Excel IF Function

[Fixed!] IF Function Is Not Working in Excel (4 Quick Solutions)

The IF function is one of the most used functions in Excel. We use it in a single form or a nested formula for different kinds of logical tests. But ...

How to Check If a Value Is Between Two Numbers in Excel

Excel introduces diverse formulas to check if a value is between two numbers. Do you want to learn the formulas to check if the value is between two ...

If a Value Lies Between Two Numbers Then Return Result in Excel

Excel is a popular and useful tool for analyzing large sets of data. Now, wouldn’t it be great if we could add decision-making ability to our ...

How to Make Yes 1 and No 0 in Excel (2 Effective Methods)

We know that digital devices work with bits and use the binary system to process tasks. So, they just understand 1 and 0. Now, when you type yes or ...

How to Use Multiple IF Condition in Excel (3 Examples)

In this tutorial, we will demonstrate different examples of how to use multiple IF condition in excel. However, we may need to analyze multiple ...

How to Check If Value Exists in Range in Excel (8 Ways)

If you are looking for some of the easiest ways to check if a value exists in range in Excel, then you will find this article useful. For a large ...

How to Use IF Formula with Dates (6 Easy Examples)

While working in Microsoft Excel, there are various formulas to make our work easier. IF formula is one of them. It has a wide range of applications ...

How to Use Excel IF Between Multiple Ranges: 3 Easy Approaches

Here we’ve got a data set with the Names of some students and their Marks in Physics and Chemistry. Method 1 - Combining IF and OR Functions in ...

How to Use Multiple IF Statements with Text in Excel

Many a time while working in Excel, we have to work with multiple IF statements to add different conditions or criteria. In this article, I’ll show ...

How to Write Greater Than or Equal To in Excel IF Function

In general, the IF function in Excel is a logical function where you may need to use various comparison operators: equal, not equal, greater than, ...

How to Use MAX IF Function in Excel (4 Practical Examples)

While working in Excel, we need to find the maximum value under a given condition. The combination of the MAX and IF functions can help you to find ...

How to Use Excel IF Function with Range of Values (10 Examples)

The IF function is one of the most useful and widely used functions of Microsoft Excel. If we need any kind of logical comparison in our daily life ...

How to Use IF Function with Multiple Conditions in Excel

We have already seen, how to use the IF function in basic Excel formulas. Using the IF with other functions together, in a complex formula, allows ...

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