Convert Scientific Notation to x10 to the Power of 3 in Excel

Method 1 – Use Formula to Convert Scientific Notation to x10 to the Power of 3 Format in Excel

1.1 Combine LEFT, TEXT and RIGHT Functions


  • Select the cell C5.

Use Formula to Convert Scientific Notation to x10 to the Power of 3 Format in Excel

  • Enter the following formula in the cell C5:
  • Press
  • The output of the C5 cell is converted into x10^3 format.


This formula is divided into 2 parts. The Right function takes the value of  x10^(). As the cell is referring to the B5 cell, it will take the rightmost 2 digits of the text version of the B5 cell. With the Left function, it takes the value before x10^(). It will take the leftmost 3 digits of the text version of the B5 cell.


  • Drag the “fill handle” down to fill all the cells.

  • All the scientific notations are converted into x10 to the power of 3 (x10^3) format.

Use Formula to Convert Scientific Notation to x10 to the Power of 3 Format in Excel

1.2 Apply REPLACE, SEARCH and TEXT Functions Together


  • Select cell C5.

  • Enter the following formula.
=IF(B5>=1,REPLACE(TEXT(B5,"0.0E+00"),SEARCH("E", TEXT(B5,"0.0E+00")),2,"x10^"), REPLACE(TEXT(B5,"0.0E+00"),SEARCH("E",TEXT(B5,"0.0E+00")),1,"x10^"))
  • Press
  • The output of the C5 cell is converted into x10^3 format.

Use Formula to Convert Scientific Notation to x10 to the Power of 3 Format in Excel


The formula is referring to the B5 cell. If the value of the cell is greater than 1, there is no need to consider the symbol of power. So, we are ignoring the sign of exponential (E). But in the false case, when the value is less than 1, we need to consider the sign of exponential.


  • Drag the “fill handle” down to fill all the cells.

  • All the scientific notations are converted into x10^3 format.

Method 2 – Apply Format Cells Option to Display x10 to the Power of 3 in Excel


  • Select cells C5 to C8 in the x10^3 column.

  • Click on General of Number group from the ribbon.

  • A menu bar will open, select Text.
  • The selected cells are converted into Text format.

Apply Format Cells Option to Display x10 to the Power of 3 in Excel

  • Select cell C5.

  • Enter the number with exponential in cell C5.
  • Enter 50×103 as we want to see 50×10^3.

  • Select 3.
  • 3 is the power of x10.
  • Right-click on the mouse and select Format Cells from the menu.

Apply Format Cells Option to Display x10 to the Power of 3 in Excel

  • A window named Format Cells will open.
  • Click on Superscript and do not change the other parameters.
  • Press OK.

  • Cell C5 is formatted to x10^3 format.

  • Do the same formatting for the other scientific notations.
  • All the scientific notations are converted into x10^3 format.

Apply Format Cells Option to Display x10 to the Power of 3 in Excel

Read More: How to Use Excel Exponential Function of Base 10

Method 3 – 3. Insert User-Defined Function to Show x10 to the Power of 3 Format in Excel


  • Select Visual Basic from the Developer tab.

  • Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window will open.
  • Select Module from the Insert tab.

  • Add the following code in the module:
Function Scientific(Value, Power)
X = Value / (10 ^ Power)
Scientific = Format(X, "0.00") + " x 10^" + Str(Power)
End Function

Insert User-Defined Function to Show x10 to the Power of 3 Format in Excel

  • Return to the dataset.
  • Select cell C5.

  • Add the following formula in the cell:

Insert User-Defined Function to Show x10^3 Format in Excel

  • Press
  • The scientific notation of B5 cell is converted into x10^3 format in cell C5.

Insert User-Defined Function to Show x10 to the Power of 3 Format in Excel

  • Drag the “fill handle” down to fill all the cells.

  • All the scientific notations are converted into x10^3 format.

Insert User-Defined Function to Show x10^3 Format in Excel

Read More: How to Display Exponents in Excel

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Sudipta Chandra Sarker
Sudipta Chandra Sarker

Sudipta Chandra Sarker, BSc, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh, has worked on the ExcelDemy project for over a year. For ExcelDemy, he has authored 42 articles and reviewed over ten articles. He is employed as a junior software developer at the moment. He aims to create various useful Microsoft Office Add-ins, extending the functionality of Office programs. His interests span Microsoft Office Suites, Data Science, VBA, VB.NET, ASP.NET, C#, Excel, and Desktop... Read Full Bio

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