Currency Conversion in Excel

How to Get the Exchange Rate by Date in Excel (2 Methods)

Method 1 - Using the STOCKHISTORY Function The STOCKHISTORY function is a powerful tool in Excel that retrieves historical data for stocks or ...

How to Convert USD to CAD in Excel (4 Quick Tricks)

Converting currency is an essential operation. We can do that in Excel very efficiently. USD (US Dollar) and CAD (Canadian Dollar) are widely used ...

How to Convert CAD to USD in Excel (4 Easy Ways)

Method 1 - Using a General Arithmetic Formula to Convert CAD to USD Steps: Enter the following formula in cell E5: =C5*D5 ...

How to Convert GBP to USD in Excel: 4 Suitable Methods

Method 1 - Using Simple Arithmetic Formula Steps: Select cell D5 and write up the formula. =C5*$G$6 C5= The cell where the prices ...

How to Convert Text to Currency in Excel – 5 Methods

    Method 1 - Applying Cell Formatting Steps: Choose the cell range containing text data. Here, C5:C10. Go to the Home tab ...

How to Convert USD to Euro in Excel – 3 Methods

  Method 1 - Using a General Arithmetic Formula to Convert USD to Euro in Excel The dataset below showcases headers as USD Amount, Exchange ...

How to Convert INR to USD in Excel (4 Methods)

We have the following dataset, which contains the price of some products in INR. We will convert them into USD. Method 1 - Currency ...

How to Automate Currency Conversion in Excel (5 Easy Methods)

Method 1 - Automate Currency Conversion Using Multiplication We have a sample dataset where the  price of each product is shown in USD, which we ...

How to Change Default Currency in Excel (4 Simple Methods)

The following Employee List contains ID, Name and Salary columns. We can see in the Salary column that there is a dollar sign ($). This dollar sign ...

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