How to Maintain Store Inventory in Excel (Step by Step Guide)

Here’s the overview of a store inventory management sheet we’ll make.

How to Maintain Store Inventory Report in Excel Quickview

How to Maintain Store Inventory in Excel: 3 Steps

We have some Fruit Items with their Product ID in the Main Stock sheet. We’ll prepare a store inventory report based on the Incoming Stock and Outgoing Stock sheets.


Step 1 – Create an Incoming Stock List

In the Incoming Stock sheet, we have Date, Product ID, Fruit Items, and Quantity fields.

Dealing with Incoming Stock List

So, you need to create a drop-down list for choosing the Product ID. To do that, do the following tasks.

  • Select the C5:C16 cell range.
  • Go to the Data tab and choose the Data Validation option.

Dealing with Incoming Stock List

  • In the Data Validation box, choose the List from the drop-down list under the Allow option.
  • Specify the Source as =’Main Stock’!$B$5:$B$16 and press OK.

Dealing with Incoming Stock List

You’ll get a drop-down list of Product IDs as shown below.

Dealing with Incoming Stock List

  • Use the following formula in D5 to return the name of Fruit Items based on the C5 cell.

=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(C5,'Main Stock'!$B$4:$G$16,2,FALSE),"")

Here, C5 is the look-up value, ‘Main Stock’!$B$4:$G$16 is the table_array, 2 is the col_index as Fruit Items is located at the 2nd column based on the Product ID field in the table, and lastly FALSE is for approximate matching.

Formula Explanation:

In the above formula, the VLOOKUP function returns the Fruit Items from the Main Stock sheet according to Product ID. Besides, the IFERROR function is used to avoid the #N/A error.

Dealing with Incoming Stock List

  • If you pick 1001-P2 from the drop-down list, you’ll get Apples in the D5 cell.

How to Maintain Store Inventory in Excel Dealing with Incoming Stock List

Step 2 – Create an Outgoing Stock List

  • Create the same fields in the Outgoing Stock sheet.

Dealing with Outgoing Stock List

  • Generate a drop-down list in the C5 cell as done in the Incoming Stock sheet. Copy the VLOOKUP formula (by pressing Ctrl + C) from the sheet and paste it (by pressing Ctrl + V) into the D5 cell of the current sheet.

Dealing with Outgoing Stock List

Step 3 – Maintain the Overall Store Inventory in Excel

  • Use the following formula in the D5 cell.

=SUMIF('Incoming Stock'!$D$5:$D$16,'Main Stock'!C5,'Incoming Stock'!$E$5:$E$16)

Here, $D$5:$D$16 and $E$5:$E$16 are the cell range representing Fruit Items and Quantity of the Incoming Stock sheet respectively. And, the C5 is the starting cell of Fruit Items in the active sheet.

Formula Explanation:

In the above formula, ‘Incoming Stock’!$D$5:$D$16 acts as the range argument, ‘Main Stock’!C5 is the criteria argument to specify which cells to add, and ‘Incoming Stock’!$E$5:$E$16 is the sum_range [optional] argument. Therefore, the SUMIF function sums up the Quantity if the criteria match the range.

How to Maintain Store Inventory Report in Excel

  • Create a formula utilizing the SUMIF function for updating the Outgoing Stock Quantity in the active sheet based on the Outgoing Stock sheet.

=SUMIF('Outgoing Stock'!$D$5:$D$16,'Main Stock'!C5,'Outgoing Stock'!$E$5:$E$16)

How to Maintain Store Inventory Report in Excel

  • Subtract the Outgoing Stock Quantity from the Incoming Stock Quantity to get the Quantity in Stock.


Here, D5 and E5 are the starting cells of Incoming Stock Quantity and Outgoing Stock Quantity respectively.

How to Maintain Store Inventory Report in Excel

  • Apply the IF logical function to get an alert message about whether you need to update the stock information.

=IF(F5<=10,"Update Stock","Not Needed")

Here, F5 is the starting cell of Quantity in Stock.

Formula Explanation:

In the above IF formula, the function will show “Update Stock” if the F5 is less than or equal to 10, else it will return “Not Needed”. I used the minimum quantity as 10, however, you can change it if you want.

How to Maintain Store Inventory Report in Excel

  • Fill up the cells of the Incoming Stock sheet.

Dealing with Outgoing Stock List

  • Repeat for the Outgoing Stock sheet.

Dealing with Incoming Stock List

  • Select the D5, E5, F5, and G5 cells and drag the Fill Handle down.

How to Maintain Store Inventory Report in Excel

  • Here’s the result.

How to Maintain Store Inventory Report in Excel

Change the entry in the Incoming Stock and Outgoing Stock sheet and check the performance of your business.

Read More: How to Keep Track of Inventory in Excel

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Md. Abdul Kader
Md. Abdul Kader

MD. ABDUL KADER is an engineer with a talent for Excel and a passion for VBA programming. To him, programming is like a time-saving wizard, making data manipulation, file handling, and internet interactions a breeze. His skill set extends to SWM, GIS, RS, and SPSS. He holds a B.Sc in Urban & Regional Planning from Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology and has shifted to become a content developer. In this role, he crafts technical content centred around... Read Full Bio

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