How to Create Speedometer Chart with Two Needles in Excel

The step-by-step procedure to create a speedometer chart with two needles is explained below. After completing all the steps, the speedometer will look like the image below:

Excel speedometer chart with two needles

Step 1 – Create Criteria and Scale Table

Suppose our dataset shows a monthly production scale of a business. We’ll build the dataset, and then generate a speedometer from it. The first part of the dataset that we need is the Criteria table.

  • Enter the title in the merged cell B4, and the heading of this table in the range of cells B5:C5 as in the image below:

  • Fill the category names in the range B6:B9 and their corresponding values in the range C6:C9 as in the image below:

Create Criteria Table and Scale Table to Create Speedometer Chart with Two Needles

  • In cell C10, enter the formula below to show the total of all the values:


  • Press Enter.

Create Criteria Table and Scale Table to Create Speedometer Chart with Two Needles

Similarly, now we design the Scale Table.

  • Enter the following title in the merged cell F4 and the heading of this table in the range F5:G5:

  • Enter the following scale interval units in the range F6:F15 and their corresponding values in the range G6:G15.

Create Criteria Table and Scale Table to Create Speedometer Chart with Two Needles

  • Enter the following formula into cell G16 to sum all the scale interval values:


  • Press Enter.

Create Criteria Table and Scale Table to Create Speedometer Chart with Two Needles

The dataset needed to create a speedometer chart with two needles in Excel is complete.

Step 2 – Design Needle Position Table

Next, we design the Needle Position Table. We need two sets of particulars to plot two needles on our speedometer, measured monthly in this example.

  • Enter a suitable title in the merged cell B12 and the heading of this table in the range C13:D13.

  • Enter the following details in the range C14:C16 for the month of January. The Production and Width must be input manually. The Width indicates the the width of our needles.

Design Needle Position Table to Create Speedometer Chart with Two Needles

  • To calculate the value of the End point, enter the following formula into cell D16:


  • Press Enter.

Design Needle Position Table to Create Speedometer Chart with Two Needles

  • Similarly, create another slot for the month of February in the range of cells B17:D19.

Design Needle Position Table to Create Speedometer Chart with Two Needles

Our dataset for the needles is complete.

Step 3 – Insert Doughnut Charts for Criteria and Scale Table

Now we’ll insert the values of the Criteria and Scale Table that we created above into a chart.

  • Select the range C6:C10.
  • In the Insert tab, click on the drop-down arrow of the Insert Pie or Doughnut Chart option, and select the Doughnut chart option from the Doughnut section.

Insert Doughnut Charts for Criteria Table and Scale Table to Create Speedometer Chart with Two Needles

The chart will be generated.

Insert Doughnut Charts for Criteria Table and Scale Table to Create Speedometer Chart with Two Needles

  • Click the Chart Elements icon, and uncheck all elements except the Data Labels.

Insert Doughnut Charts for Criteria Table and Scale Table to Create Speedometer Chart with Two Needles

  • Right-click on the doughnut and select the Format Data Series option from the Context Menu.

Insert Doughnut Charts for Criteria Table and Scale Table to Create Speedometer Chart with Two Needles

A side window called Format Data Series will appear.

  • In the Series Options tab, modify the value of the Angle of the first slice from 0 to 270 degrees, and reduce the Doughnut Hole Size from 75% to 40%.

Insert Doughnut Charts for Criteria Table and Scale Table to Create Speedometer Chart with Two Needles

  • Click on the large slice of the doughnut.
  • In the Fill tab, select the No fill option.
  • Select the No line option from the Border section.

Insert Doughnut Charts for Criteria Table and Scale Table to Create Speedometer Chart with Two Needles

  • Click on the Data Labels, and in the drop-down of the Label Options, select the Label Options tab.
  • In the Label Options section, uncheck the Value option, and check the Value From Cells option.

A small dialog box called Data Labels Range will appear.

  • Select the range of cells B6:B9.
  • Click OK.

Our desired data labels are added to the chart.

Insert Doughnut Charts for Criteria Table and Scale Table to Create Speedometer Chart with Two Needles

To insert the Scale Table value in the same chart:

  • Go to the Chart Design tab and select the Select Data option from the Data group.

Insert Doughnut Charts for Criteria Table and Scale Table to Create Speedometer Chart with Two Needles

The Select Data Source dialog box will appear.

  • In the Legend Entities (Series) section, select the Add option.

Another dialog box called Edit Series will appear.

  • In the Series Name field, select cell F4 as the series name.
  • In the Series values field, select the range G6:G16.
  • Click OK to close the Edit Series dialog box.

  • Click OK to close the Select Data Source dialog box.
  • Similarly, format the second doughnut like the first doughnut chart.

Insert Doughnut Charts for Criteria Table and Scale Table to Create Speedometer Chart with Two Needles

Our doughnut chart is done.

Step 4 – Insert Two Needles Chart

Now, we can insert the needles into our chart.

  • In the Chart Design tab, click the Select Data option from the Data group.

Insert Doughnut Charts for Criteria Table and Scale Table to Create Speedometer Chart with Two Needles

The Select Data Source dialog box will appear.

  • In the Legend Entities (Series) section, select the Add option.

Another dialog box called Edit Series will appear.

  • In the Series Name field, select cell B14 as the series name.
  • In the Series values field, select the range D14:D16.
  • Click OK to close the Edit Series dialog box.

  • Click OK to close the Select Data Source dialog box.

The series will appear in our chart.

Insert Two Needle Chart to Create Speedometer Chart with Two Needles

  • In the Chart Design tab, click the Change Chart Type option from the Type group.

Insert Two Needle Chart to Create Speedometer Chart with Two Needles

A dialog box called Change Chart Type will appear.

  • Click the drop-down of the Chart Type of the January series and change the chart type Doughnut to Pie chart.
  • Click OK.

Insert Two Needle Chart to Create Speedometer Chart with Two Needles

The chart will convert into a Pie chart.

  • Right-click on the pie chart and select the Format Data Series option from the Context Menu.

The side window called Format Data Series will appear.

  • In the Series Options tab, change the Angle of the first slice option from 0 to 270 degrees.

Insert Two Needle Chart to Create Speedometer Chart with Two Needles

  • In the Fill tab, select the No line option from the Border section.

Insert Two Needle Chart to Create Speedometer Chart with Two Needles

  • Select the large two slices of the pie chart.
  • In the Fill tab, select the No fill option.

Insert Two Needle Chart to Create Speedometer Chart with Two Needles

  • Select the data labels of the pie chart and press Delete.

Insert Two Needle Chart to Create Speedometer Chart with Two Needles

  • Similarly, add another series for the month of February.

You may notice that no change is shown in our chart.

  • Select the Change Chart Type option from the Type group located in the Chart Design tab.

Insert Two Needle Chart to Create Speedometer Chart with Two Needles

  • The Change Chart Type dialog box will appear.
  • Scroll down to get the February Series and check the Secondary Axis option.
  • Click OK.

Insert Two Needle Chart to Create Speedometer Chart with Two Needles

This time the pie chart will appear.

  • Modify this pie chart like our first pie chart.
  • Further, format the chart according to your desire. We insert an Oval shape at the center of our chart for a better look and set no fill for the shape format to keep the speedometer close to our dataset. Besides that, modify the slice fill color of the needles to distinguish them easily.

Insert Two Needle Chart to Create Speedometer Chart with Two Needles

We have finished creating a speedometer chart with two needles in Excel.

Things You Should Know

During the speedometer chart creation, we kept the width of the needle greater than usual. We did this so that we could easily select the needle slice when it was required. This will help you with smooth editing of the charts.


Step 5 – Verify Speedometer Chart with Different Data

Let’s input some different values to check the accuracy of our speedometer.

  • In the range D14:D15 and D17:D18, input the following values, respectively:
    • Production: 475
    • Width: 5
    • Production: 700
    • Width: 5

Our speedometer will respond automatically, with the needles marking the new production values.

Excel speedometer chart with two needles

Our speedometer chart with two needles doesn’t just look good, it works great too!

Read More: How to Create Speedometer Chart in Excel

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Soumik Dutta
Soumik Dutta

Soumik Dutta, having earned a BSc in Naval Architecture & Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, plays a key role as an Excel & VBA Content Developer at ExcelDemy. Driven by a profound passion for research and innovation, he actively immerses himself in Excel. In his role, Soumik not only skillfully addresses complex challenges but also demonstrates enthusiasm and expertise in gracefully navigating tough situations, underscoring his unwavering commitment to consistently deliver exceptional, high-quality content that... Read Full Bio

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