How to Add Rows with Formula in Excel (5 Easy Methods)

While working with a large dataset in Excel, you want to know the total value of a particular row or multiple rows. In Excel, you can do that in many ways. This article will show you how to add rows in Excel with formula in five simple and easy ways.

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5 Simple Methods to Add Rows with Formula in Excel

Below are some easiest and most used and effective methods to add up or sum the values in rows. Additionally, for avoiding any compatibility issues, try to use the MS Excel 365 edition.

how to add rows in excel with formula

1. Apply Simple Mathematical Expressions

We can use simple algebraic mathematical expressions in Excel to sum or add rows in Excel.


  • Below we have the rows with values in them.
  • For this, we need to calculate the content of the rows in cell C11.

Apply Simple Mathematical Expressions to add rows in excel with formula

  • Then select cell C11 and enter the following formula and press Enter:


  • Hence, after pressing enter, you will notice the total summation of the rows in cell C11.

Read More: How to Sum Selected Cells in Excel (4 Easy Methods)

2. Use of SUM Function

You can use the SUM function to get the summation of your data situated in different rows in the Excel sheet


  • To begin with, we have the Student’s name and their names in the range of cell B4:B9.
  • Thus, we need to estimate the sum of these rows in cell C11.

Use of SUM Function to add rows in excel with formula

  • Then select cell C11 and enter the following formula and press Enter:


  • Hence, after pressing enter, you will notice the total summation of the rows in cell C11.

Read More: How to Add Specific Cells in Excel (5 Simple Ways)

3. Addition of Non-Contagious Rows

What are you going to do if the rows that you want to check are not next to each other? To do that, we can use the SUM function. Which allows separate summation of cells.


  • We have the Student’s name and their names in the range of cell B4:B9.
  • And we thus need to estimate the sum of these rows in cell C11.

  • We already did that in the previous method, in this one we are going to add rows that are not contagious to each other.
  • Then select cell C11 and enter the following formula and press Enter:


  • Hence, after pressing enter, you will notice the total summation of the rows in cell C11.

Read More: How to Add Multiple Cells in Excel (6 Methods)

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4. Use of SUMIF Function

What if there is a problem that arises when you have to display the result based on some specific criteria? Do not be afraid! Remember all the logical expressions that you learned in your first grade? Just utilize that! And here the SUMIF function will be immensely helpful for us.


  • We have the Student’s name and their marks in the range of cell B4:B9.
  • And we thus need to estimate the sum of these rows in cell C11.

Use of SUMIF Function to how to add rows in excel with formula

  • Moreover, in this method, we must add rows based on set conditions.
  • For this, select cell C11 and enter the following formula, and press Enter:


  • Hence, after pressing enter, you will notice the total summation of the rows in cell C11.

  • And this is how we add the rows in Excel using the SUMIF formula.

Read More: Sum Cells in Excel: Continuous, Random, With Criteria, etc.

5. Use of AutoSum Feature

Last but not the least, the AutoSum feature in Excel, is the easiest, time convenient, and most used feature to calculate the summation of data in Excel.


  • To begin with, we have the Student’s name and their names in the range of cell B4:B9.
  • Thus need to estimate the sum of these rows in cell C11.

  • Here, we are going to sum them using the SUM function, but in a different manner.
  • Moreover, we will not add the use of summation by function, instead, we will use the Autosum feature.
  • Then select cell C11 and enter the following formula and go to  Home > Editing > Autosum.
  • Hence, after pressing enter, you will notice the total summation of the rows in cell C11.

  • Hence, after pressing enter, you will notice the total summation of the rows in cell C11.

Read More: Sum Formula Shortcuts in Excel (3 Quick Ways)


Summing up the values of rows is one of the most common calculations that we need in our daily life, whether it could be in our academic life or work life. This article shows you how to add rows in Excel with formulas. Feel free to ask any questions or feedback through the comment section. Any suggestion for the betterment of the Exceldemy community will be highly appreciable.

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Sanjida Ahmed
Sanjida Ahmed

Sanjida Ahmed, who graduated from Daffodil International University with a degree in Software Engineering, has worked with SOFTEKO since 2021. She has written over 100 articles on Excel & VBA and, since 2022, has worked as the Project Manager of the Excel Extension Development Project in the Software Development Department. Since starting this software development, she has established an outstanding workflow encompassing a full SDLC. She always tries to create a bridge between her skills and interests in... Read Full Bio

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