How to Calculate Age in Excel from ID Number (4 Quick Methods)

While working in Excel, you might need to obtain the age of people from their ID cards. Keeping this in mind, this tutorial aims to explain 4 quick methods on how to calculate age in Excel from ID number.

How to Calculate Age in Excel from ID Number: 4 Quick Methods

Admittedly, Microsoft Excel does not offer any built-in functions to calculate age. However, we can combine a few functions to convert the date of birth to age.

Let’s consider the following dataset (in B4:C14) with the Name of people and their ID Numbers. Generally speaking, the first 6 digits in ID Numbers represent the date of birth of that person in the format yy-mm-dd.

Dataset 1

Fortunately, we can extract the date of birth from the ID Numbers to convert them to Age in years. So, let’s explore these methods one by one.

1. Calculate Age from ID (Step-By-Step Method)

The first method combines various Excel functions to calculate age from ID numbers in an easy and step-by-step process.

1.1 Calculate Age from ID with MID Function

As the title suggests, Excel’s MID, TODAY, and INT functions are used in this method.


  • Firstly, add a Date of Birth column and insert this formula.


Here, the C5 cell represents the ID Number (text argument), and the next two numbers represent the start_num and num_chars arguments respectively. In this formula, the MID function extracts the first 6 digits from the ID Number text.

How to Calculate Age in Excel from ID Number Using MID Function

  • Secondly, insert a Current Date column and type in the TODAY function, which returns the present date.


Using TODAY Function

  • Thirdly, calculate the Age in years by calculating the difference between the two dates and dividing by 365 days.
  • Additionally, the INT function rounds the Age to the nearest whole number.


How to Calculate Age in Excel from ID Number Using MID Function

1.2 Using DATE Function to Extract Age from ID 

This method is similar to the previous, applying Excel’s DATE, LEFT, and INT functions.


  • Firstly, add a Date of Birth column and insert this formula.


Here, the C5 cell represents the ID Number (text argument).

Using DATE Function

  • Then, add a  Current Date column and apply the TODAY function which returns the present date.


Using TODAY Function

  • Next, calculate the Age in years by calculating the difference between the two dates and dividing by 365 days.


How to Calculate Age in Excel from ID Number Using DATE Function

Read More: Metabolic Age Calculator in Excel

2. Compute the Age from the ID Number Directly

If the first method is too much work then our next calculates the age directly without the need for extra columns. Let’s see it in action.

2.1 Calculate Age Using DATEDIF and IF Functions 

Computing the age directly blends the DATEDIF, LEFT, and IF functions respectively, in this example, the C5 cell refers to the ID Number (text argument).


How to Calculate Age in Excel from ID Number Using DATEDIF and IF Function

Formula Breakdown

  • In this formula, the MID function obtains the first 6 numbers from the ID Number in the C5 cell.
  • Next, the IF function checks whether the year is less than or greater than the current year.
  • Lastly, the DATEDIF function subtracts the birth year from the present year and returns the Age.

2.2 Calculate Age with DATEDIF and DATE Functions 

Our next method simplifies the expression even more with help of the DATE function, while, directly determining the age of the person.


How to Calculate Age in Excel from ID Number Using DATEDIF and DATE Function

In this expression, the C5 cell represents the ID Number (text argument), while, the two following numbers refer to the start_num and num_chars arguments respectively.

Formula Breakdown

  • Initially, the DATE function takes in 3 arguments (year, month, day) which are provided by the MID function.
  • Finally, the DATEDIF function returns the Age.

3. Convert ID Number to Age with Data Tools

Are you worried about writing complex expressions and combining functions? Then our third method is the answer to your prayer!

Step 01: Navigate to the Data Ribbon

  • Firstly, add a column (D5:D14) titled Date of Birth and copy & paste all ID Numbers in that column.
  • Next, select all the cells in the column and click the Text to Columns button.

Using Data Tools

Step 02: Extract the Date of Birth from the ID Number

  • Secondly, a Convert Text to Columns Wizard appears.
  • Now, in step 1, select the Fixed width button as all ID Numbers have the same number of digits.

Using Data Tools

  • Then, click to drop the cursor just after the 6th digit from the left side, as depicted in the image below.

Using Data Tools

  • Eventually, select the Date format from the drop-down and press Finish to close the dialog box.

Using Data Tools

Step 03: Calculate the Age

  • Thirdly, add a column named Current Date (E5:E14) and enter the TODAY function to get the present date.

How to Calculate Age in Excel from ID Number Using Data Tools

  • In the last step, make another column for Age (F5:F14) and compute the difference between the two dates, and divide by 365 days to get the Age in years.


How to Calculate Age in Excel from ID Number Using Data Tools

Read More: How to Calculate Retirement Age in Excel

4. Using VBA Code

If you’re wondering, is there a way to define a custom function to compute Age from ID Number? Then VBA has you covered. Before we start, add a Date of Birth column and insert this formula.


How to Calculate Age in Excel from ID Number Using VBA Code

Step 01: Open the VBA Editor

  • To begin, go to the Developer tab and then to Visual Basic.

Using VBA Code

Step 02: Insert the VBA Code

  • Secondly, insert a Module where you’ll paste the VBA code.

Using VBA Code

  • For your ease of reference, you can copy the code from here and paste it into the window as shown below.
Public Function calculate_age(birth_date As Date, Optional result_index As Integer = 0) As Variant
    today_day = Day(Date)
    today_month = Month(Date)
    today_year = Year(Date)
    birth_date_day = Day(birth_date)
    birth_date_month = Month(birth_date)
    birth_date_year = Year(birth_date)
    If birth_date_month < today_month Then
        age = today_year - birth_date_year
    ElseIf birth_date_month = today_month Then
        If birth_date_day <= today_day Then
            age = today_year - birth_date_year
            age = today_year - birth_date_year - 1
        End If
        age = today_year - birth_date_year - 1
    End If
    Dim output_array(25) As Variant
    output_array(0) = age
    output_array(1) = Date
    output_array(2) = today_day
    output_array(3) = today_month
    output_array(4) = today_year
    output_array(5) = birth_date_day
    output_array(6) = birth_date_month
    output_array(7) = birth_date_year
    calculate_age = output_array(result_index)
End Function

How to Calculate Age in Excel from ID Number Using VBA Code

Step 03: Use the Function

  • Thirdly, close the VBA window and return to your worksheet.
  • Finally, type an Equal sign followed by the calculate_age function, and enter a cell reference (D5) containing the date of birth to get the age.

How to Calculate Age in Excel from ID Number Using VBA Code

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I hope these useful methods mentioned above will answer your queries on how to calculate age in Excel from ID number. If you have any questions or feedback, please let me know in the comment section.

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Eshrak Kader
Eshrak Kader

Eshrak Kader is a dedicated professional with a BSc. Degree in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology. He boasts a rich background in Microsoft Office Suite, and over the past year, he has authored over 120 insightful articles for the ExcelDemy. Currently, Eshrak leads a team of 5 in the ExcelDemy Video project and enjoys problem-solving and making videos on Excel. Eshrak’s passion for continuous learning underscores his commitment to excellence in... Read Full Bio


    • Hello RAY,
      Thank you for your question. The Exceldemy team has created an Excel file with the solution to your question. Please provide your email address here, we will send it to you in no time.

      Otherwise, you can just follow the steps below.

      Suppose we want to use the MID Function as shown in Method 1. Now, we want to determine the age of a person whose ID Number starts with 00 (which refers to the Year 2000) but that person was born after the Year 2000.

      Step: 1
      • Firstly, let’s consider Mary with the ID Number to be ‘0005255800012.
      • As a note, Excel removes any leading zeros from numbers so we have inserted an apostrophe comma to store the ID Number as text.

      Step: 2
      • Secondly, let’s assume Mary was born in the Year 2003.
      • Now, on the Date of Birth column insert the formula given below.

      • You should see the result as 25/05/03.

      Step: 3
      • Next, AutoFill the Current Date and Age columns.
      • The value of Age should be 19 years.

      Similarly, we have also included a second example for Julian with the ID Number ‘0108295800012 but he was born in the Year 2006.

      Please feel free to provide any further feedback.

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