. I used the TEXTJOIN, INDEX, MATCH, TRIM, and TEXTSPLIT functions to build the formula.

      SOLUTION Overview:

      Suppose you want to enter the comma-separated country names in cell E1. In cell E2, you want to display country short names. To do so,

      1. Select cell E2.
      2. Insert the following formula: =TEXTJOIN(", ", TRUE, INDEX($A$2:$B$46, MATCH(TRIM(TEXTSPLIT($E$1, ",")), $A$2:$A$46, 0), 2 ))

      I hope you have found the formula you were looking for. I have attached the solution workbook as well; good luck.


      Lutfor Rahman Shimanto

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