How to Create Price Tags in Excel (with Quick Steps)

In this article, we will demonstrate how to create price tags in Excel with a sample data column. Remember one thing, you can change the data according to ways that will serve your purposes.

How to Create Price Tags in Excel: Step-by-step Procedures

Suppose we have Sample Data of Product, Product ID, Type, and Price that are required to create a price tag. First of all, we will add extra columns other than the aforementioned types of columns to create a price tag in Excel.

Sample Data of Product, Product ID, Type, and Price

⦿ Step 1: Add Extra Columns to Join the Text

  • First of all, we will create columns with Title and sample side by side like the followings:

Product: Product-1

Product ID: DF434893

Type: Big Sale

Price: $20

  • To do so, we will use the TEXTJOIN function to combine Row 4 with the corresponding data in the other rows.
  • So, to do the functionality, we will enter the following equation in cell G5.
=TEXTJOIN(": ",TRUE,$B$4,B5)


“: “= Delimiter Argument 

TRUE= Ignore Empty Cells

$B$4= Product

B5= Product-1

âž½ Result: Product: Product-1

use the TEXTJOIN function to combine Row 4 with the corresponding data

  • So now, drag the fill handle downwards to complete the series.

drag the fill handle downwards

  • Secondly, we will use the TEXTJOIN function to combine Row 4 with the corresponding data in the other rows.
  • Now, to do the job, we will enter the following equation in cell H5.
=TEXTJOIN(": ",TRUE,$C$4,C5)


“: “= Delimiter Argument

TRUE= Ignore Empty Cells

$C$4= Product ID

C5= DF434893

âž½ Result= Product ID: DF434893

use the TEXTJOIN function to combine Row 4 with the corresponding data

  • Again, drag the fill handle down to complete the sequence.

drag the fill handle down to complete the sequence

  • Thirdly, we will again use the TEXTJOIN function to combine Row 4 with the corresponding data in the other rows.
  • Now, we will enter the following equation in cell I5.
=TEXTJOIN(": ",TRUE, $D$4,D5)


“: “= Delimiter Argument

TRUE= Ignore Empty Cells

$D$4= Type

D5= Big Sale

âž½ Result= Type: Big Sale

use the TEXTJOIN function to combine Row 4 with the corresponding data

  • Further, we will drag the fill handle downward to complete the series.

Further, we will drag the fill handle downward

  • In this last column, we will use the TEXTJOIN function to combine Row 4 with the corresponding data in the other rows.
  • Now, we will enter the following equation in cell J5.
=TEXTJOIN(": $",TRUE, $E$4,E5)


“: $”= Delimiter Argument

TRUE= Ignore Empty Cells

$E$4= Price

E5= $20

âž½ Result= Price: $20

use the TEXTJOIN function to combine Row 4 with the corresponding data

  • Again, like in the many previous steps, now, drag the fill handle downward to complete the series.

drag the fill handle downward to complete the series

⦿ Step 2: Create Price Tags Within a Cell

  • At this moment, we will combine cells from the extra columns and combine them under the Price Tag.
  • We have used the following formula to serve that purpose.


CHAR(10)= Line Break Argument

TRUE= Ignore Empty Cells

TRANSPOSE(G5:J5)= Cells from G5 to J5 will be transposed.

âž½ Result= “Product: Product-1

                   Product ID: DF434893

                  Type: Big Sale

                  Price: $20″

Create Price Tags Within a Cell

  • Last but not least, we will select the following Home >> Alignment >> Wrap Text.

Create Price Tags Within a Cell

  • To see the full cell, we will double-click on the row like the image below. (Or use the AutoFit Row Height command.)

double-click on the row like the image below

  • Now to complete the Price Tag column, we will drag the fill handle down like in the image below.

to complete the Price Tag column, we will drag the fill handle down like in the image below

  • Like the following image, we will select multiple rows.

Create Price Tags Within a Cell

  • Now double-click on the mouse when the Excel cursor turns into like in the following image.

double-click on the mouse when the Excel cursor turns into like in the following image

  • Now we have the Price tag column. Further, you can modify your tag according to your preference.

the Price tag column

  • Select a wide column, if not wide make it wide and select AutoFit Column Width.

Create Price Tags Within a Cell

  • Again, select all rows and select AutoFit Row Height.

select all rows and select AutoFit Row Height

  • Our final table containing data for the price tags is here as in the image below.

final table containing data for the price tags

Read More: How to Make Name Tags in Excel

Download Practice Workbook

You can download the practice workbook from the following download button.


Follow these steps and stages on how to create price tags in excel. You are welcome to download the workbook and use it for your own practice. If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, please leave them in the comments.

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Al Ikram Amit
Al Ikram Amit

Al Ikram Amit, holding a BSc in Naval Architecture & Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, serves as a key Excel & VBA Content Developer at ExcelDemy. Driven by a profound passion for research and innovation, he actively immerses himself in Excel. In his role, Amit not only skillfully addresses complex challenges but also exhibits enthusiasm and expertise in gracefully navigating tough situations, emphasizing his steadfast commitment to consistently delivering exceptional, high-quality content that adds significant... Read Full Bio

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