Issues with VLOOKUP

Excel VLOOKUP is Not Returning the Correct Value – 9 Reasons and Solutions

  Introduction to the VLOOKUP Function The VLOOKUP function looks for a given value in a data range and returns the exact match or an ...

VLOOKUP Not Picking up Table Array in Another Spreadsheet

Solution 1 - Close One if Separate Instances are Open A worksheet being open in multiple instances is one of the main reasons why the VLOOKUP ...

Excel VLOOKUP Returning Column Header Instead of Value

The VLOOKUP function is a practical function to look up specific values from a given dataset. When working with the VLOOKUP function, there are some ...

Excel VLOOKUP is Not Working with Numbers – 2 Solutions

  This is the sample dataset. The table on the left showcases Student Ids and their Marks. The table on the right contains Names, ...

[Fixed!] Excel VLOOKUP Not Working Due to Format (2 Solutions)

The sample dataset contains information from a store with the items’ codes, names, and sales.   Due to format errors, the VLOOKUP ...

[Fixed] Excel VLOOKUP Returning 0 Instead of Expected Value

The VLOOKUP function in Excel is very useful to search for matching results within a large dataset. However, this function has a few limitations by ...

The VLOOKUP is Not Working Between Sheets – 8 Easy Solutions

  This is the Source sheet from which you will extract data. Solution 1- Entering the Correct Lookup Value, the Worksheet Name, ...

Excel VLOOKUP Returning #N/A Error (6 Solutions)

Dataset Overview Consider the List of Employees and Departments dataset shown in cells B4:D14. This dataset includes employee IDs, their Names, and ...

How to Apply VLOOKUP to Return Blank Instead of 0 or NA

We will use a dataset with two columns, “Employee” and “Height(cm),” to demonstrate our methods. The value “Ross” is not listed on the primary ...

Troubleshooting Excel VLOOKUP Drag Down Issues: 11 Solutions

Dataset Overview To demonstrate the solutions, we will use a dataset of 10 employees of any organization. The dataset contains employees’ IDs, ...

VLOOKUP Not Working (8 Reasons & Solutions)

Although VLOOKUP has some limitations, the reason why VLOOKUP is not working is usually human error. To demonstrate the possible issues and their ...

Why VLOOKUP Returns #N/A When Match Exists (with Solutions)

We will be using a sample product price list as a dataset to demonstrate all the reasons. Reason 1 - Lookup Value Doesn’t Exist in the ...

Advanced Excel Exercises with Solutions PDF


