IF with ISERROR Function in Excel: 4 Practical Examples

In this article, we are going to explore the combination of IF with the ISERROR function in Excel in different circumstances, such as finding unit prices, estimating sales, finding interview times, and determining who is selected or not. To do these, we have used the MATCH, VLOOKUP, CHOOSE, and INDEX-MATCH functions with the IF and ISERROR functions.

Combining the IF and ISERROR functions allows for the creation of robust formulas that handle conditions and errors simultaneously. IF with ISERROR helps us to determine the price of cars, determine target sales and depict interview times of different selected candidates. Moreover, we have extracted the names who are selected or not from a dataset. In the case of determining the unit cost of the car when we divided the gross Cost by 0, we will get an output of On the way, rather than an error. While determining the interview time, we have given the name outside of the dataset, and rather than showing an error, it shows Not Exist. This is how If with ISERROR smoothens the error handling.

Overview of IF ISERROR combination in Excel

What Is ISERROR in Excel?

The ISERROR function in Excel is a logical function that allows users to check if a cell contains an error value. It returns a Boolean value of TRUE if the cell contains any error, such as #VALUE!, #REF!, #DIV/0!, #N/A, #NUM!, or #NAME?. If the cell does not contain an error, the function returns FALSE. The below image demonstrates an overview of the Excel ISERROR function.

Overview of ISERROR

The ISERROR function is particularly useful when performing calculations or handling large datasets, as it helps identify and address potential formula errors. By using the ISERROR function in formulas and logical tests, users can create robust error-handling mechanisms and ensure the accuracy and reliability of their spreadsheet data.

Application of ISERROR

IF with ISERROR Function in Excel: 4 Practical Examples

1. Combining IF with ISERROR Function

1.1 Determining Unit Price of Car

  • Here we have written the formula below in the E5 cell to find the unit price. When the 0 unit is sold, the cells will show the message “On the way”.

=IF(ISERROR(C5/D5),"On the way",C5/D5)

Unit price of cars using IF ISERROR

🔎 Formula Explanation

  • ISERROR(C5/D5): This part of the formula checks if the division of the value in cell C5 by the value in cell D5 results in an error. If there is an error, such as dividing by zero or encountering non-numeric values, the ISERROR function will return “TRUE”.
    • Output: False
  • IF(ISERROR(C5/D5),”On the way”,C5/D5): The IF function evaluates the condition provided by ISERROR(C5/D5). If the condition is true (i.e., an error occurred during the division), the formula returns the text “On the way”. If the condition is false (i.e., no error occurred), the formula calculates the result of C5/D5.
    • Output: $4,458,305.37

1.2 Estimating Target Sales of Cars

  • We have to write the formula in the D6 cell below to find the estimated sales of cars of a representative. As Bruce has no experience, he will get only Basic Salary.


Here, C5 represents Experience in Years. $D$11 and $D$12 are Primary Sales and Basic Salary respectively. We use the dollar sign ($) in D11 and D12 cells, as we want to use these cells as absolute cell references. So, these won’t be changed if we use the Fill Handle tool.

Estimating Car sales

🔎 Formula Explanation

  • $D$11*$D$12/C5: This part of the formula calculates the result of multiplying the values in cells D11 and D12 and then dividing the product by the value in cell C5.
    • Output: $450.
  • ISERROR($D$11*$D$12/C5): The ISERROR function checks if the calculation in step 3 results in an error. If there is an error (such as division by zero or encountering non-numeric values), it returns “TRUE“. Otherwise, it returns “FALSE“.
    • Output: FALSE
  • IF(ISERROR($D$11*$D$12/C5),$D$11,C5*$D$11): The IF function evaluates the condition provided by ISERROR($D$11*$D$12/C5). If the condition is true (i.e., an error occurred during the calculation), the formula returns the value in cell D11. If the condition is false (i.e., no error occurred), the formula calculates the result of multiplying the value in cell C5 by the value in cell D11.
    • Output: $450

Read More: Nested IF and ISERROR Formula in Excel

2. Using Combination of Excel IF, ISERROR & MATCH Functions

  • Here we have used the formula below in the C13 cells to find out who is qualified or not.

=IF(ISERROR(MATCH(B13, $C$5:$C$9, 0)), "No", "Yes" )

  • If name is found, then the output is “Yes”, otherwise “No”.

Use of IF ISERROR and MATCH in excel

🔎 Formula Explanation 

Step 1: MATCH(B13, $C$5:$C$9, 0)

  • The searches for the value in cell B13 within the range $C$5:$C$9.
  • It looks for an exact match in the range.
  • If a match is found, it returns the relative position of the matching value within the range.
  • The last argument, 0, indicates that an exact match is required.
    • Output: 1

Step 2: ISERROR(MATCH(B13, $C$5:$C$9, 0))

  • The ISERROR function checks if the result of the MATCH function in Step 1 is an error.
  • If an error occurs (meaning the MATCH function couldn’t find a match for B13 in the range $C$5:$C$9), ISERROR will return TRUE.
  • If no error occurs (meaning the MATCH function found a match), ISERROR will return FALSE.
    • Output: FALSE

Step 3: IF(ISERROR(MATCH(B13, $C$5:$C$9, 0)), “No”, “Yes”)

  • The IF function evaluates the result of the ISERROR function in Step 2.
  • If the result is TRUE (indicating an error occurred), it returns the text “No”.
  • If the result is FALSE (meaning no error occurred), it returns the text “Yes”.
    • Output: Yes

3. Using a Combination of IF, ISERROR & VLOOKUP Functions

  • In this section, we are going to extract the schedule of qualified members’ names from a primary dataset by using the formula below in the C13

=IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(B13,$C$5:$D$9,2,FALSE)),"Not Exist",VLOOKUP(B13,$C$5:$D$9,2,FALSE))

Use of INDEX, MATCH and VLOOKUP function

🔎 Formula Explanation

Step 1: VLOOKUP(B13,$C$5:$D$9,2,FALSE)

  • The searches for the value in cell B13 (lookup_value) within the range $C$5:$D$9 (table_array).
  • It looks for an exact match in the leftmost column of the range.
  • If a match is found, it returns the corresponding value from the second column of the range ($C$5:$D$9) because the col_index_num is set to 2.
  • The range_lookup is set to FALSE, indicating an exact match is required.
    • Output: 9:30:00 AM

Step 2: ISERROR(VLOOKUP(B13,$C$5:$D$9,2,FALSE))

  • The ISERROR function checks if the result of the VLOOKUP function in Step 1 is an error.
  • If an error occurs (meaning the VLOOKUP function couldn’t find a match for B13 in the leftmost column of $C$5:$D$9), ISERROR will return TRUE.
  • If no error occurs (meaning the VLOOKUP function found a match), ISERROR will return FALSE.
    • Output: False

Step 3: IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(B13,$C$5:$D$9,2,FALSE)),”Not Exist”,VLOOKUP(B13,$C$5:$D$9,2,FALSE))

  • The IF function evaluates the result of the ISERROR function in Step 2.
  • If the result is TRUE (indicating an error occurred), it returns the text “Not Exist”.
  • If the result is FALSE (meaning no error occurred), it returns the result of the VLOOKUP function in Step 1.
    • Output: 9:30:00 AM

Another important thing is that you can use the CHOOSE function with the VLOOKUP function to get the similar output. Instead of entering the table_array argument manually, we can apply the CHOOSE function to make an array. The formula is given below,

= IF( ISERROR( VLOOKUP( B13, CHOOSE( {1,2}, $C$5:$C$9, $D$5:$D$9 ), 2, 0) ), “Not present”, VLOOKUP( B13, CHOOSE( {1,2}, $C$5:$C$9, $D$5:$D$9 ), 2, 0) )

The formula CHOOSE({1,2}, $C$5:$C$9, $D$5:$D$9) in Excel is used to select a value from a list based on an index number. In this case, the index numbers are {1,2}, and the lists are located in cells C5:C9 and D5:D9.

The CHOOSE function will return an array of values corresponding to the selected index numbers. In this case, it will return the value from C5:C9 when the index is 1 and the value from D5:D9 when the index is 2.

Here value will be from D5:D9 which is 9:30:00 AM.

IF ISERROR CHOOSE Functions combination

Read More: How to Use ISERROR and VLOOKUP Functions in Excel

4. Applying IF & ISERROR Functions with INDEX-MATCH Formula in Excel

  • Now, in this section, we are going to track the names scheduled for viva. Here we have used the formula in the C13.

=IF(ISERROR(INDEX($C$5:$C$9, MATCH(B13, $D$5:$D$9, 0))), "Not qualified", INDEX($C$5:$C$9, MATCH(B13, $D$5:$D$9, 0)))


🔎 Formula Explanation

Step 1: MATCH(B13, $D$5:$D$9, 0)

  • The MATCH function searches for the value in cell B13 within the range $D$5:$D$9.
  • It looks for an exact match in the range.
  • If a match is found, it returns the relative position of the matching value within the range.
  • The last argument, 0, indicates that an exact match is required.
    • Output: 1

Step 2: INDEX($C$5:$C$9, MATCH(B13, $D$5:$D$9, 0))

  • The INDEX function retrieves the value from the range $C$5:$C$9.
  • It uses the result of the MATCH function in Step 1 to determine the relative position of the value to retrieve.
  • The INDEX function returns the value from the corresponding position in the range $C$5:$C$9.
    • Output: 9:30:00 AM

Step 3: ISERROR(INDEX($C$5:$C$9, MATCH(B13, $D$5:$D$9, 0)))

  • The ISERROR function checks if the result of the INDEX function in Step 2 is an error.
  • If an error occurs (meaning the MATCH function couldn’t find a match for B13 in the range $D$5:$D$9), ISERROR will return TRUE.
  • If no error occurs (meaning the MATCH function found a match), ISERROR will return FALSE.
    • Output:

Step 4: IF(ISERROR(INDEX($C$5:$C$9, MATCH(B13, $D$5:$D$9, 0))), “Not qualified”, INDEX($C$5:$C$9, MATCH(B13, $D$5:$D$9, 0)))

  • The IF function evaluates the result of the ISERROR function in Step 3.
  • If the result is TRUE (indicating an error occurred), it returns the text “Not qualified”.
  • If the result is FALSE (meaning no error occurred), it returns the result of the INDEX function in Step 2.
    • Output: 9:30:00 AM

Things to Remember

  • After using the above formula, do not forget to change the data type. In some cases, you need to change the data from General to Time.
  • While using the VLOOKUP function, be careful about selecting the table_array Also, put the col_index_num argument vigilantly.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can I display a custom message when an error is detected using the nested IF and ISERROR functions?

To display a custom message when an error is detected, you can include a text value or message as the action_if_error parameter within the nested IF and ISERROR functions. For example, you can use =IF(ISERROR(A1), “Error: Invalid value”, A1) to display the custom message “Error: Invalid value” when cell A1 contains an error.

2. Can I use the nested IF and ISERROR functions to handle multiple error conditions?

Yes, you can use the nested IF and ISERROR functions to handle multiple error conditions by nesting multiple IF and ISERROR functions or combining them with other logical functions. By checking for different error types within separate nested IF and ISERROR functions or using logical operators like OR, AND, you can create complex conditions to handle various error scenarios.

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In conclusion, using nested IF functions along with the ISERROR function in Excel gives users a robust error-handling mechanism and flexible conditional logic for complex formulas. By effectively managing errors, users can ensure accurate calculations and maintain the integrity of their data, contributing to the overall effectiveness and usability of their Excel-based workflows.

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Joyanta Mitra
Joyanta Mitra

Joyanta Mitra, a BSc graduate in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, has dedicated over a year to the ExcelDemy project. Specializing in programming, he has authored and modified 60 articles, predominantly focusing on Power Query and VBA (Visual Basic for Applications). His expertise in VBA programming is evident through the substantial body of work he has contributed, showcasing a deep understanding of Excel automation, and enhancing the ExcelDemy project's resources with valuable... Read Full Bio

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