How to Select Column in Excel (6 Easy Ways)

Here’s an overview of how you can select a column by giving it a name. Read on to learn more.

How to Select Column in Excel

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How to Select Column in Excel: 6 Easy Ways

Method 1 – Select an Entire Column (Single) Using a Keyboard Shortcut

Case 1.1 – Select a Column in One Click

  • Click on the column header like the following image.

Select Column Using Mouse Click

Case 1.2 – Select a Column Using a Keyboard Shortcut

  • Select any of the cells in the column where you are working.
  • Press Ctrl + Space.

Selecting Column Using Keyboard

Method 2 – Select Multiple Columns in Excel

Case 2.1 – Select Contiguous Columns Using the Mouse

  • Click on the column header of the first column. We need to select Column C, Column D, and Column E. So, we will click on the header of Column C.
  • Hold the left mouse button and drag the mouse right up to Column E.

Select Multiple Columns Using Mouse

Note: You could do the same thing by selecting Column E first. To do that, you need to move the mouse left to select the left columns.

Case 2.2 – Select Contiguous Columns Using the Keyboard Shortcut

  • Select at least one cell from each of the columns that you need to select.

Selecting Cells in Each Targeted Column

  • Press Ctrl + Space.

Selected Column Using Keyboard Shortcut

Case 2.3 – Select Non-Contiguous Columns

  • Select any column first by left-clicking on it.
  • Press and hold the Ctrl key, then click column headers one by one.

Selecting Non-Contiguous Columns

Method 3 – Select a Column Automatically Using a Named Range

  • Click on the Formulas tab and then on the Define Name option in the Defined Names group.

Selecting Option to Select Column Automatically

  • A dialog box named New Name will appear, prompting you to give the name of the selection and the selection as well.
  • Insert your column and give it a name.

Giving Name to Selection

  • In the Name Box, you will find an option Select_Auto.
  • Click on the option and you will find that the specific column that you gave in the Refers to: box is selected.

Select Column Automatically

Method 4 – Select a Column in a Table

  • Place your cursor on the table header of the desired column. We want to select the Management column, so we put the cursor on cell E4.

Cursor Placement to Select Colum in Table

  • Click on the header and you will select that column.

Selecting Column in a Table

Note: You will not be able to select the column unless the cursor converts into a downward arrow.

Method 5 – Select a Column in a Pivot Table

In the following image, there’s a pivot table where we will select a certain column.

Pivot Table in Excel

  • We will select the Average of History column. Put the cursor on C4 and click on it.

Selecting Column in a Pivot Table

Note: Select multiple columns by holding Ctrl key and selecting columns one by one.

Method 6 – Use VBA Code to Select the Desired Column

  • Press Alt + F11 to open the VBA Editor.
  • Under the Insert tab, click on Module.

Creating New Module in VBA Editor

  • Copy the following VBA code.
Sub Select_Columns()
Range("B1, F1").EntireColumn.Select
End Sub
  • Paste the code in the editor and save it.

Code to Select Columns

  • Go back to the Excel workbook and select the whole data table.
  • Press Alt + F8 together to open the macro window.
  • Select the Select_Columns macro and hit Run.
  • You will get the following output in your worksheet.

Output of Selecting Columns Using VBA Code

How to Select a Row in Excel

  • Select any cell in the row.
  • Press Shift + Space.

How to Select Row in Excel

Read More: Select Specific Columns in Excel

Things to Remember

  • If you are a Mac user, use the Command key instead of the Ctrl key.
  • Selecting rows in Excel is very similar to the process of selecting columns. Just replace the Ctrl key with the Shift key.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I select specific text in Excel?

You can use the Find & Select option in the Editing group of the Home tab.

How do I select data in Excel?

You can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+A to select all data in Excel.

How can I select multiple rows using Name Box?

The format to select multiple rows using Name Box is: X:Y; where X and Y represent the serial number of the column. For example, if you write 4:6 in the Name Box, all the cells in the range Row 4 to Row 6 will be selected.

How to Select Column in Excel: Knowledge Hub

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Md Junaed-Ar-Rahman, a Biomedical Engineering graduate from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, has contributed to the ExcelDemy project for one year. As a technical content developer, he has authored 15+ unique articles and actively addressed user problems. He participated in 2 specialized training programs on VBA and Chart & Dashboard design in Excel. His passion lies in solving problems uniquely and exploring new functions and formulas. Eager for future exploration, he aims to gain proficiency in applications... Read Full Bio

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