How to Use SUMPRODUCT with Criteria in Excel (5 Methods)

Excel SUMPRODUCT Function: Overview

Technically, the “SUMPRODUCT” function remits the summation of the values of corresponding arrays or ranges.

⇒ Syntax

The syntax of the “SUMPRODUCT” function is simple and direct.

=SUMPRODUCT(array1, [array2], [array3], …)


Argument Required/Optional Explanation
array1 Required The first input to an array, whose elements you want to divide and afterward add.
[array2], [array3] Optional Array parameters with elements you want to multiply and add, ranging from 2 to 255.

Note: One of the amazing features of the SUMPRODUCT function is it can handle single or multiple criteria remarkably well. Let’s discuss some of the SUMPRODUCT with criteria functions.

Method 1 – Applying SUMPRODUCT with a Single Criterion to Lookup Value

Case 1.1 – Using Double Unary Operator

Some Product names are given with their Country, Qty, and Price. We will find the total price for India, China, and Germany.

sumproduct with criteria


  • Create a table for these countries anywhere in the worksheet where you want to get the result.
  • Select the cell where you want to put the formula of the SUMPRODUCT function.
  • Insert the following formula into that cell.
  • Press the Enter key.

  • Drag the Fill Handle icon down to duplicate the formula over the range or double-click on the plus (+) symbol.

  • We can see the results for IndiaChina, and Germany.

sumproduct with criteria

How Does the Formula Work?

  • Array1 is –($C$5:$C$21=G5) G5 is “India”. The double unary operator will convert the results from $C$4:$C$20 into “1” and “0”.
  • [Array2] is $D$5:$D$21, which range we first multiply and then add.
  • [Array3] is $E$5:$E$21, also this range we multiply and then add.

Read More: How to Use SUMPRODUCT Function with Multiple Columns in Excel

Case 1.2 – Excluding Double Unary Operator


  • In Cell H5, apply the following formula:


  • Hit Enter.

sumproduct with criteria

  • Drag the Fill Handle symbol down or double-click it to AutoFill the range.
  • Here’s the result.

sumproduct with criteria

Method 2 – Using SUMPRODUCT with Multiple Criteria for Different Columns

Case 2.1 – Using Double Unary Operator

We will find the Total Price for Processor from China, Notebook from India, and Laptop from South Korea.


  • Select a cell for the first result and enter the following formula.
  • Press the Enter key.

  • Drag the Fill Handle icon down to duplicate the formula over the range or double-click on it.
  • You will get the results.

sumproduct with criteria

Case 2.2 – Excluding Double Unary Operator


  • In cell I5, apply the following function.
  • Hit Enter to see the result.

sumproduct with criteria

  • AutoFill through the column.

sumproduct with criteria

Read More:  How to Use SUMPRODUCT to Lookup Multiple Criteria in Excel

Method 3 – Inserting the SUMPRODUCT Function with OR Logic

We need to find the total price for Notebook and Laptop.


  • Create a table anywhere in the worksheet where you want to get the result. List the criteria in two cells in the same row.
  • Select the cell and insert the following formula there.
  • Hit the Enter key to see the outcome.

Related Content: Excel SUMPRODUCT Function Based on Date Range

Method 4 – Applying SUMPRODUCT with Multiple AND/OR Criteria

We will retrieve the Total Price for the products Notebook and Laptop from India and China.


  • See the image below for creating the criteria cells.
  • Select the cell H10 and put the following formula into it.
  • Press the Enter key to see the outcome.

How Does the Formula Work?

  • 1 is –((B5:B21=G5)+(B5:B21=H5)>0),–((C5:C21=G8)+(C5:C21=H8)>0). Here B5:B21 is the “Product” Column, G5 and H5 are “Notebook” and “Laptop”. Similarly, C5:C21 is the “Country” column, and G6 and H6 are “India” and “China”.
  • [Array2] is D5:D21.
  • [Array3] is E5:E21.

Read More: How to Use SUMPRODUCT IF in Excel

Method 5 – Using SUMPRODUCT with Multiple Criteria for Rows and Columns

We’ll the price of some Products from various countries.


  • See image below for a list of criteria.
  • Select the cell where we want to put the result.
  • Insert the formula into that cell.
  • Press Enter.

Read More: Excel SUMPRODUCT with Multiple Criteria in Same Column

Things to Remember

✅ The “SUMPRODUCT” function treats non-numeric values as zeros. If you have any non-numeric values in your formula the answer will be “0”.

✅ Arrays in the SUMPRODUCT formula must have the same number of rows and columns. If not, you get the #VALUE! Error.

✅ The “SUMPRODUCT” function does not support wildcard characters.

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Asikul Himel
Asikul Himel

Asikul Islam Himel, holding a BSc in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, has contributed over two years to the ExcelDemy project. Starting as an Excel & VBA Content Developer, now he manages projects at You Have Got This Math Project. He wrote 60+ articles for ExcelDemy, reviewed 500+, and focused on quality maintenance. Currently, his responsibilities include project management and team leadership. Himel's interests encompass data analysis, leadership, WordPress applications, and... Read Full Bio

  1. I believe there’s an error in “5) SUMPRODUCT with Multiple Criteria for Rows and Columns “: the answer calcualated by SUMPRODUCT()($63,800) should actually be only $56,000 (the intersection of Laptop and China).

    • Dear FLEET,

      Thank you for your response.

      The answer for the intersection of “Laptop” and “China” will be “$63,800”.
      The SUMPRODUCT function returns the sum of an array from an argument. With the intersection between “China” and Laptop” within the cell range we got two outputs which are “$56,000” and “$7,800”. Thus summing the total value with the SUMPRODUCT function stands to “$63,800”.

      You can check the screenshot below.

      We have also attached a worksheet with our article. You can practice the formula there, too. Thanks!

    • Thanks for referring, I will check.

  2. u made my day. i was struggling with multiple selections!… thanks a lot

    • Hello, KRISHNAN V! Thanks for your feedback. Hope you’ll find our other articles useful as well when needed for your works!

  3. How can I use the SUMPRODUCT for adding sums from different columns that are under the same category in a drop-down list? For this example, I split up my expenses for each pay check and then I categorize each expense by an “expense type”. I want each expense for each expense type to be added together to a separate table that I will then use those sums to create a pie chart. For example, I have a pay check on 9/15 where my Lifestyle expense = $200 and a pay check on 9/30 where the Lifestyle expense= $350. In the other table, I want to be able to add the sum of $200+$350. Can SUMPRODUCT help me with this? I have been struggling a lot to figure this out! I can provide a screen shot of the excel chart if needed.

    • Reply Avatar photo
      Osman Goni Ridwan Oct 11, 2022 at 3:45 PM

      I hope you are doing well! Here, I have created a dataset as you have described and calculated the total amount spent per category.
      >> Here, you have to insert the name of the category in cell F5.
      >> Then, insert the following formula into cell G5:

      Thus, you will get the sum of the amount as per the selected category.

      I hope, your problem will be solved in this way. You can share more problems in an email at [email protected]

  4. Hi,

    What if I want to sum Notebook from India up to France (Result = $ 167,000.00)
    Product : Notebook
    From : China
    To : Germany
    Result = $114,000

    From & To in dropdown list

    • Hello DRIN,
      Thanks for your comment.

      If you want to sum Notebook from India up to France and use drop-down for the countries, then use the following formula in cell C13:


      It’ll give the desired result.

      SUM function

      Change the countries to China and Germany from the drop-down and the total value will be updated.

      SUM function 2

      If you have other queries let me know in the comment.
      Sajid Ahmed

  5. very help information. I managed to resolve my equation for sumproduct.

    Thanks a lot


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