Siam Hasan Khan

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Hello! Welcome to my Profile. Here I will be posting articles related to Microsoft Excel. I have completed my BSc in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from American International University-Bangladesh. I am a diligent, goal-oriented engineer with an immense thirst for knowledge and an attitude to grow continuously. Continuous improvement and life-long learning are my mottoes.

Latest Posts From Siam Hasan Khan

Solving Equations in Excel (5 Methods)

Method 1 - Solving Polynomial Equations in Excel A polynomial equation is a combination of variables and coefficients with arithmetic operations. In this ...

How to Make a Pie Chart in Excel: 5 Suitable Methods

Method 1 - Using Charts Group to Make a Pie Chart in Excel Step 1: Inserting Pie Chart Select the data range with which you want to make the Pie Chart. ...

How to Calculate Mean and Standard Deviation in Excel

What Is Mean Deviation? Mean Deviation is a statistical measure of variability. It is calculated as the average of the absolute deviations of the data from ...

How to Calculate Variance in Excel (3 Handy Approaches)

In this article, we shall show you how to calculate variance in Excel. Variance is one of the most useful concepts in statistics. It gives the measurement of ...

How to Use a Compound Interest Formula in Excel – 4 Methods

  A Simple Interest Formula Use this interest formula to calculate the amount of interest: I = Pnr I = calculated simple interest P = Initial ...

How to Multiply in Excel (8 Methods)

We have a dataset of product Names, unit prices, and Quantities. We will learn to multiply this information from the dataset to calculate the Total Price. ...

How to Reduce Excel File Size (11 Suitable Methods)

Larger file sizes can cause slower performance and trouble when sharing files. There can be multiple reasons behind this larger file size, and understanding ...

How to Lock and Unlock Cells in Excel Using VBA

To demonstrate how to lock and unlock cells in Excel, we’ll use the following dataset containing Salesman, Product, and Net Sales in the range B4:D10. ...

How to Compare Two Columns or Lists in Excel (4 Suitable Ways)

Method 1 - Compare Two Columns Using Equal Operator Steps: Add a new column on the right side to show the matching status. Enter the following ...

Browsing All Comments By: Siam Hasan Khan
  1. Thanks Lakisha

  2. Yes, it is possible. I insert the grades, grade points and number as most people want to see all of these 3 data. Here the students’ performance is calculated by differencing the Achieved grade and Targeted grade. You can insert the students targeted grade point instead of his targeted grade and calculate the differences between achieved grade point and targeted grade point to calculate the student`s performance.

  3. Thanks for the feedback.

  4. Thanks for your feedback. It means a lot to us. Keep following our website for more useful articles.

  5. Thanks for your feedback.

  6. Thanks for your feedback, Surya.

  7. Thanks for your comment, Mr. Surya. Stay tuned for more useful articles.

  8. Thanks for the comment Mr. JAN. Well, I didn’t test the code. I found accurate results that I was looking for. The other codes that I found out weren`t that much helpful. There were too many errors.

  9. Thanks for identifying the typing mistake. I have solved it already. It`s good to know that you find this article useful.


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