Conditional Average Excel

How to Ignore #N/A Error When Getting Average in Excel

Microsoft Excel offers lots of functions, one of which is the AVERAGE function. This computes the average of a value in a range of cells. However, ...

How to Average Filtered Data in Excel (2 Easy Methods)

Filtering data is one of the most useful tools of Microsoft Excel. But when it comes to find the average of those filtered data, some people may find ...

How to Find Average of Specific Cells in Excel (3 Handy Ways)

In this article, we’ll show 3 ways to find the average of specific cells in Excel. In addition, we’ll also discuss calculating the average from only ...

How to Average Every Nth Row in Excel (3 Ways)

Sometimes, while working in Excel, users need to average cell values for working purposes. While working in a big data set, doing the average of ...

How to Average Only Visible Cells in Excel (3 Quick Methods)

If you are searching for a solution or some special tricks to average only visible cells in Excel then you have landed in the right place. There are ...

How to Calculate Average of Text in Excel (2 Ways)

How to calculate the average of text in Excel is not a very common scenario. However, we have to deal with various requirements based on our dataset ...

How to Exclude a Cell in Excel AVERAGE Formula (4 Methods)

In Microsoft Excel, we use the AVERAGE function to determine the average of specific values from a data range. To extract the exact value of the ...

How to Calculate Average in Excel Excluding 0 (2 Methods)

When we want to calculate an average in Microsoft Excel without a cell that contains zero, we can apply the combination of AVERAGEIF, AVERAGE, and IF ...

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