Open Workbook with Variable Name Using VBA in Excel: 4 Easy Ways

Method 1 – Using Workbook.Open Property

1.1 Open Workbook Mentioning File Path


  • We have a file stored in the documents folder to open.
  • Use the file name as a variable and then open the file using a small VBA macro.
  • The Exact file directory of the file is shown below in the properties window.

Mentioning File Path to to Open Workbook with Variable Name Using VBA in Excel

  • Go to the Developer tab and click on Visual Basic. If you don’t have that, you have to enable the Developer tab. Press ‘Alt+F11’ for opening the Visual Basic Editor.

Open Visual Basic Editor

  • A new dialog box will appear. In that dialog box, click on Insert > Module.

  • In the Module editor window, type the following code:
Sub Open_with_File_Path()
Dim Open_File As String: File_path = "C:\Users\User\OneDrive\Documents\Sample"
Dim wrkbk As Workbook
Set wrkbk = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=File_path)
End Sub

  • Close the Module window.
  • Go to View tab > Macros.
  • Cick on View Macros.

Open Macro Dropdown

  • After clicking View Macros, select the macros that you created just now. The name here is Open_with_File_Path. Then click Run.

  • The Sample file is going to open.

showing output using the workbook.add property to Open Workbook with Variable Name Using VBA in Excel

Breakdown of the Code

Sub Open_with_File_Path()

⮚ Provide a name for the sub-procedure, which is Open_with_File_Path.

Dim Open_File As String: File_path = "C:\Users\User\OneDrive\Documents\Sample"

⮚ TPut the location of the file in the File_Path variable

Dim wrkbk As Workbook

⮚ Declare our variable wrkbk, whose type is a workbook.

Set wrkbk = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=File_path)

⮚ Open the file named in the File_Path directory variable and set the file as wrkbk variable.

End Sub

⮚ End the sub-procedure of this code.

1.2 Open Workbook Without Mentioning File Path


  • We have a different file saved in the same directory where the parent Excel file is now saved.
  • The file name is 1.

Without Mentioning File Path to Open Workbook with Variable Name Using VBA in Excel

  • Go to the Developer tab and click on Visual Basic. If you don’t have that, you must enable the Developer tab. Or You can also press ‘Alt+F11’ to open the Visual Basic Editor.

Open Visual Basic Editor

  • A new dialog box; in that dialog box, click on Insert > Module.

  • In the Module editor window, type the following code:
Sub Open_without_File_Path()
Dim wrkbk As Workbook
Set wrkbk = Workbooks.Open(Filename:="1.xlsx")
End Sub

  • Close the Module window.
  • Go to View tab > Macros.
  • Click on View Macros.

Open Macro Dropdown

  • After clicking View Macros, select the macros that you created just now. The name here is Open_without_File_Path. Then click Run.

  • After pressing Run, you will notice that the file named 1 is now open.
  • And this is how we open the workbook with variable names using VBA in Excel.

Result to open the workbook with variable name using VBA in Excel.

Breakdown of the Code

Sub Open_without_File_Path()

⮚ Provide a name for the sub-procedure which is Sub Open_without_File_Path()

Dim wrkbk As Workbook

⮚ Declare wrkbk as a variable in Workbook type

Set wrkbk = Workbooks.Open(Filename:="1.xlsx")

⮚ Open file from the parent directory named 1.xlsx.

End Sub

⮚ End the sub-procedure of this code.

1.3 Open Workbook as Read Only


  • The file we want to open is saved in the document folder.
  • And this is the file we want to open as read-only.

Open workbook as Read Only with Variable Name Using VBA in Excel

  • Go to the Developer tab and click on Visual Basic. If you don’t have that, you must enable the Developer tab. You can also press ‘Alt+F11’ to open the Visual Basic Editor.

Open Visual Basic Editor

  • A new dialog box; in that dialog box, click on Insert > Module.

  • In the Module editor window, type the following code:
Sub Open_with_File_Read_Only()
Dim wrkbk As Workbook
Set wrkbk = Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\User\OneDrive\Documents\Sample", ReadOnly:=True)
End Sub
  • Close the Module window.
  • Go to View tab > Macros.
  • Click on View Macros.

Open Macro Dropdown

  • After clicking View Macros, select the macros that you created just now. The name here is Open_with_File_Read_Only. Then click Run.

  • After clicking Run, the file is now opened as read-only, as shown in the title bar.

the sample file opened here as read only in Excel

Breakdown of the Code

Sub Open_with_File_Read_Only()

⮚ Provide a name for the sub-procedure which is Open_with_File_Read_Only()

Dim wrkbk As Workbook

⮚ Declare wrkbk as variable in Workbook type

Set wrkbk = Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\User\OneDrive\Documents\Sample", ReadOnly:=True)

⮚ The file will then open from the designated directory, and the last argument will set it read-only.

End Sub

⮚ End the sub-procedure of this code.

Method 2 – Using Message Box


  • Go to the Developer tab and click on Visual Basic. If you don’t have that, you must enable the Developer tab. You can also press ‘Alt+F11’ to open the Visual Basic Editor.

Using Message Box to Open Workbook with Variable Name Using VBA in Excel

  • A new dialog box will appear. In that dialog box, click on Insert > Module.

Insert Module

  • In the Module editor window, type the following code:
Sub Open_File_with_Messege_Box()
Dim path As String:
path = "C:\Users\User\OneDrive\Documents\Sample.xlsx"
If Dir(path) <> "" Then
Workbooks.Open (path)
MsgBox "The File Opened Successfully"
MsgBox "Opening of the File Failed"
End If
End Sub

  • Close the Module window.
  • Go to View tab > Macros.
  • Click on View Macros.

Open Macro dropdown

  • After clicking View Macros, select the macros that you created just now. The name here is Open_File_with_Messege_Box. Then click Run.

  • We got the warning box, which is showing that The File Opened Successfully.
  • Click OK.

messege box confirming that the file opened successfully

  • We will see that the file is now open.

  • Try to alter the code a little bit.
  • We changed the file name to Sample10, and there is no file named Sample10 in the documents folder.

  • Rerun the code, and there is a message box saying Opening of the File Failed.
  • Click OK after this.

Messege box saying file not opened successfully

Breakdown of the Code

Sub Open_File_with_Messege_Box()

⮚Provide a name for the sub-procedure which is Open_with_File_Read_Only()

Dim path As String:

⮚ Declare wrkbk as a variable in the Workbook type

If Dir(path) <> "" Then
Workbooks.Open (path)
MsgBox "The File Opened Successfully"

⮚ This line will check whether the file Sample is available in the directory. If it is, it will open the file and show the message.

MsgBox "Opening of the File Failed"

⮚ If there is no file named Sample in the directory, then this message will be delivered.

End If

⮚End the sub-procedure of this code.

End Sub

⮚ End the sub-procedure of this code.

Method 3 – Use of Dialog Box to Open File


  • Open the file using the file explorer dialog box.
  • Go to the Developer tab and click on Visual Basic. If you don’t have that, you must enable the Developer tab. You can also press ‘Alt+F11’ to open the Visual Basic Editor.

Use of Dialog Box toOpen Workbook with Variable Name Using VBA in Excel

  • A new dialog box; in that dialog box, click on Insert > Module.

  • In the Module editor window, type the following code:
Sub Open_File_with_Dialog_Box()
Dim Dbox As FileDialog
Dim File_Path As String
Dim wrkbk As Workbook
Set Dbox = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
Dbox.Title = "Choose and Open " & FileType
If Dbox.SelectedItems.Count = 1 Then
    File_Path = Dbox.SelectedItems(1)
End If
Set wrkbk = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=File_Path)
End Sub
  • Close the Module window.
  • Go to View tab > Macros.
  • Click on View Macros.

  • After clicking View Macros, select the macros that you created just now. The name here is Open_File_with_Dialog_Box. Then click Run.

Run macro to Open Workbook with Variable Name Using VBA in Excel

  • And then a new window opens. In the file explorer dialog box select Sample and click OK.

  • The file named Sample opened.
  • Open the workbook with variable names using VBA in Excel.

Breakdown of the Code

Sub Open_File_with_Dialog_Box()

⮚ Provide a name for the sub-procedure which is Sub Open_File_with_Dialog_Box()

Dim Dbox As FileDialog

⮚ Declare Dbox as a variable in FileDialog type

Dim File_Path As String

⮚ Declare File_Path as a variable in the File_Path As String type

Set Dbox = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
Dbox.Title = "Choose and Open " & FileType

⮚ The first line will contain a dialog box. The next line denotes the dialog box name and the file type.

⮚ Dbox.Title will set the title of the dialog box. and FileType set the file type.


⮚ The Dbox.Filters.Clear will clear any previous filter applied in the diaog box


⮚ The Dbox.Show will make the dialog box appear on the file.

⮚ This line will determine whether the user selected more than one file. If the user selects more than one file, the whole procedure will stop.

End Sub

⮚ End the sub-procedure of this code.

Method 4 – Using Workbook.Add Property


  • Go to the Developer tab and click on Visual Basic. If you don’t have that, you must enable the Developer tab. Or You can also press ‘Alt+F11’ to open the Visual Basic Editor.

Using Workbook.Add Property to Open Workbook with Variable Name Using VBA in Excel

  • A new dialog box, in that dialog box, click on the Insert > Module.

Indert Module to Open Workbook with Variable Name Using VBA in Excel

In the Module editor window, type the following code:

Sub Open_File_with_Add_Property()
Dim File_Path As String: File_Path = "C:\Users\User\OneDrive\Documents\Sample.xlsx"
Dim wb As Workbook
Set wb = Workbooks.Add(File_Path)
End Sub
  • Close the Module window.
  • Go to View tab > Macros.
  • Click on View Macros.

Open Macro dropdown

  • After clicking View Macros, select the macros that you created just now. The name here is Open_File_with_Add_Property. Then click Run.

  • After clicking Run, you will notice that a new file is created and opened.

showing output to open workbook with variable name with VBA

Breakdown of the Code

⮚ Provide a name for the sub-procedure which is Sub Open_File_with_Add_Property()

⮚Declare the File_Path variable as String type.

Dim File_Path As String: File_Path = "C:\Users\User\OneDrive\Documents\Sample.xlsx"

⮚ Set the File_Path variable to the location of the file.

Dim wb As Workbook

⮚Declare wb as a variable in the Workbook type.

Set wb = Workbooks.Add(File_Path)

⮚ The workbook is then added from the directory stored in the File_Path location using the Workbook.Add property.

End Sub

⮚ End the sub-procedure of this code.

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Rubayed Razib Suprov
Rubayed Razib Suprov

Rubayed Razib, holding a BSC degree in Naval Architecture & Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, serves as a devoted member of the ExcelDemy project. He has contributed significantly by authoring numerous articles and showcasing proficiency in VBA. Razib efficiently automates Excel challenges using VBA macros and actively participates in the ExcelDemy forum, providing valuable solutions for user interface challenges. Apart from creating Excel tutorials, he is interested in Data Analysis with MS Excel,... Read Full Bio

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